Liquor Chassis – This is a real man’s drink, which appeared thanks to a young pilot in the film “The Chronicle of a dive bomber.” The hero of the film, Sobolevsky, according to the plot, invented a new liquor, which included only two ingredients: raspberry syrup from Voentorg and an alcohol-glycerin mixture with a high content of ethyl alcohol.
History of the drink
In aviation during the Great Patriotic War, this mixture was used to fill the landing gear. It was produced in large 10-liter canisters. Despite the fact that this is technical alcohol, it was highly purified and theoretically could be taken orally. Actually this process was shown in this film.
According to the characters of the film, the Chassy liqueur was thick and viscous, and the raspberry syrup gave a characteristic sweetness and a pleasant berry aroma.
Over time, this name was applied to all questionable home-made alcoholic beverages that contained an alcohol-containing component. But still, it sounds more familiar to us – “mutter”.
As you already understood, making such a liquor at home is not difficult. If you manage to get that same hydraulic fluid somewhere, which we doubt, then you can try the Chassis in the original design.
In the meantime, we offer you a recipe with more affordable ingredients. To get started, prepare a trial version with a minimum amount of ingredients.
Chassis liqueur recipe at home
Glycerin – 70 ml
Alcohol – 20 ml
Water – 10 ml
Raspberry syrup – to taste
Method of preparation
First, mix all the ingredients to prepare the alcohol-glycerin mixture.
Then add raspberry syrup to it to taste.
Everything! The famous liqueur Chassis is ready. Probably no homemade liqueur was prepared as quickly as this one. And if you wish, you can experiment, replace raspberry syrup with other fruit and berry counterparts.
Relevance: 20.01.2018
Tags: Liqueurs, Pourings, Liqueurs, Brands of liqueurs, Recipes of liqueurs