Cheese halumi

Halloumi is a Levantine cured cheese. It is made from a mixture of goat and cow milk. Cow’s milk is not used for the sake of giving a special taste or structure to the product. It’s just that goats are not able to fully provide production with raw materials, but with cow’s milk the situation is much better. This cheese has a pronounced salty taste and an ideal dense structure. Halloumi can be grilled without fear of ruining the technique, as it does not melt or drip into the fire.

What you need to know about the product, how to prepare chalumi and is it safe to use it daily?

General product characteristics

Halloumi is a traditional cheese of the countries of the eastern Mediterranean Sea (Palestine, Syria, Lebanon) [1]. The product is also popular in the culinary traditions of Europe and Cyprus. It is prepared on the basis of two milk formulas, and different manufacturers use their own combinations. Someone prepares halloumi based on sheep and goat milk, someone adds cow’s milk. In industrial cheese, a combination of goat and cow’s milk is most often found, since it is economically beneficial for the manufacturer.

Interesting: halloumi has a high melting point, so it can be safely exposed to high temperatures. The product is grilled, pan-fried or deep-fried, less often boiled or added to soups [2]. It retains a dense structure, does not spread and does not fall apart.

The high melting point of the product is the result of a special recipe and preparation technique. Halloumi is made from milk mixture, which is preheated and only then placed in brine. A sharp jump in temperature gives the effect of an elastic, but dense structure and resistance to heat.

BRIEF HISTORICAL SUMMARY: The origin of this product is still a matter of controversy. It is authentically known that halloumi was popular in Cyprus in 1571. Similar recipes later began to appear in many parts of the world: Egypt, the Caucasus, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, the countries of Central Asia.

The controversial origin did not prevent the spread of cheese throughout the land. While the countries of the eastern Mediterranean decide who actually owns halloumi, its name is registered by Cyprus as a trademark on the American continent.

The use of cheese in cooking

In addition to the classic halloumi, there is mint on the market. It differs from others by grayish-green blotches and a characteristic aroma. Mint gives the product a freshness and a unique taste that is perfect for salads, bruschettas and side dishes. Moreover, mint has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect, additionally disinfecting the dairy product. Mint cheese is an original snack for all occasions. Just prepare a bright cheese plate to surprise your guests not only gastronomically, but also aesthetically.

Traditionally, the cheese is made in the shape of a miniature semicircle. Its weight is about 250 grams, not exceeding the size of a medium-sized wallet. The concentration of fat in one semi-circle is 25% of the total weight or 47% of the dry mass [3] [4]. Protein level reaches 17% [5].

Interesting: if the use of cheese is accompanied by creaking on the teeth, do not rush to complain about the manufacturer. Before you is a perfectly cooked halloumi, in which the proportions are observed and the recipe is clearly maintained.

The traditional cheese is characterized by a snow-white hue of the crust and slices, a layered structure that is identical to Italian mozzarella, and a subtle salty taste. The product is not only kept, but also stored in a saline solution. Halloumi can be stored for about a year in brine without losing any taste, nutritional value, quality or freshness. Long-term storage is only possible under certain conditions. The product can be edible for 1 year when frozen at -18 °C and thawed at +4 °C.

Ripe or thermally processed halloumi is served as an independent dish or added to appetizers, salads and even soups. The best gastronomic combination is halloumi with fried or grilled vegetables. In addition to giving a special taste, vegetables help the fatty dairy product to digest faster and easier and level out possible gastrointestinal problems.

The favorite delicacy of Cypriots during the hot period is cheese and watermelon. Another popular combination is halloumi and slices of soft lamb sausage, smoked lamb or pork.

Chemical composition of the product

Halloumi cheese has a high nutritional value [6] [7].

Nutritional value (per 100 grams)
Caloric value255 kcal
Proteins25 g
Fats16 g
Carbohydrates2,6 g
Ash1,39 g
Water80,8 g
Vitamin content (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Retinol (A)624
Thiamine (V1)0,067
Riboflavin (V2)0,04
Choline (B4)7,6
Pantothenic Acid (B5)0,451
Pyridoxine (V6)0,11
Fillohinon (K)0,0026
Tocopherol (E)0,73
Ascorbic acid (C)228
Nicotinic acid (PP)1,08
Balance of minerals (in milligrams per 100 grams)
Potassium (K)417
Calcium (Ca)18
Magnesium (Mg)22
Sodium (Na)2
Phosphorus (P)40
Trace Elements
Iron (Fe)0,26
Manganese (Mn)0,15
Copper (Cu)0,00023
Selenium (Se)0,0006

The benefits and possible harm of the product

Among the useful properties of the product are [8]:

  • strengthening immunity due to the presence of ascorbic acid (vitamin C);
  • improving the functionality of the nervous system due to B vitamins;
  • lowering blood cholesterol levels and reducing swelling due to choline (vitamin B4);
  • improvement of vision and skin condition due to retinol (vitamin A);
  • stabilization of the work of the heart and blood vessels due to magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K);
  • strengthening of bone tissue and stimulation of regenerating properties due to calcium (Ca) and phosphorus (P) [9].

However, all the useful properties of the product may be nullified due to possible side effects. First, halloumi has a high concentration of fat. Daily use of it can upset the balance of BJU, provoke health problems and slow down the metabolism. Be mindful of the amount of food you eat, and add a similar portion of vegetables to a block of fatty cheese.

Secondly, the product is replete with salt. Violation of the sodium-potassium balance leads to dehydration, fatigue and swelling [10]. Thirdly, animal milk contains antibiotics, hormones and other harmful substances. How did they get there? The hormones are naturally produced in the body of the cow/sheep/goat and pass into the milk. Antibiotics are a productivity improvement method used by most industrial manufacturers.

To avoid unpleasant symptoms, reduce the consumption of fatty dairy products to a minimum. If refusal is impossible, then choose cheeses based on sheep or goat milk. They contain much less harmful enzymes, which reduces the risk of hormonal failure, heart disease, blood vessels and obesity.

How to fry cheese

Nutritional Value of 1 Portions of Roasted Halumi
Caloric valueProteinsFatsCarbohydrates
334 kcal15,2 g30,5 g0,8 g

We need:

  • olive oil – 50 ml;
  • halloumi – 300 g;
  • capers – 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh oregano – 2 tablespoons.

Heat up the olive oil in a pan. Make medium heat so that the oil does not smoke. Place the pre-sliced ​​halloumi into the preheated skillet. The pieces of cheese should be medium in size to achieve the perfect balance between the toasted rind and the tender texture of the pulp. Fry the cheese until the entire surface is browned, then place on a paper towel to remove excess fat.

Transfer the finished product to a deep plate, decorate it with oregano leaves and capers. You can add your favorite spices, lemon juice, and any foods you like. Thoroughly mix the contents of the plate and serve immediately.

Sources of
  1. ↑ Internet resource Sciencedirect. – Halloumi.
  2. ↑ GoodFood on BBC. – Halloumi recipes.
  3. ↑ Social network for scientists ResearchGate. – Halloumi cheese: the product and its characteristics.
  4. ↑ Open access library – Effects of fat on the properties of halloumi cheese.
  5. ↑ Journal of Dairy Science. – Detection of milk powder and caseinates in Halloumi cheese.
  6. ↑ Portal of Croatian scientific and professional journals – HRČAK. – Chemical and textural attributes of Hellim (Halloumi) cheese marketed in Turkey.
  7. ↑ U.S. Department of Agriculture. – Halloumi cheese.
  8. ↑ Health website Healthline. – What is halloumi? All you need to know.
  9. ↑ U.S. National Library of Medicine. – Vitamin D and Calcium for the prevention of fracture: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  10. ↑ U.S. National Library of Medicine. – Sodium intake and hypertension.

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