Charcot’s shower for weight loss. Video reviews

Charcot’s shower for weight loss. Video reviews

Water is an excellent remedy for many diseases, it is used to heal both externally and internally. Before her, ailments recede, the state of the nervous system stabilizes, the general condition of the body improves significantly. One of the most popular therapeutic procedures is the Charcot douche.

Charcot’s shower for weight loss

Charcot’s shower: a universal remedy for many ailments

Water treatment is gaining popularity today. There are many types of special showers, each of which is designed to get rid of or prevent certain diseases. Also, these procedures are a great way to keep the body in good shape, slow down the aging process and get rid of various skin defects.

The Charcot shower procedure has been around for decades. Its original purpose was to rid the patients of psychiatrist Jean Martin Charcot from neurological problems and defects of the musculoskeletal system. Also, the doctor actively used his invention to improve the general condition of the body and mind, strengthen health and temper.

After some time, medical professionals noted the positive effects of the Charcot shower on patients with a variety of ailments. Today, the main indications for the appointment of a water procedure are:

  • neurological diseases
  • tendency to depression
  • musculoskeletal problems
  • obesity
  • cellulite at different stages of development
  • impaired metabolism

Also, to this day, Charcot’s shower is used for preventive purposes, helps to strengthen the immune system and restore strength.

Charcot’s shower: how it works

Modern girls are increasingly deciding on a Charcot shower, wanting to lose extra pounds, improve skin condition, get rid of the “orange peel” on the legs and hips. Numerous positive reviews and photos of beauties before and after literally revived the procedure, making it fashionable and in demand. However, one can find “frightening” stories about the danger and pain of this event.

Charcot’s shower is primarily a medical procedure. Therefore, during its implementation, some discomfort is possible. It is also necessary to remember: each person has their own threshold of sensitivity.

This procedure refers to a shock-type shower. During this period, the body is exposed to a large amount of water from special installations. The temperature and pressure of the jets are constantly changing. On average, it fluctuates in the range of 10–45 degrees.

The shower heads are located at a distance of 3 meters from the patient. First, a fan-type jet is sent to the body, which completely covers it. Then there is a gradual processing of individual parts: back, legs, arms, sides. At the same time, the pressure turns out to be rather big: 4 atmospheres. The duration of the sessions is gradually increasing, but the duration of the first one is no more than a minute. The full course is 20 procedures.

Charcot’s shower can be called one of the types of reflexology. The action of contrasting water pressure and temperature makes the body wake up, strengthens the muscle frame, and improves blood circulation. The procedure is remarkably invigorating, improves mood, helps to get rid of stress and negative emotions. Charcot’s shower is extremely useful for the modern urban person, leading a predominantly sedentary lifestyle. With the help of the procedure, the spine is toned, muscle tension disappears, the body is enriched with oxygen.

Charcot’s shower: benefits for female beauty

Today, the Charcot shower can be found not only in sanatoriums. Long-term studies and observations have shown its high effectiveness in the fight against many female problems. They are mainly related to the appearance and the slowing down of the aging process.

This property of the Charcot shower is another confirmation of the effectiveness of the procedure for a psychological state. After all, a woman’s mood often depends on her appearance. Self-dissatisfaction can lead to severe depression

Pressure and temperature changes improve blood circulation. Thanks to this, the body is enriched with oxygen, stagnant processes are canceled. The body is transformed, rejuvenated and tightened literally before our eyes. However, in order to achieve the effect and lose weight, it is also necessary to slightly change the diet and devote time to exercise.

What is Charcot’s shower used for?

Important: contraindications to the procedure

Not all experts consider the appearance of a Charcot shower in beauty salons a good thing. Due to the general availability and increasing popularity of the procedure, many girls forget about the need to consult a doctor and independently prescribe “therapy” sessions for themselves. However, physiotherapists warn about the dangers of such self-medication, since the Charcot shower has many contraindications.

For example, a shower should not be used for varicose veins, venous asterisks on the legs, pregnancy. It is also dangerous for diseases of the kidneys, blood, stomach ulcers and cardiovascular pathologies. You will have to ignore Charcot’s douche if you have progressive skin conditions. The procedure is contraindicated for tuberculosis, neoplasms, fever or acute psychosis.

Doctors note: without consulting a specialist, his appointment and professional control, the procedure can aggravate the course of existing ailments, that is, the effect will be the opposite of the expected one.

Read on: health benefits of carrots.

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