Characteristics of the pink flamingo tomato variety with a photo

Sometimes gardeners complain that one or another variety of tomatoes did not live up to expectations, they say, one thing is written in the description, but in reality it turned out completely different. And the reviews were good, many people recommended it, but the harvest did not work out. They tend to blame the variety, environmental conditions, or something else, just not to admit that they did not take enough care of the plants. In most cases, it is precisely the wrong care of the crop that is the cause of low yields. After all, some varieties of tomatoes require close supervision, and not just “plant and water”. To get a good harvest, you need to make significant efforts, adhere to all agricultural practices, try to create the most optimal conditions for plants. The Pink Flamingo tomato variety is also relatively difficult to grow in our area, and so that you have less trouble with it, in this article we will provide useful information about it and give a detailed description of this variety.


Varieties of tomatoes according to the nature of the growth of the bushes are divided into determinant (with limited stem growth) and indeterminate species (the growth of such species does not stop even during the fruiting period). Pink Flamingo belongs to the second species, so its height exceeds one and a half meters, and often reaches a mark of 2 m. Regarding the fruit ripening period, it is classified as a mid-ripening tomato variety. In some circumstances, it is possible to reach maturity of the Pink Flamingo fruit after 90-95 days, but in most cases, at least 110 days pass from the date of emergence of the first shoots to the start of the harvest of tomatoes. The fruits are large, the average weight is 150-200 g, the weight of individual specimens can reach 450 g (usually the first tomatoes are larger, the next ones are slightly smaller, this crop does not bear fruit with small tomatoes).

Characteristics of the pink flamingo tomato variety with a photo

The fruits are plum-shaped, medium-dense, there is no green spot near the stalk (and this is a characteristic feature for varieties with large sizes of tomatoes). It is easy to guess from the name that they are pink in color, but sometimes they can be a little bit darker (it all depends on the growing conditions). Pink Flamingo tomatoes have an amazing taste – they are sweeter than most of these varieties.

Pink Flamingo tomato received very good reviews about its universal purpose. As already mentioned, it has a very attractive taste, so one of the main ways to use the fruit is to eat it fresh. They are added in the preparation of numerous salads and similar snacks. Despite the fact that Pink Flamingo tomatoes are quite large in size, they are often used for canning (other varieties of pink tomatoes are much less used for this process). For the manufacture of tomato products, for example, juice or paste, they are used less often, mainly because of the insufficiently bright color, but the same juice turns out to be tasty, with a sweet aftertaste.

Characteristics of the pink flamingo tomato variety with a photo

Advantages and disadvantages

As a rule, the advantages of most varieties include high yields. With the Pink Flamingo, the situation is complicated. It is endowed with an average yield – in a good year, you can collect up to 10 kg per 1 m² (this figure is achieved due to large fruits), usually 5-7 kg are collected. Attributing this to the pros or cons of this variety is up to you. But what exactly can be written as an asset to this tomato is its high resistance to diseases. He has a fairly high immunity to most harmful bacteria and fungi, but you should not neglect preventive treatments. Also, up to a certain point, it can withstand various adverse weather conditions: drought, lower temperatures, insufficient air humidity. The fruits of the Pink Flamingo can be stored for a long time after they are separated from the plant (up to 2 months under comfortable conditions), can be plucked unripe (stored in a warm place, they will reach the desired condition over time), and are well transported. It can be grown in different climatic zones.

It is also worth noting that the seeds of the Pink Flamingo passed the state germination test, which also confirmed the purity of the variety. There are no obvious shortcomings in the description of the variety; negative reviews are extremely rare on various forums on the Internet.

Characteristics of the pink flamingo tomato variety with a photo

Recommendations for growing

Like most tomato combs, Flamingo is very demanding on the soil, so try to find a site for it with fertile soils, or be sure to apply enough fertilizer. After planting in the ground, you still have to additionally feed with a full range of fertilizers at least 2-3 times, that is, it is advisable to use both mineral (ammonia, phosphate) and organic fertilizers. For irrigation, it is strongly recommended to take only warm water, to water after sunset, another option is early in the morning.

You need to think about seedlings in advance: prepare the soil, prepare suitable containers (individual or common, this is how it is convenient for you to grow), process the seeds (harden, do preventive treatment for diseases). They are usually sown at the end of March, but not later than the first decade of April. Picking is done only after at least 2 leaves are fully formed. Transplanted at the age of 2 months (60-70 days), gradually form a stem, due to the gigantic growth they make a garter, do not forget to remove extra stepchildren. To speed up ripening, experienced gardeners recommend leaving 5-6 brushes, no more.

Characteristics of the pink flamingo tomato variety with a photo

In general, Pink Flamingo is a good variety, well suited for growing both in greenhouses and in open ground in any region of our country. Due to its stability, many gardeners liked it.

Video “Variety of tomatoes Pink Flamingo”

The video gives the main agrotechnical and gastronomic characteristics of the Pink Flamingo tomato variety.

Pink flamingo

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