Chemical peeling – indications, types of peels, the course of the treatment

A chemical peel, also known as chemabrasion, is a type of peel that uses a specific blend of chemicals to remove dead skin. Chemical peeling should be carried out in specialized beauty salons or at a dermatologist, because this type of treatment requires experience and skills on the part of the person performing the procedure. Removal of dead epidermis cells leaves the skin nourished and enhances the effect of care products. When is it worth doing a chemical peel, what are the effects of its use?

Chemical peeling – indications

Chemical peeling is especially recommended for people who struggle with acne, discoloration or acne scars, because the substances used during its application have drying properties, reduce excessive serum secretion and narrow the pores. Chemical peeling can also help reduce shallow wrinkles. This type of procedure is most often performed on the face, but also on the neck, cleavage, back, arms and even hands.

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Chemical peeling – contraindications

Chemical peeling, on the other hand, should not be performed by people with sensitive skin, as it can severely irritate it and even lead to infection. Chemical peeling should absolutely not be used by pregnant women and during the lactation period, people struggling with herpes, skin eczema, cellulitis, psoriasis, skin inflammations, open skin wounds, atopic dermatitis, sunburn.

Chemical peeling should not be used during steroid therapy or taking vitamin A derivatives. Chemical peeling is also contraindicated after surgical operations on those sites that would be treated.

Chemical peeling – types and effects

There are three types of chemical peels. The most advanced is the so-called deep peeling – the chemicals used then act not only on the epidermis, but also on the dermis. It is recommended that this type of chemical peeling be performed by a dermatologist, as it requires the use of very strong chemicals. Deep peeling allows you to eliminate wrinkles and scars.

In turn, medium deep peeling differs from deep in that although its action affects both the epidermis and the dermis, the chemicals used for the treatment show much weaker effect. The medium-deep chemical peel is performed when the patient wants to get rid of not too deep wrinkles, discoloration or acne scars.

Surface peeling is a chemical peel that works on the epidermis. It allows you to reduce rather small and fine wrinkles, as well as acne and discoloration. After chemical peeling, the skin is nourished, smoothed, and the color evens out.

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Chemical peeling – the course and procedure after the treatment

Chemical peeling should be performed by a person with appropriate knowledge and experience in performing this type of treatment. This is especially important because improperly performed chemical peeling can have unpleasant consequences. Wrong selection of chemicals and too high concentration of acids can lead to skin burns, bacterial infections and, consequently, permanent changes in appearance.

However, before a specialist in the field of dermatology or cosmetology performs a chemical peel, he performs a very thorough cleaning of the places where the treatment will be performed. He applies a previously prepared mixture of acids to the skin and leaves for a few minutes. During this time, the treated person may feel a slight burning sensation. After this time, it washes off the mixture.

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After chemical peeling, the skin may be red for several weeks. If a deep chemical peeling is performed, pain may occur that will be unbearable for the patient, therefore the specialist uses local anesthesia after thorough cleansing of the skin. It consists in applying phenol and then neutralizing it with water. Later, an ointment is applied to reduce pain and smooth the skin.

On the other hand, after performing a medium-deep or superficial peeling, the pain does not disappear, apply cold compresses. If the pain is troublesome, painkillers can be used. Remember to avoid excessive sun exposure after chemical peeling. Cosmetics containing alcohol should also be avoided, as they will excessively irritate the skin.

Chemical peeling – means used during the treatment

The selection of the type and concentration of chemical agents depends on the type of chemical peeling performed. The most commonly used chemicals are acids such as: BHA (beta-hydroxy acid) used for pore cleansing and acne therapy; AHA (alpha-hydroxy acids) – intended for dry skin; TCA (trichloroacetic acid) – works very well against acne, significantly reducing the secretion of sebum; glycolic acid – very effective against wrinkles and discoloration; pyruvic acid – removes blackheads.

You can also do acid peeling at home. For this purpose, order Bioherba home use peeling with AHA and BHA acids.

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