Cheat sheet: how to calculate how much and what kind of alcohol you need to take to a wedding

An old friend of mine recently surprised me with her wedding panic. Clearly, the dress, jewelry, guest list – all this needs to be organized in two months, despite the fact that her fiancé works a lot.

But the main problem for her was to calculate the amount of alcohol for the upcoming event in a restaurant where they rent a hall. The employees of this institution offered their services for a fee, which in general is not new, but surprising, for me personally. I decided to help her. How, I’ll tell you now.

What kind of alcohol is needed for a wedding

There is no perfect formula for calculating alcohol per event. You can use special calculators, tables, personal preferences, again paid services of banquet hall employees, but there is no 100% guarantee that guests will like everything. Therefore, it should be calculated based on:

  1. budget. If it is very limited, then strong alcoholic beverages such as vodka and cognac should be preferred. From low-alcohol take champagne, which is suitable for those who drink little, and those who drink only wine.
  2. Parental preferences. The preferences of the parents of the newlyweds can be taken into account when calculating and choosing alcohol, since, firstly, they are more experienced and this is not their first celebration, and secondly, they know their relatives invited to the wedding well.
  3. The number of adults and children. If a large number of children are expected, then non-alcoholic drinks on the tables of guests should be increased and alcoholic drinks should be reduced.

Important: parents with children at celebrations drink much less alcohol than without them.

How much hard alcohol to take to a wedding

Strong alcoholic drinks include vodka, cognac, whiskey.

It is advisable to put the following options on the table: vodka + cognac or vodka + whiskey. There are budget brands and brandy, and whiskey. Whiskey looks more solid on the table, but if you take it by cost, then the quality of cognac for 500 rubles will be higher than whiskey of the same cost.

You can calculate the amount of strong alcohol using the approximate formula: 0,25-0,4 liters of strong alcohol per person. If there are more men, then we take 0,4 liters, if there are more women, then 0,25 liters. per person.

In any case, it is better to pick up the remaining alcohol later and drink it on the second day of the wedding than to urgently buy more.

How much to take for a wedding of light alcohol

It includes wine, champagne, martinis, liqueurs.

We’ll immediately discard liquors, since you can’t drink a lot of them and you need an unusual snack for them. All that’s left is wine, champagne and martinis.

The calculation can be done using the formula:

  • wine 0,5 liters per person;
  • champagne 0,3 liters per person;

Important: champagne must be added 150 ml per person at the registry office and 100 ml per person for a walk and photo session.

  • if it is planned to put a martini on the table, then it can be calculated according to the formula: 0,2 l. per person.

Thus, light alcohol can be bought in the following options: semi-dry white + semi-sweet red + champagne or any red wine + champagne + martini.

Important: if, in addition to white and red wine, a martini is planned, then it should be taken into account in the wine calculation formula, while laying half for wine, half for martini.

Are cocktails required at a wedding?

If a bartending show is planned with the distribution of branded cocktails as part of the program, then cocktails will be an integral part of the wedding. In other cases, those who prefer to mix non-alcoholic with alcohol will be able to cope on their own and mix vodka, cognac or whiskey with juice, cola.

Therefore, you should carefully consider soft drinks at the wedding. They should be bought at the rate of 1,5-2 liters per person. These should be:

  • water without gas and with gas, while it is better to take ordinary non-salted and not expensive types;
  • juices: cherry, orange, apple;
  • carbonated drinks – coca-cola and soft drinks for children; as an alternative, you can buy non-alcoholic sparkling wine or children’s champagne.

If you approach the calculation of alcohol for a wedding wisely and in advance, you can avoid many problems and not buy more alcohol in a supermarket or restaurant during the celebration.

Excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health. Take care of yourself!

At the same time, it is important to understand that circumstances are different. My girlfriend, for example, during this wedding, the floor of a box of champagne was broken by restaurant workers, but the prudent dad of the groom brought with him a whole box in the trunk and happily shared it.

All the same, the wedding celebration is such a fun. How was it for you? Did you have enough alcohol and how did you count it?

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