Charity race “Good Moscow”

Dear Muscovites and all concerned! Spend the city day with benefit – take part in a charity race or bike ride.

You don’t have to be a professional runner to get a boost of energy and help orphaned children find families. On September 6, the charity race “Good Moscow” will take place in Moscow», its route will pass through the historical center of the capital, freed from the traffic of cars: Suvorovskaya Square, Samotechnaya Street, U-turn to the Garden Ring, Olympic Avenue, Trifonovskaya Street, Sovetskaya Army Street, Suvorovskaya Square. The registration fees of the participants will be used to create a video questionnaire for orphans throughout Russia. Any of us can change someone’s life for the better! You can register for the race here.

Благотворительный забег «Добрая Москва»

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