Characteristics and description of the Laura grape variety

Laura is not only a beautiful female name, this name bears a sweet and juicy look of grapes. This godname of the plant is known to most amateur growers. But since 2011, the Laura grape has been officially renamed Flora and under this name is recorded in the State Register. This article provides a description of the vine bush, which was among the top five from 2010 to 2013.

Characteristic of the variety

Scientists from the Odessa National Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking named after V.I. V.E. Tairov. This real miracle of nature was created by crossing several varieties. Ripening begins at the end of May, and the first fruits can be seen already in mid-August. Within 115 days the grapes fully ripen. This variety is one of the earliest, tasty and transportable.

Characteristics and description of the Laura grape variety

A powerful trunk is inherent in the bushes. Fruitfulness of shoots ranges from 60-80%. A ripe bunch is characterized by a conical shape, a medium-dense structure, and its weight can be 600-800 g. If favorable weather and good care contribute to its growth, then some brushes can reach 1,3-2 kg.

Large fruits of Laura grapes have a beautiful salad-white color, and their weight reaches 6-9 grams. Laura, like a real woman, loves to bask in the sun. Sometimes traces of sunburn can be seen on berries that shimmer in the sun. Clusters do not have small berries, which is why this variety boasts an excellent presentation. The berries are characterized by a dense crispy core, inside there are large seeds that are easy to separate from the pulp. At the same time, it tolerates frost well. Can withstand up to -21-23 degrees.

The Laura grape variety has a beautiful appearance and unique taste. Delicate sweetish taste has medium acidity.

Characteristics and description of the Laura grape variety

Laura grapes have a high yield, but it should be rationed, he does not like overload. If proper care is observed, then its clusters can reach from one to three kilograms. This variety is not characterized by cracking, and it is also almost not affected by wasps. Another difference between Laura and other grape varieties is the ability to retain its unique taste and tanned appearance even in autumn.

Features of agricultural technology

Variety Laura is not very whimsical to growing conditions, as well as to care. It is characterized by high resistance to mildew and similar diseases, in addition, as mentioned above, it is able to tolerate frost at -23 degrees. By winter, the vine ripens well, the flowers are only female and are well pollinated.

Another plus is its high resistance to rot. Therefore, the variety is suitable for growing in different climatic conditions. Before planting, the ground should be well loosened, as it grows, it should be cut off, and it should be covered for the winter.

Characteristics and description of the Laura grape variety

The method of propagation of grapes – cuttings. They must be cut with two eyes. The upper cut should be directly on top of the kidney, and the lower cut should be one and a half to two centimeters lower. It is also scratched and planted in the sand, while deepening the lower kidney.

Summing up, I would like to note that the Laura grape, which was described in the article, is an ideal variety for planting in places for unpretentious berries, as well as for breeding it for sale. This is achieved thanks to the optimal plant care requirements. If you harvest on time, then on September 1 you can get grapes fully ripe for consumption.

Video “Grape Variety Laura”

This video shows the main characteristics of Laura grapes, and also shows the harvest on the bush.

@Grapes Laura (Flora), white grapes

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