Losing weight up to 6 kg in 10 days.
The average daily calorie content is 670 Kcal.
Reading the recommendations of many popular weight loss methods, it seems that a slender figure is a rather expensive pleasure. Indeed, often in order to comply with the dietary rules, not budget products are needed. In fact, you can significantly transform the body without hitting the wallet, but, on the contrary, also saving money.
Cheap diet requirements
If you want to lose weight cheap and cheerful, of course, you can turn to mono-diets based on, say, oatmeal or buckwheat for help. Compared to other food products, eating only these cereals for a week will certainly be an inexpensive pleasure. And if you have your own piece of land, isn’t it economical to eat, for example, apples grown on it? But, as you know, mono diets are not the most healthy method of losing weight. It is better to approach the choice of a cheap weight loss method more carefully.
We advise you to combine the following wishes and create a diet-ration so that the food does not negatively affect either your financial condition or your health and well-being. By the way, you can lose weight quite significantly. Those who have gone 4-5 kilograms in a week will confirm this to you. Better not to sit on this technique for more than two weeks in a row.
It is necessary to give up fatty and high-calorie foods, exclude various sweets and pastries. You are only allowed to leave a few slices of rye or whole grain bread a day. It is also recommended to send pickled foods, pickles under the ban (while you can slightly salt the dishes themselves), smoked food.
The basis of food should be cereals, fruits, vegetables. It is good if the diet period coincides with the ripening season of the fruits used for food. In this case, both the price and quality of the products will only benefit. Sometimes it is not forbidden to supplement the menu (and even desirable) with fish and lean meat. Yet the body also needs a building material. Experts recommend eating on a cheap diet four times a day, basing the menu in such a way that there are 3 main meals and 1 small snack located between breakfast and lunch. Eliminate food after 18-19 hours (maximum – 20:00 if you go to bed very late). Otherwise, the process of losing weight may slow down significantly.
It is advisable to say no to strong coffee and tea and, of course, alcoholic and sweet drinks during the period of weight loss. In this case, it is worth consuming herbal, green teas without sweeteners, unsweetened juices (sometimes) and a sufficient amount of pure non-carbonated water. This will have a positive effect on metabolism and help to pacify a strong appetite, avoiding another overeating. Indeed, among other benefits, the liquid drunk perfectly fills the stomach.
An example of a diet on a cheap diet for 10 days
Day 1
Breakfast: about 200 g of pearl barley cooked in water (oil and other fatty additives are prohibited).
Snack: a glass of low-fat kefir.
Lunch: 300 g light vegetable soup without frying and 2 small whole grain breads.
Dinner: salad, the ingredients of which are proposed to make white cabbage, carrots, apples, onions; one boiled chicken egg.
Day 2
Breakfast: 200 g of rice porridge cooked in water.
Snack: boiled egg.
Lunch: vegetable soup made from non-starchy products (up to 300 g); you can also eat 1-2 rye or whole grain bread.
Dinner: like on Monday, you need to eat the above-described fruit and vegetable salad, only instead of an egg you should drink a glass of kefir.
Day 3
Breakfast: 1 boiled chicken egg (you can cook it in a pan, but without adding oil).
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: vegetable soup and a slice of rye bread.
Dinner: the already familiar salad for dinner and up to 200 g of buckwheat boiled in water.
Day 4
Breakfast: 150 g of a mixture of mashed carrots and apples, with the addition of 1 tsp. vegetable (preferably olive) oil.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: 300 g of vegetable soup; a slice of grain bread, which is allowed to provide low-fat cheese or a layer of cottage cheese, tomato slices and herbs.
Dinner: 130-150 g of low-fat cottage cheese with the pulp of one grapefruit.
Day 5
Breakfast: boiled egg; grated apple (about 150 g), which is recommended to be eaten with the addition of a small proportion of olive oil.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: 300 g of soup, which today can be prepared with noodles in chicken broth; cabbage and apple salad.
Dinner: 150 g of boiled or baked skinless chicken fillet and a slice of rye flour bread.
Day 6
Breakfast: oatmeal or sugar-free muesli with a few apple slices (all worth to be seasoned with 1 teaspoon of olive oil).
Snack: a glass of fruit juice without sugar.
Lunch: about 150 g of mushrooms stewed in water; 300 g tomato-based soup, 1-2 slices of grain bread (preferably pre-dried).
Dinner: 200 g of buckwheat with non-starchy vegetables stewed in water.
Day 7
Breakfast: Unsweetened muesli or oatmeal (you can add a little apples or other non-starchy fruits / berries to them).
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: 250 g of lean fish, which can be cooked in a creamy sauce today; a slice of rye bread.
Dinner: a couple of medium-sized potatoes in uniforms plus baked herring (up to 150 g).
Day 8
Breakfast: 200 g of mashed apples with olive oil.
Snack: a glass of apple juice, preferably freshly squeezed.
Lunch: up to 300 g of low-fat tomato soup with 30-40 g of grain bread, which can be greased with low-fat cottage cheese in a small amount, embellish with slices of fresh tomato and herbs.
Dinner: a mixture made from 200 g of boiled beets (grated or finely chopped), 50 g of walnuts (finely chopped); 1-2 slices of rye bread.
Day 9
Breakfast: muesli or oatmeal with fruit flavored with a small amount of olive oil.
Snack: a glass of kefir.
Lunch: lean meat with vegetables, baked in the oven or grilled (the total portion should not exceed 250 g).
Dinner: baked potatoes and sauerkraut (you can bake it all together, weight up to 250 g).
Day 10
Breakfast: grated apple and carrot, flavored with 1 tsp. olive oil (up to 150 g); one boiled chicken egg.
Snack: half a glass of natural unsweetened yogurt.
Lunch: a small amount of light vegetable soup; a slice of rye bread; 200 g of rice, to which you can add a little prunes and dried apricots.
Dinner: today it is sweet – 15 g of dark chocolate with a cocoa content of at least 70% or 1 tbsp. l. natural honey.
Note… Menu options are allowed to vary. The main thing is to follow the general principles of this diet and not go beyond the approximate calorie content of the above proposed diet.
Contraindications for a cheap diet
- Since a cheap diet does not differ in the strictness of the rules and is, in general, a fairly balanced system, it does not have a wide range of contraindications.
- It is not recommended to contact it only in the presence of chronic diseases during an exacerbation, allergic reactions to any of the recommended foods (although, as a rule, they can be replaced with others), during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
- A consultation with a doctor before starting a cheap life in any case will not be superfluous.
Benefits of a Cheap Diet
- A cheap diet has many benefits. Among them, we note its efficiency, good performance in terms of weight loss, sufficient provision of the body with the components necessary for normal functioning.
- If you do not sit on the diet over the recommended period, it will not negatively affect your well-being and health.
Disadvantages of a cheap diet
- Some food groups are prohibited by the dietary rules, and it may not be easy for their lovers to live without them for the entire diet (if they need to lose weight quite significantly).
- Also, busy people may not be suitable for a cheap diet for the reason that you still have to spend some time in the kitchen to invent food (although the diet menu does not imply cooking over complicated dishes).
Reapplying a cheap diet
If you have been on a cheap diet for 10 to 14 days, it is not recommended to repeat it for about 2 months. If you have been on a diet for a shorter amount of time, the pause can be shortened slightly, but it is better not to start again at least 20-30 days.