Characteristics of the tomato variety Siberian early

Tomato has long been one of the main crops in the garden. It can be used in a variety of dishes, canned, made into tomato juice and pasta, or simply eaten fresh. Now they are grown not only for their own needs, but the pace of industrial production of tomatoes is increasing more and more. Gardeners grow them both in greenhouses and in open ground. With the current variety of varieties, it sometimes becomes difficult to decide which one to grow. In this article we will talk about the Siberian early ripening tomato variety. In addition to describing the variety, its characteristics, we will talk about the agricultural technology of growing this tomato and a few words about reviews about it.


Siberian early ripening tomato belongs to the determinant type, that is, at a certain moment the growth of the plant stops, its height can be 30-80 cm. As the name suggests, Siberian is an early variety, 115-130 days pass from the first shoots to fruiting. The size of the fruits is relatively large, one fruit weighs from 60 g to 100-110 g, they have a round or flat-round shape, slightly ribbed. Tomatoes contain a large amount of dry substances, fragrant. The number of nests on one plant ranges from 5 to 12, the return of the crop is simultaneous. The yield of an early ripening tomato does not depend on climatic zones, it is grown everywhere on the territory of Ukraine. Differs in versatility regarding the method of application, but the most popular way is to prepare sauces, pastes, juices or mashed potatoes from these tomatoes. They are also used in salads, they are allowed for salting.

Characteristics of the tomato variety Siberian early


The early Siberian tomato is not very demanding on the soil, but it is better to plant it in fertile, not depleted soils (cabbage, cucumbers, onions, and legumes are good predecessors for tomatoes). Like many garden vegetables, tomatoes can be grown indoors and outdoors.

In closed ground

Growing indoors involves breeding seedlings in a greenhouse. Seeds begin to be planted no later than the beginning of April. The seed must first be processed and hardened. Further care includes watering and fertilizing. Dive Siberian in the presence of 1-2 true leaves. In the greenhouse, the plant grows up to 60-90 cm, so each bush must be tied to a vertical support. The return of tomatoes from one bush, depending on the care, reaches 1,2-1,5 kg, the total yield is at the level of 9-10 kg per square meter.

Characteristics of the tomato variety Siberian early

In open ground

Siberian early ripening tomato is planted in open ground at the age of 55-65 days, when the threat of frost has completely disappeared, although this variety belongs to cold-resistant varieties, but it is better not to risk it. When planting, fertilizers are applied, in the future it is periodically worth watering. A tomato bush grows up to half a meter in height, tied to a support if necessary. From 1 m² you can collect 6-7 kg of fruits, from a bush – 500-600 g.

It is not surprising that in the open field the yield of Siberian early ripening is lower than in the greenhouse, but the taste of such tomatoes left the best reviews. When growing in the garden, great attention should be paid to protection against diseases and pests.

Grade Reviews

Reviews about the variety Siberian early ripening are different, but there are still more positive ones, some gardeners speak neutrally about it. Among the advantages of Siberian, its good productivity and cold resistance are distinguished. Also, attention is often paid to the good suitability of tomatoes for pickling and pickling. Also, the pluses include the fact that it can be grown in various natural areas.

Characteristics of the tomato variety Siberian early

There are fewer negative reviews, but, unfortunately, there are. Most people complain that the Siberian precocious is already outdated, and is unable to compete in some characteristics with new hybrids. Still some gardeners are confused by weak resistance to diseases. Some negative reviews on the sites appear about the poor quality of the seeds. But be that as it may, the Siberian early maturing tomato variety remains one of the most demanded varieties among the rural population of our country.

Video “Tomato Growing Tips”

This video provides tips on growing tomatoes at all stages, from soil preparation to harvest.

5 rules for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse, how to grow tomatoes at home

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