Chemotherapy and its effects on the body

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Chemotherapy is one of the most effective methods in the fight against cancer cells and although its side effects are often very burdensome, its primary goal should always be taken into account, i.e. effective fight against cancer. Before starting therapy, however, it is worth knowing what to expect and how to alleviate the side effects of treatment.

The material was created in cooperation with Nutramil Complex

The action of chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a systemic treatment of cancer with the use of cytostatic drugs. Cytostatic drugs work throughout the body. Their main task is to destroy cells that differ from healthy cells in the body with a high growth fraction. Cancer cells are such cells. Unfortunately, although to a lesser extent, cytostatics also destroy healthy cells in the body, especially those that show a high growth fraction, and therefore divide quickly. These include bone marrow cells, hair follicle cells, epithelial cells in the mouth, digestive tract and reproductive system.

The individual selection of cytostatic drugs and the chemotherapy plan depend primarily on the type of cancer, the degree of its advancement and the patient’s response to treatment. Most often, chemotherapy is given in cycles. After the medication stage, there is a break that the body needs to regenerate. The drugs themselves can be taken orally, administered intravenously or into the body cavities.

Side effects of chemotherapy

Unfortunately, chemotherapy also causes undesirable side effects, which depend on the drugs used, but also on the individual response of the body. Bothersome symptoms may vary and may vary in severity from patient to patient.

The most common side effects are nausea and persistent vomiting. They can appear a few hours after taking the medicine and last up to several days. These symptoms may be accompanied by other digestive ailments, such as: diarrhea, flatulence, constipation. Patients often lose their appetite for these reasons, and in addition they may experience disturbances in the perception of taste and smell. Since cytostatics have a negative effect on epithelial cells, problems with the mouth, gums and throat in the form of ulceration, irritation or infection may arise. Problems on the part of the digestive system very often result in malnutrition, which hampers the treatment process.

The adverse effect of chemotherapy on the hair follicles causes hair loss and alopecia. And although it is a reversible process and hair grows back after the end of therapy, it is often a very serious psychological problem.

Bone marrow suppression caused by cytostatic drugs may be manifested by a reduced production of an adequate number of blood cells. The deficiency of red blood cells may be so great that anemia develops, which manifests itself by a feeling of constant weakness and fatigue. In turn, the deficiency of nutrophiles, white blood cells responsible for fighting various types of infections, makes the weakened body even more vulnerable to them. The excessive decrease of thrombocytes responsible for blood clotting is also dangerous. It can result in excessive bleeding from wounds, nose and gums.

Chemotherapy can also cause damage to the heart muscle, impaired function of the urinary system or damage to the lung parenchyma (pneumotoxicity). Most often, the side effects of chemotherapy are temporary and disappear irretrievably after the end of therapy and recovery.

How to mitigate the side effects of cytostatic drugs?

The basis for reducing the side effects of chemotherapy is a wide range of supportive treatments. On the basis of regular checkups at each stage of the therapy, the attending physician, depending on the needs, introduces additional pharmacological agents: drugs that increase the production of red blood cells, drugs that prevent the decrease in the number of white blood cells, or, when their level is too low, introduces antibiotics. It also alleviates nausea and persistent vomiting in a pharmacological manner. You can also use the Sea-Band Acupressure Anti-Nausea Bands for children or the adult version.

With most everyday ailments, such as constant fatigue or problems with the cellular system, the patient usually struggles with the help of his loved ones. It often requires a complete change of the way of life, many sacrifices, limitations, but also determination and patience. Before taking cytostatic drugs, the patient should introduce an easily digestible, semi-fluid diet to reduce nausea and vomiting. During chemotherapy, meals should be smaller, but more frequent, every 2-3 hours. Hot and cold dishes as well as spicy foods should be avoided. If, nevertheless, there is vomiting or diarrhea, remember to provide the body with plenty of fluids, in the form of light teas or still water. You have to take into account that the body is weakened and gets tired quickly. If possible, we perform light activities, but do not exert ourselves and rest even several times a day.

The role of diet in chemotherapy and during convalescence

Providing the body with the nutrients it needs is one of the factors that guarantee the success of treatment. The body needs a lot of energy to function normally and still have the strength to fight the disease. It also needs a lot of wholesome protein, up to twice as much as usual, to be able to rebuild tissue damaged by chemotherapy. For this, you also need antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

The proper supply of the right amount of nutrients should be a priority at the beginning of treatment. Some patients are very weakened by the ongoing disease at the time of the initial examinations, and the introduced drugs will only aggravate this condition. Problems with the digestive system and lack of appetite, and sometimes even anorexia, make it very difficult to provide the right amount of nutrients with traditional meals. This is where medical food comes to the rescue. High-quality Nutramil Complex concentrates provide the body with all the necessary ingredients. Adapted with consistency, with different flavors, they are not only a great alternative in a situation where we do not want or can not prepare a meal, but also increase the energy value of the meal, being a valuable supplement to the daily diet.

The material was created in cooperation with Nutramil Complex

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