Cheating in the diet: goals, features, varieties. Nutritionist reviews about cheating

Nobody likes crooks! But what if the deceiver is going to cheat a little, not in order to gain something dishonestly, but on the contrary – in order to lose? When it comes to kilograms, the “cheating” dietary cheating method is impeccable from the point of view of morality and, judging by the reviews, it is quite effective. But what do nutritionists think about such weight loss?

It’s easy for cheaters to go on a diet – they know for sure when the “holiday of disobedience” will come on their street and they will be able to have a good time!

Cheating: Scheduled Cheating

“It’s not difficult to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself!”

The sonorous word “cheating” (English сheating) in translation means “deception, scam”. It is suggested to misinform your own body: the theorists of cheating are sure that if you have stopped losing weight, then you need to … start eating! More is desirable, and it is often recommended to lean on completely non-dietary products: pizza, buns, milkshakes. It is important not to prolong the “Belly Party” for more than 48 hours (the main types of cheating reserve a weekend or one of the weekends for this purpose) and to be held with a clear frequency, no more than once a week, or even less often.

4 reading goals

  1. With the help of a “planned breakdown” to avoid the psychological stress that often pursues losing weight women.

  2. Reduce the risk of nutritional and macronutrient (especially fat) deficiencies found in low-calorie and strict diets.

  3. Eliminate the possibility of a “plateau effect”, that is, stopping weight loss.

  4. Diversify your weight loss diet by making it less monotonous and potentially longer.

 Why is the hormone angry? Because someone is starving

Judging by the reviews about cheating, the most attractive thing about it is the psychological moment. Eating behavior of women seriously depends on the hormonal state and the phase of the menstrual cycle, and many losing weight are familiar with the following situation: today you are cheerful and full of determination until the end of the century there is only arugula, and tomorrow the cake disappears by itself, followed by another one.

Indeed, it is often not you, or rather not all of you, who are to blame, but the mechanisms for regulating ovulation.

It is so arranged by nature that for the formation of a full-fledged yellow body, the female body needs fats, and to maintain the optimal energy level of the process, carbohydrates. Including this ancient call and makes us reach for the coveted forbidden packet of fries, completely forgetting about the bikini of dreams and weeks of slimming efforts.

Moreover, in reality, the body does not need kilograms of oiled potatoes, but, for example, one additional egg yolk on the decisive day of the cycle is enough. However, in the event that you “sit” on a diet that involves restrictions, or experience hormonal imbalance, the process gets out of control, and you have to prepare for either the hellish torments of craving for forbidden foods or guilt due to breakdown and overeating.

Also, you often have to feel a sucking emptiness in the stomach due to stress and lack of sleep, seasonal affective disorder (caused by a lack of sun), and even gastritis and gastric ulcer.

Therefore, before deciding that a gastronomic “indulgence” in the form of cheating will allow you to better control yourself and lose weight, it is good to see at least an endocrinologist and a gastroenterologist.

An endocrinologist may also help to cope with the “plateau stage”, a nightmare of those who decided to lose weight. “Plateau” in one form or another is a side effect of almost any long-term diet. The reasons that at first with enthusiasm the melted weight freezes at a standstill, or even starts to grow again against the background of a meager menu and even increased physical exercise, are not at all mystical. Responsible again for hormones that regulate cell metabolism and manage fat stores. Realizing that the menu of recent times is much more modest than usual, and the accumulated fat is being spent, they decide that the “mistress” is in trouble and not only block the use of fat reserves, but with the last bit of strength create new ones.

It is assumed that cheating deceives this very process: a timely thrown “handout” in the form of a change in diet (for example, from protein to carbohydrate) or an increase in the daily calorie intake lulls the vigilance of hormones.

They decide that the trouble is over, the body is fed again, and the fat can be parted. As soon as the metabolism senses a catch and is going to lock the bins again, a new cheating day will arrive. This is the opinion of the supporters of the “dietary scam” fearing the “plateau”.

Types of cheating: there are many options, the essence is the same

The idea of ​​cheating as a kind of opposite to a fasting day is quite clear, but there are a number of practical approaches to it that differ in nuances. Here are the most common and popular ones.

Paul Rivas’ Cheating: The Cheating Diet

American obesity specialist Paul Rivas introduced the very word “cheating” into the official dietary dictionary. Having published his instantly popular “cheat diet” in 2005, he became the first of a string of theorists and fans of the “metabolic swing” to propose to “decorate” low-calorie meals like the Mediterranean diet, but with a stripped-down carbohydrate component, a “disobedience holiday” with pizza. peanut butter, ice cream, cheese and nuts. The duration of cheating on the “cheating diet” is two days off, on which the doctor recommends eating whatever your heart desires, but, nevertheless, control the amount of food.

Cheating Joel Marion: “Lose and Good”

Bodybuilder Joel Marion suddenly became famous as a writer, and very gifted: for his book “Lie to Lose Weight”, published in 2008, he collected a lot of curious medical evidence. Joel experienced the idea of ​​interfering with hormonal processes using a “carbohydrate slide” – six days a week, he ate a variety of healthy low-calorie foods, gradually increasing the amount of carbohydrates in them, and on the seventh “came off” on his favorite dishes. At the same time exercising in the gym, the once plump Joel in just 16 weeks brought himself into a “presentation” and hastened to share the captivating dietary discovery with the whole world. The book became a bestseller – Chris Hemsworth, Megan Fox and other stars expressed gratitude to the author.

Cheating Trainers Powell: “The Classic Protein-Carbohydrate Rotation Diet Cycle”

This plan was developed by spouses Heidi and Chris Powell, specialists in sports nutrition, and is one of the varieties of the hyper-popular BUCH diet in the fitness environment. The approach requires focus and calorie counting. The Classic Cycle is a 12 week plan. Starting with a luxurious 2500 kcal cheating day, when you can load up whatever your heart desires, the followers of the diet will have to alternate protein (1200 kcal) and carbohydrate (1500 kcal) for six days in order to complete their change with the seventh day, which is allowed to “eat” 2000 kcal from any source. On the eighth day, the cycle repeats itself, and so on for three months.

Cheating Marissa Lippert: “Life is too short to chew celery”

A food blogger and TV chef from New York offers a hedonistic approach to cheating. Her proprietary methodology is a typical “tasty” low-calorie diet, which is suggested to be followed for 8 weeks. Marissa promises that you will easily and happily lose weight if you eat light, varied dishes, but at the same time indulge in a “sin” in the form of a portion of your favorite and desired high-calorie food twice a week. “But let it be not muck from a vending machine, but the most beautiful cupcake in the world!” – Lippert admonishes his followers. She also generously allows them to enjoy alcohol from time to time: you can drink a portion of lager or wine with a lot of ice.

What experts think about the practice of cheating: expert reviews

Julia Chekhonina, nutritionist, Ph.D., researcher at the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences: “If the diet is built correctly, then cheating is not needed”

Let’s compare a cheating meal plan to a basic low-calorie diet plan. It includes 3-4 protein dishes, 500 g of vegetables and fruits, 1 side dish of cereals, pasta, potatoes or baked goods (only for breakfast, to choose from), 3 fermented milk products and a portion of soup. The list is good, isn’t it?

And at the same time, the calorie content of this set does not exceed 1500 kcal and replenishes the body’s daily need for basic nutrients. Such a nutritional system is comfortable enough that it can be observed for many weeks and even months, and forms the correct eating behavior. The same cannot be said about the cheating system. Needless to say, sheer “scam”. Firstly, it is not clear what cheating adherents eat on other days, but it is clear that this food is not suitable for them, as it legalizes and justifies regular breakdowns. If the chosen food system is burdensome, it means that this diet is “not yours”, do not exhaust yourself!

The cheating system is like a swing – we lose weight for 4-5 days, we bring ourselves to a breakdown with a carbohydrate-fat “load”, then we get rid of its consequences for 4-5 days. Isn’t it easier to distribute all these carbohydrates during the week, one serving in the morning in addition to breakfast, or as a snack 2-3 hours after breakfast? In such an amount, these calories will not be superfluous and will allow you to do without the eagerly awaited “load”.

In my opinion, the cheating system is an example of an eating disorder. Self-deception to justify inevitable breakdowns, so as not to be burdened with a sense of guilt. This type of diet undermines health in general and the digestive system in particular.

Natalya Fadeeva, nutritionist, endocrinologist, PhD: “There is a rational grain in this idea, but a better solution can be found”

Here we can draw an analogy with clothes: there is casual, which we wear on weekdays, and there is a festive one, put on for a special occasion. It’s the same with food. The main task of food is to provide our body with all the necessary macro- and microelements, so we must eat in a balanced and healthy way. But, since many of us are accustomed to getting pleasure from certain taste sensations, with which foods and dishes undesirable from the point of view of diet are most often associated, then as a special occasion it is sometimes better to allow ourselves to use a harmful delicacy than to bring the matter to a breakdown.

I usually recommend that my patients, when they have a strong desire to allow themselves to eat a portion of what they dream of, and get rid of the obsession. But the “forbidden fruit” can be consumed no more than once a week, for example, on Saturday or Sunday, and then eat right again. It is better if the delicacy is eaten in the first half of the day, and after that you can move around more, walk on foot.

There is no “harm” all specially allotted for this day without a break is still not worth it. In this case, all your weight loss efforts during the week can go down the drain. But if you nevertheless decided to cheat and “loaded” in full, it makes sense to make every effort to spend that extra energy that you received. The average calorie content of a 100g piece of cake can be used up with an hour and a half of brisk walking, an hour of active dancing, running, swimming, ice skating or skiing.


Poll: What kind of deception are you ready for while dieting?

  • Cheating is a great invention! I use it and lose weight without suffering.

  • Sometimes I lose myself and blame myself for it.

  • I allow myself indulgences and deviations from the diet when I really want to.

  • I pamper myself with my favorite foods on a schedule and in small portions.

  • I strictly follow my diet, cheating is not good.

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