
Starting position

Daughter — 4 years without 2 weeks. She performed household and routine chores every other time. Often it was necessary to repeat, sometimes it was necessary to apply a very strict tone. She cleaned the toys 1-2 times a week, I always made the bed.

2 weeks ago I made a checklist according to the daily routine. She did 80% of the cases that I entered every day.

Added: exercises, cleaning the bed, toys and clothes, washing hands before eating.

I picked up a picture for each lesson, there are many different options on the Internet.

Stickers are sold in stationery stores, they are just for such calendars.

The daughter usually fills out the checklist in the evening, before bed. If she forgets to do something, I suggest she look at the schedule.

When filling out, she honestly notes only what she completed. Opposite each case paints a square. If, as a result, everything is painted over, I give her 3 stickers — asterisks, for 1 missed case — 2 stickers, for 2 — 1, more than two cases — there will be no asterisks.

Our checklist also works like a calendar, I mark it when and where we will go.

Summary of work in 2 weeks

  1. She immediately completes the task in 8 cases out of 10, without my requirements and repetitions.
  2. In the evening, when she sees what is left, she tries to close everything. Sometimes we do exercises before going to bed. If I have folded my clothes (sometimes I forget), she is looking for something else to do the job.
  3. Making the bed (she helps me as long as the blanket is big for her) has become a morning ritual.
  4. Cleaning of toys and clothes is done daily, this is an evening ritual.
  5. The quality of performance is getting better every day.
  6. Changing clothes after kindergarten and washing hands have become common tasks, not an hourly story.
  7. The child learns to live according to the schedule, which is very useful.


I guess it was correct that I added 20% new cases. When everything becomes familiar, you can enter a fresh batch of tasks.

In our case, it is planned to help around the house: cleaning the table and sorting out clean linen, what she does at will, will be introduced as her duty.

For younger children, a separate checklist for morning and / or evening rituals may come up, then the pictures will be larger, and 3-5 pieces are enough.

Click here for our checklist

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