The vast majority of physically active people train to improve the appearance of their body. Only a small percentage of exercisers treat exercise as a tool to increase endurance or strength. Rarely does anyone pay attention to coordination in their training. It is a pity, because it is extremely useful, especially on a daily basis, motor skill.
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Coordination is one of the basic human motor skills. It functions as a traffic regulator, and therefore is responsible for its control. What exactly is motor coordination? First of all, it is the ability to carry out movements that are complex in time and space, as well as to change one movement task into another. It also includes the ability to solve new, unforeseen movement situations. What is extremely important, coordination is also responsible for the quick and permanent learning of new motor skills.
What determines the level of coordination?
The level of motor coordination depends on many factors. These include, among others, motor skills, imaginations, motor memory, the state of the nervous system, previously acquired motor experiences, and many others. It should be remembered that each new movement habit is built on the basis of already possessed motor memory. Hence, it is extremely important to have (and constantly develop) a wide base of movement habits.
Remember about the news!
In order to develop motor coordination, new and varied exercises should be used constantly. Thanks to this, it is possible to constantly and properly develop this motor ability. Also, do not forget about the exercises you have already learned. However, in their case it is advisable to use various types of modifications. They can relate to two aspects:
- Zmiany sposobu wykonania ćwiczenia – Modyfikacja może dotyczyć między innymi: tempa i kierunku ruchu, poziomu użytej siły, wykorzystywanych do wykonania ruchu mięśni, rytmu ćwiczenia, a także zaakcentowania wybranej fazy ruchu.
- Changes in the conditions of exercise performance – These include, first of all, the use of various types of training accessories / equipment, changing the spatial conditions of movement, limiting visual control, changing the type of surface on which the exercise is performed, applying various training loads, as well as reducing or increasing the space allocated for execution of a given move.
How to develop coordination?
Jak wprowadzić powyższe wytyczne w życie? Przede wszystkim należy unikać wykonania stale tych samych ćwiczeń. Praktycznie każdą partię ciała można bodźcować za pośrednictwem co najmniej kilkunastu różnych ćwiczeń. Nic nie stoi więc na przeszkodzie, by w kolejnych treningach, w których angażowana będzie dana partia ciała, wykonywać inne ćwiczenia ją bodźcujące. Warto również wprowadzić do realizowanych przez siebie treningów obciążenie zewnętrzne. Przy czym nie trzeba od razu wydawać majątku na hantle lub inny sprzęt treningowy. W zupełności wystarczą butelki z wodą lub piaskiem. Wskazane jest również modyfikowanie ruchów w wykonywanych ćwiczeniach. Między innymi można zaakcentować fazę negatywną – na przykład wykonując przysiad można wolniej wykonywać ruch zginania nóg w stawach kolanowych.
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Damian Yefremienko Coach
Master of physical education with a training specialty, graduate of postgraduate studies in dietetics and nutritional counseling at the Medical University in Poznań, doctoral student at the Department of Sport Theory of the University of Physical Education in Poznań, physical recreation instructor specializing in strength exercises, would-be physiotherapist. scientific. He hates mediocrity and cursory problem solving. Personalization and a holistic approach to the patient are “obvious obvious” for him. She loves to share her knowledge and is eager to expand it. He is most interested in all issues related to the physiology of exercise. Passionate about mountain tourism and new technologies
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