The patient does not feel ashamed of hyperglycemia as a result of diabetes. But erectile dysfunction, which is very often a complication of the same disease, is.
Many men could easily restore erections, satisfying both lovers, if they only went to the appropriate doctor.
Chemistry and plumbing
When a man touches the skin of a woman he desires, smells a lover, or watches an erotic or pornographic film, the last thing he thinks about is that his erection involves the central nervous system, the sympathetic and parasympathetic parts of the peripheral nervous system, the arteries, smooth muscles, cavernous bodies, nitric oxide, guanylate cyclase, calcium ions… and that’s not all. When there are no erection problems, there is also no reason to think about it. But a man whose ability to get an erection is impaired for some reason should realize that erection is the end product of a combination of many factors; interpersonal sensory-motor-neuro-hormonal-vascular-psycho-socio-cultural experience.
Its component is almost one hundred percent physiological, so at no stage is a powerful and developed organ called masculine impaired. Erectile dysfunction does not mean loss of masculinity, but dysfunction in one part of the cause-and-effect chain. So you can easily go to the doctor with this problem, who will not be bursting with laughter, but will only make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
– The more that for a specialist, diagnostics is a simple matter, and the treatment is effective – convinces Iwona Jankowska-Wojniak, specialist sexologist, member and supervisor of the Polish Sexological Society and a member of the Polish Society for Sexual Medicine, who runs an office in Szczecin. – Erectile dysfunction is a disease and should be treated, especially since the problem affects more and more men, at an increasingly younger age.
The sooner the cheaper
Erectile dysfunction can be caused by psychogenic or organic factors. If this division were to be made in numbers, it would turn out that the psyche decides about 10% of cases, while the rest is a derivative of organic disorders or the result of a combination of both causes. In the case of younger men, the mental sphere is more likely to fail – they are busy, work all day, and the rest of the time they are worried about work, unable to relax or turn off. In older men, the reasons should be sought rather in the organic sphere.
Erectile dysfunction can be the first symptom of serious diseases, e.g. diabetes, hypertension, prostate enlargement, hormonal disorders, and even multiple sclerosis, and it happens that they precede the diagnosis of the disease by several years. Iwona Jankowska-Wojniak characterizes a typical patient with erectile dysfunction as follows:
– He is 46-56 years old, married and has type II diabetes and / or hypertension. He takes at least one medication chronically. One comes to the doctor within about 2 years of the appearance of symptoms of erectile dysfunction. He hasn’t had sex for several months. It could be otherwise if he had only intervened as soon as the first symptoms were noticed. Then the diagnosis is faster, the treatment is easier, shorter and … cheaper.
See a doctor with an illness!
Well, this typical patient is diabetic, as 50-90% of diabetics suffer from erectile dysfunction, and in 15-20% it is the first symptom of the disease, Iwona Jankowska-Wojniak alarms. And reminds that sexology is a branch of medicine, which specializes in medicine only after completing medical studies and specializing in the basic subject: gynecology, internal medicine or psychiatry.
As can be seen from the above statistics, the diagnosis and treatment of erectile dysfunction cannot be based on sending the patient to a couch and questioning about the course of childhood – you need reliable medical knowledge, especially since it happens that it is the sexologist who first diagnoses a serious disease somatic and refer the patient to a specialist. The diagnostic process does not only concern the penis, which is only the effect of the disease process taking place completely elsewhere.
The basic diagnosis of erectile dysfunction is 80% of a reliable, directionally collected interview, as well as basic and extended biochemical and hormonal tests. Sometimes more extensive diagnostics is also necessary: ECG, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, assessment of blood supply to the lower extremities, neurological examinations or, already highly specialized, Doppler examinations.
Risk factors
The main risk factors for erectile dysfunction are:
– hypertension, atherosclerosis, hyperlipidemia,
– diabetes,
– neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, stroke, brain tumors, epilepsy, discopathies, peripheral neuropathies),
– conditions after injuries and pelvic surgery,
– hormonal disorders,
– depression, mental illness,
– iatrogenic factors (drug, alcohol, nicotine or drug abuse).
But, of course, erectile dysfunction can also be the result of completely normal, typical, and physiological age-related changes, which is hard for men in their XNUMXs to believe. And the exclusion of these serious diseases is precisely the task of the attending physician.
In the above article, the names of potentially fatal diseases that may somehow be related to the presence of erectile dysfunction were mentioned. In this situation, it seems at least unwise to reach for fancifully advertised miracle drugs for potency. When your erection problems are caused by a disease, even if the pills work temporarily, the cause of your erection will not disappear. And yet it would be good if she disappeared. This is a job for the doctor.
Julia Wolin
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