Cheese in terms of its effect on the body is equated to narcotic products

American scientists have compared cheese to a drug. According to them, the product is capable of causing addiction, like illegal drugs. The research was conducted in Michigan. In the course of them, scientists analyzed the properties of various foods to find out which of them are capable of causing addiction. Pizza ranked first on the list due to the inclusion of cheeses.

What is the danger of cheese? By itself, nothing. But casein is present in abundance in it. When ingested and broken down in the stomach, it releases narcotic substances known as opiates (or casomorphins). Having penetrated into the blood, and therefore into the brain, they act on opioid receptors. The latter control the process of reward or pain and become active under the influence of opiates. They are similarly affected by heroin and cocaine.

All dairy products contain hazardous substances. But not every casein is present in significant quantities. For example, there is not much of it in milk. But cheese is another matter. To produce a kilogram of this product, ten liters of milk are needed. This explains the high concentration of casein in cheese.

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