Check what you can eat and what to avoid in celiac disease

Celiac disease, also called celiac disease, can lead not only to gastrointestinal discomfort, but also to anemia, liver dysfunction, anemia, avitaminosis, and a decrease in bone mineral density. The condition for recovery is a properly selected diet.

Check if you have celiac disease?

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1/ 10 Gluten is an ingredient in cereals

Celiac disease is caused by the body’s intolerance to the protein of certain grains – gluten. As a result of this disease, the intestinal villi are damaged by gluten, and as a consequence – the absorption of nutrients is disturbed and the patient becomes emaciated. Photo Shutterstock

2/ 10 Wheat and wholemeal bread

Eliminate gluten-containing grains such as wheat, rye, barley or oats, as well as all products and foods with them from your diet.

3/ 10 Be careful with yoghurts and oatmeal

You should also be careful when choosing low-fat dairy products, yoghurt, milk and chocolate drinks, which may contain gluten-containing modified starch. Photo Shutterstock

4/ 10 Frankfurters and meat offal

Meat offal: sausages, frankfurters, hamburgers, pates, sausages, black pudding, headcheese, meatballs, meat puddings and canned fish, and other products with the addition of hydrolyzed vegetable protein may contain gluten. Photo Shutterstock

5/ 10 Gluten-free cake

You can bake gluten-free bread yourself from a special gluten-free dough concentrate. The shops also offer a wide selection of gluten-free dessert products, such as biscuits, gingerbreads, wafers, etc. Photo by BE&W Fot. BE&W

6/ 10 Gluten-free pasta

There are also special gluten-free pastas on the market. They are appropriately marked on the packaging. Photo Shutterstock

7/ 10 Buckwheat

There are grains that do not contain gluten. Therefore, cereal products such as bread and pasta made of rice, corn, buckwheat and potato flour are allowed in the gluten-free diet. Photo Shutterstock

8/ 10 Rice and corn

The safest grains eaten by celiac disease sufferers is rice and corn. Photo Shutterstock

9/ 10 Rice bread

Rice bread is often marked with a gluten-free product symbol. Photo Shutterstock

10/10 Fot. Shutterstock

Corn flakes and crisps can be safely eaten by children with celiac disease. Photo Shutterstock

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