Characteristics of potatoes Inara

Variety Inara in recent years has been at the forefront in the line of medium-early potato varieties. Such interest is due to the good yield and relative unpretentiousness of the Inara variety among other potato varieties of medium early ripening.

Taste, agricultural technology and low requirements for storage conditions make it possible to achieve high results in personal subsidiary plots and farms, as well as to grow the Inara variety on an industrial scale in those regions of Our Country that are traditionally considered risky farming areas.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

History of origin

The authors of the variety are breeders of Norika Nordring Kartoffelzucht und Vermehrungs GmbH. Norika has fifty years of experience in successfully breeding and growing premium potato varieties. It is noteworthy that the Inara variety was obtained in the climatic conditions of the island of Rügen, located in the Baltic Sea, which, with their severity, resemble the Central and Middle regions of the Federation.

It is noteworthy that the creators of the Inara variety continue to supervise their product, issuing licenses for breeding seed material to German farmers, as well as controlling the varietal qualities of Inara from official distributors in the Arkhangelsk region and other regions of Our Country, engaged in the popularization of the German company’s varietal potatoes.

Potato variety Inara has passed phytosanitary control on the territory of the Federation and is approved for distribution and cultivation. Currently, the variety has become widespread not only in the recommended areas, but also in the south of Our Country.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

Description and characteristics

The Inara variety is distinguished by medium-sized bushes, up to 80 cm high. It has erect, juicy stems, compactly located around the rosette. The color of the stems and leaves corresponds to the generic characteristics of potatoes:

  • light green – at the beginning of the growing season;
  • dark green shade in the phase – flowering;
  • yellow and brown – in the phase of biological maturity.

The leaves of the plant are paired, oval in shape, slightly pointed at the tips, on short petioles, with a relief pattern.

During the flowering period, potatoes throw out flower stalks in “clusters”. The variety Inara has white flowers with a yellow base at the sepals.

The root system of potatoes is located close to the soil surface, has a fibrous structure. Inara forms 8-10 tubers on stolons, weighing from 80 g to 140 g. The number and weight of tubers depend on agrotechnical and climatic factors.

Inara potatoes are popular due to their universal table qualities, the correct shape of oval tubers, without deep eyes. The peel at the stage of biological maturity has a golden brown hue, the pulp of the tubers is moderately dense, cream-colored when raw, white after heat treatment.

Advantages and disadvantages

Inara requires standard conditions for agricultural technology, like any potato variety, and only if all the rules are observed can one discover the merits of the variety.



Suitable for technical cleaning, thanks to the smooth and even surface of the tubers


Productive variety – 25-42 kg / m2


Standard farming technique


Resistance to scab, late blight of stems, nematodes, rot, potato cancer


Satisfactory table quality, starch content 11-14%


Keeping quality 96%


During storage does not lose density and taste

During storage requires regular inspection and removal of sprouts

In addition to compliance with agricultural technology, it is necessary to take into account regional weather and climatic conditions, soil composition. Seed material has a significant impact on the quality of the variety.


Characteristics of potatoes Inara

Potato planting begins with soil preparation immediately after harvest. The area where potatoes were grown should be given special attention if it is not possible to follow the rules of crop rotation.

  • After harvesting the potatoes, be sure to clean the area from the tops. It is carried out and burned to avoid contamination of the soil with pathogens.
  • With a limited area of ​​​​the site, in order to comply with the rules of crop rotation, after harvesting potatoes, it is advisable to plant spicy leafy crops, radish or radish, lettuce, some types of cabbage, legumes on the site. Since the Inara potato is harvested in June, you can get a double benefit: improve the composition of the soil and get an additional crop of other, early-ripening or frost-resistant crops.
  • In autumn, the plot planned for growing potatoes is dug up to a depth of 30-40 cm, manure is applied (10 kg / m2), as the potato responds with an excellent harvest when grown in soil enriched with organic matter.
  • In the spring, when re-digging and loosening the soil for planting potatoes, be sure to add urea, nitrogen, potash and phosphorus mineral fertilizers.
Advice! To destroy weeds and larvae of garden pests left on the site after harvesting, 7-10 days before autumn digging, in warm and dry weather, treat the soil with insecticides and herbicides.

Such a measure will increase the future potato harvest by 15-20%.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

Variety Inara, like all varieties of potatoes, prefers fertile and light soil, with good aeration and moderate humidity. Therefore, it is important to improve the composition of clay soil by adding sand, dolomite flour. Potatoes are not very susceptible to the level of soil acidity, and high humidity can cause many diseases, spoil the varietal qualities of Inara potatoes, and shorten storage periods.

Before planting, it is necessary to place the tubers in a warm room and germinate for 20-30 days. The strongest sprouts are left on the tubers, and the rest are removed. For quick germination, the tubers are treated with biostimulants – this technique allows you to get a friendly harvest with a good increase, and also largely regulates the optimal planting time for the medium-early Inara variety.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

Landing patterns may be different. In household plots, where potatoes are planted and harvested manually, two traditional methods are mainly used: trench and square-nest. 5-6 tubers are planted per square meter of the plot, leaving such a distance between future plants that the grown bushes close together, forming a microclimate in the root zone. But at the same time, it is not necessary to thicken the plantings so that the plants interfere with each other in the development of tubers.

Therefore, the optimal distance between the rows of the Inara variety, given the structure of its bushes, is 50 cm. The distance in the row should be the same. It is allowed to shift the planting pattern by 10 cm towards increasing row spacing or in rows. The 50×70 cm scheme is used when growing beans and potatoes at the same time.

Attention! Beans are a natural protector of potatoes from the Colorado potato beetle and a source of nitrogen in the soil.

In addition, beans can protect potatoes from the heat by acting as a coulisse crop.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

The depth of planting tubers depends on the composition of the soil:

  • 5 cm – for clay soil;
  • 10-12 cm – for loam;
  • 14-16 cm – for sandy soil enriched with organic matter and mineral complex.

When planting potatoes in a hole or trench, phosphate and potash fertilizers are applied. The timing of planting prepared seed material is determined by regional weather conditions. At the same time, it should be taken into account that the period of technical ripeness of Inara potatoes occurs 40-45 days after emergence, and biological maturity occurs after 80 days.


Characteristics of potatoes Inara

7-10 days after planting potatoes, a period of regular care for the future crop begins, and continues until the tubers are stored for storage. Standard agrotechnical rules for growing potatoes apply to the cultivation of the Inara variety. Each stage of care plays an important role, so the necessary agrotechnical measures cannot be ignored.

Loosening and weeding

Before emergence, the plot is harrowed to remove weeds.

Aeration of the soil improves the palatability of potatoes, increases the yield. In heavy soil, regular loosening of row spacing is also necessary because the high density of the soil deforms the tubers, and they become unmarketable.

Regular weeding of row-spacings, destruction of weeds on the site is very important. This is a preventive measure in the fight against pests and diseases. The manufacturer claims that Inara is a resistant variety, but its strength should not be tested.

Loosening is carried out after rain or watering, to remove the crust on the surface, as well as to kill weeds.


Artificial irrigation of potatoes is necessary during the dry season, and in cases where sand predominates in the composition of the soil. Inara potatoes tolerate drought relatively easily, but the lack of moisture affects the formation and growth of tubers. At the same time, excess moisture is also not welcome when growing potatoes.

With prolonged temperature above 220With the dropping of buds begins and the growth of tubers stops. At this time, it is desirable to support the bushes with irrigation, which is best done in the evening.

Hilling and top dressing

In the phase when seedlings reach a height of 15 cm, the first hilling is necessarily carried out, which protects the root system from moisture evaporation and activates the formation of tuber buds. The first hilling may be preceded by additional feeding with potassium and phosphorus, or complex preparations, with the addition of trace elements. Plants should be watered thoroughly before fertilizing. In the phase of the beginning of budding, a second hilling is carried out, which contributes to additional tuberization.

Diseases and pests

Characteristics of potatoes Inara

When growing potatoes of any variety, it is impossible to do without preventive pest control measures. If gardeners do not have sufficient knowledge in the field of agrochemistry, then it is better to stock up on insecticides with a universal range of applications that have been on the market for a long time and are successfully used: Taboo, Barrier – universal preparations of a new generation. An old, proven and effective remedy is the Bordeaux mixture, which is also suitable in the fight against infections.

Folk remedies have proven themselves well in the fight against pests and diseases: infusions of chamomile, celandine, mustard or walnut leaves. These funds are used for irrigation of bushes. Chopped grass and leaves are scattered between the rows.

Attention! The cause of diseases of potatoes and all vegetable crops is often a violation of agricultural technology, leading to a weakening of the plants.


Characteristics of potatoes Inara

If the Inara variety is intended for summer consumption, then it is permissible to start harvesting at the stage of technical maturity – 45-50 days. At this time, the bushes are in the phase of active flowering, and in the underground part of the plants there are already formed tubers. The stems and leaves of plants retain their green color and juiciness. Green tops are mowed two days before the potato harvest.

“Young” potatoes are stored for no more than two weeks at a temperature of 2-50C, in paper bags or linen bags to prevent condensation. Therefore, when harvesting potatoes at the stage of technical ripeness for personal consumption, it is better to dig up the tubers as they are consumed in order to ensure the best preservation of the product.

Potatoes for winter consumption and for planting are harvested at the stage of biological maturity. For the Inara variety, this period occurs after 80 days. But depending on regional climatic conditions, these dates can be shifted in one direction or another. It is possible to determine the degree of maturity of potatoes by the main external sign of plants: to complete the growing season of potatoes, wilting and mass lodging of stems are characteristic. Further, within 3-4 weeks, the biological maturation of the tubers occurs. Ready to harvest potatoes – tight skin.

Harvesting is best done in dry weather, but if this is not possible, then the dug potatoes are dried under a canopy, protected from sunlight, the soil is removed, and sorted. The selected seed is processed and stored separately. Tubers affected by insects and diseases are discarded.

The storage room is disinfected with slaked lime, blue vitriol, and ventilated. During the entire period of storage in the basement, a temperature of 3-50C.

Characteristics of potatoes Inara


Potatoes are “second bread”, and, of course, the agricultural technology of its cultivation should be paid attention not only to breeders, but also to summer residents who are far from deep scientific research. In order for the Inara variety and other varieties of potatoes to bring a rich harvest and pleasure from the results of the hard work of growing potatoes, every little thing in its agricultural technology is important.

The Inara variety has fans, and there are vegetable growers who say that this variety needs to be improved. Both summer residents and breeders are always interested in knowing the opinion of those who tested the Inara variety on their site.

Reviews about the variety Inara

Luba S, Stavropol region
The Inara variety is almost no different from the Gala potato. I bought 250 kg, for testing. Planted in March, since in our area it is impossible to plant later. The variety corresponds to the declared characteristics, it is not affected by late blight. True, I heard that the peak of the disease begins in July, and before that time they had already managed to harvest.
Boris, Moscow
Inara is a good variety, but the tubers are small. Suitable for all dishes. Next season I will plant Inara again, but only for the summer, because young potatoes have practically no waste when peeled. For winter you need something similar, but larger.
How to grow early potatoes

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