Chepetskoe (“Chepetskoe”)

Beer “Chepetskoye” is produced at a distillery in the city of Glazov, Udmurt Republic, which specializes in the production of stronger alcoholic beverages. The manufacturer produces the only brand of beer that is brewed in its own brewery.

Historical reference. Glazovsky distillery was founded in 1900. For 118 years of existence, the company has succeeded in the production of more than 35 types of alcohol products. Beer began to be brewed in 1998. In a computerized workshop, the finished drink is poured into kegs and bottles with a capacity of 0,33 and 0,5 liters.

The Chepetskoye Premium variety was awarded a silver award in the Brewer’s Pride competition, held as part of the First All-Russian Conference on Independent Brewing in Russia in 2014, in the Light Filtered Beer nomination. Professional tasters evaluated not only the taste, color and aroma of the drink, but also the saturation of carbon dioxide and foaming.

Types of beer Chepetskoe

The company produces two types of beer: “Chepetskoye light unpasteurized” and “Chepetskoye Premium”.

Light unpasteurized

“Chepetskoe light unpasteurized” settles quickly and does not stick to the walls of the glass. Some wateriness is felt in the drink, the taste of grassy hops prevails, in the aroma there are notes of wet grain. The taste is soft, fresh and gives a feeling of light sweet and sour aftertaste. For some consumers, the absence of bitterness is especially valuable.

The taste of “Chepetskoye light unpasteurized” may not seem too saturated for those who are used to bright taste sensations.

“Chepetskoye Premium”

The drink is characterized by a sweetish malt flavor and the absence of hop bitterness. Soft velvety notes are emphasized by noticeable fruity nuances. Hop aroma similar to lemonade. The pure light yellow color is transparent, the foam is finely bubbled, it lasts about 2 minutes.

Chepetskoe (“Chepetskoe”)

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