Characteristics of pear Kyrgyz winter

Pear Kyrgyz winter – a variety with high frost resistance. Suitable for cultivation even in regions of risky farming, for example, in the North-West and the Urals. Gives rather large fruits with juicy pulp and sweet taste. Differs in good immunity and transportability.

History of breeding

Pear Kyrgyz winter – a late variety bred by breeders in Kyrgyzstan. Researchers specifically worked to create a variety that would consistently bear fruit even in adverse climatic conditions. Two varieties were taken as the basis – Forest Beauty and Winter Bere.

The culture is not included in the register of breeding achievements. However, it has spread quite widely in different regions. The Kyrgyz winter pear variety is valued for its good yield, high winter hardiness and resistance to a number of diseases.

Description of the Kyrgyz winter pear variety with a photo

The description gives the main characteristics of the tree itself and the fruits. The most important parameters are presented below.


The pear tree of the Kirghiz Winter variety is of medium growth strength, the crown is rather dense, the shape is pyramidal. It lends itself well to planar formation. At the same time, fruit formations are located mainly in the annelids.


The fruits of the Kyrgyz winter pear are ovoid in shape, also reminiscent of lemons. They are green-yellow in color, and after the final ripening they become golden yellow. A red-carmine blush is noticeable on the sides, thanks to which the fruits have an attractive presentation. The pears are large in size, reaching a mass of 220-250 g.

Characteristics of pear Kyrgyz winter

Among the characteristics of the variety, the most interesting are the taste qualities of fruits, the timing of their ripening. Many gardeners are also interested in the indicator of winter hardiness and immunity.


Characteristics of pear Kyrgyz winter

The taste of pears is sweet, somewhat tart

The pulp is juicy, dense structure, white. The fruits are of high quality, especially considering that the tree is winter-hardy and can grow in different regions where classic pear varieties do not take root.

Important! Pears can be eaten fresh and stored in the refrigerator, cellar for several weeks. They are suitable for making jams, preserves and other preparations.

Terms of maturation

The fruits ripen from the end of September to the first half of October. Specific dates depend on the climatic conditions of the region and care.


With industrial cultivation, the yield reaches 500-600 q/ha. From one adult tree, you can collect up to 50 kg of delicious fruits.

Frost resistance of pear Kyrgyz winter

The winter hardiness of the variety is quite high, so the Kyrgyz winter pear can be grown in different regions. Nevertheless, mulching for the winter is carried out without fail, with the exception of the southern regions of Our Country.

Pear pollinators Kyrgyz winter

The Kyrgyz winter pear variety needs pollinators with appropriate flowering periods. Suitable varieties include Talgar beauty, Emerald, Golden and Zest of Crimea.

Growing regions

The pear of the Kyrgyz winter variety can be grown in different regions, including in the middle lane, the Volga region, the Black Earth region, and in southern Our Country. Cultivation is also allowed in regions of risky farming, for example, in the North-West, in the Urals and in Siberia. But it is worth planting pears there no earlier than mid-May.

Resistance to diseases

Variety Kyrgyz winter has good immunity to scab, powdery mildew, bacterial cancer and thermal burns. However, it is not immune from other pathologies. Therefore, preventive treatments are carried out every spring. In summer, the trees are inspected and, if necessary, sprayed with insecticides or folk remedies.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Kyrgyz winter is one of the few pear varieties that are suitable for growing in regions of risky farming. They give large, sweet fruits of a trade dress, the culture is fruitful, has good immunity.

Characteristics of pear Kyrgyz winter

Pears of an attractive trade dress


  • good yield;
  • large fruits;
  • pleasant taste;
  • very high winter hardiness;
  • immunity to a number of diseases;
  • transportability.


  • the crown is dense, more difficult care;
  • the tree is quite large, takes up a lot of space;
  • needs pollinators.

Rules of landing

In most regions, planting is planned for late spring. In the Urals, in Siberia, the North-West, the northern regions are planted no earlier than mid-May. In the Volga region, work can begin in the first half of April. And in the middle lane, including in the Moscow region, plants are planted from late April to early May. In the southern regions, work can also be scheduled for early April, but it is advisable to land in late October – early November.

Pear seedlings Kyrgyz winter are purchased in nurseries, and they must be healthy, with elastic branches. The optimal age is two years. Each plant must have a trade mark.

The site for planting the Kyrgyz winter pear must meet several requirements:

  • be located on a hill – the lowlands are excluded, since excess moisture harms the roots;
  • loose, fertile loamy soil;
  • good lighting;
  • wind protection;
  • lack of high groundwater – they can approach no more than 2 m to the surface.

The soil is preliminarily prepared – they are brought in a bucket of humus or compost per 1 m2. If there is a lot of clay in the soil, sand or sawdust up to 3-5 kg ​​is embedded in it for the same area. If necessary, measure the acidity index – it should be 6-7.

When landing, they act like this:

  1. Dig holes with a depth and diameter of 70 cm at a distance of at least 4 m.
  2. Place a wooden stake in the center.
  3. Lay a layer of small stones on the bottom.
  4. The roots are soaked overnight in a mash with clay and a growth stimulant solution, for example, a few drops of Epin.
  5. The seedling is rooted, sprinkled with soil and rammed so that the root collar remains literally 2 cm above the surface.
  6. Tied with a rope to a peg, watered with settled water.
  7. Then mulch with sawdust, hay, peat or other materials.

For landing choose a well-lit place.

Features of care

Pear Kyrgyz winter needs sufficient care. First of all, seedlings need to be watered, and this should be done weekly. Mature trees are given water once a month, twice as often in drought. The liquid must be pre-settled.

Periodically loosen the soil, remove weeds. During the season, the mulch is changed twice – it retains moisture well, inhibits the growth of other plants, and also repels pests.

Top dressing pear Kyrgyz winter give several times per season:

  1. In the spring, at the time of swelling of the kidneys, urea is added 30 g per square meter or chicken manure 1: 2.
  2. In the spring after flowering, it is recommended to give nitroammofoska or other complex mineral fertilizer according to the instructions.
  3. In summer, at the end of June, foliar treatment is carried out with complex compounds containing nitrogen. At the stage of formation of the ovaries, superphosphate and potassium compounds are necessarily given.
  4. In the first half of September, you can apply liquid mineral fertilizers without nitrogen, as well as feed with wood ash 200 g per 10 l per 1 m2.

In the spring, formative and sanitary pruning of the Kyrgyz winter pear is mandatory. It must be done before the start of sap flow. At the same time, preventive treatment with Bordeaux liquid or other fungicides is planned.

In summer, trees are inspected for aphids, spider mites and other pests. If necessary, spraying with Fufanon, Eforia, Fitoverm, Aktara or other drugs is done.

Collection and storage

The fruits of the Kyrgyz winter pear are harvested from late September to mid-October. At the time of removal from the tree, they reach only the stage of technical ripeness. To reach consumer maturity, they need to be allowed to lie down for 3-4 weeks in such conditions:

  • temperature 2-6 degrees Celsius;
  • humidity up to 80%
  • lack of light;
  • good ventilation.
Characteristics of pear Kyrgyz winter

Fruits are stored in a cool, dark room.

You can keep pears in the basement, cellar. In the apartment they are stored in a refrigerator or niche for food. The fruits are not subject to long-term maintenance, therefore they are used almost immediately for the preparation of blanks. Since pears are transportable, they can be transported over long distances to the place of processing.


The Kyrgyz winter pear grows quite well not only in the middle lane, but also in the northern regions. This is one of the most winter-hardy varieties with high yields. Differs in good immunity, gives large fruits. But in order for them to have a pleasant taste, it is important to ensure regular watering and fertilizing.

Reviews of gardeners about the Kyrgyz winter pear

Pavlovskaya Antonina, 44 years old, Voronezh
The pear variety Kirghiz Winter is almost the most winter-hardy. Saplings, of course, need to be covered, mulched. But winters are well tolerated, mostly the branches do not suffer, the buds are also intact, they bear fruit normally. My trees are five years old, until the fruits reach 200 g, mostly 130-150 g. The taste is pleasant, moderately sweet, the flesh is crisp.
Serova Daria, 36 years old, Astrakhan
I really liked the taste of the Kyrgyz winter pear – it is both sweet and juicy, not “oak”. True, the taste qualities are highly dependent on the soil, care, and rootstock. Some write that there is not enough sweetness. This is most likely the effect of the weather. The variety, by the way, can be used as a scion, it is compatible with almost all apple trees.
Pear Kirghiz Winter and

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