characteristic of the zodiac sign and Taurus-celebrity

😉 Welcome new and regular readers! In the article “Taurus: Characteristics of the Zodiac Sign and Celebrities” – a complete portrait of Taurus and a list of celebrities born under this sign.

Period from April 21 to May 21

Taurus: the nature of the zodiac sign

Taurus, to whom the warlike Aries passes the baton, is distinguished by perseverance, calmness and hard work. Its patron is the planet Venus, named after the most charming and captivating goddess of Olympus.

That is why he is so good at the art of earthly love. His element is Earth. In his youth, he does not get tired of working for success and prosperity, and at a more mature age he stands firmly on his feet. He builds his life slowly but surely.

characteristic of the zodiac sign and Taurus-celebrity

The typical Taurus is calm as a rock. He is by no means callous, he just knows how to control emotions. Hot-tempered and fickle are rather the exception to the rule. Chatterboxes are even rarer among them. Representatives of this sign can be reserved and laconic, but they are reliable friends who know how to keep secrets.

For Taurus, material well-being is extremely important, and the best place on earth is his family fortress. There is a myth that they do not like to visit, but they gladly receive guests. Venus’s wards are real gourmets, they love quality in everything.

He is generous and kind, but you shouldn’t overuse it. Sometimes he does not notice hypocrisy and treachery, but if he realizes that he is being used, he will not tolerate, bowing his head. He is the master of his fate and will not allow anyone to be pushed around.

Taurus has willpower

He loves stability. Intrigues tire him. He will think a hundred times before cutting off and will not expose his business to unnecessary risks. Outwardly, Taurus seem pedantic, but in fact they are attracted by everything romantic and beautiful.

Thanks to the influence of Venus, beauty is far from the last place in their life. And yet, they surround themselves with it deliberately, and not at the expense of the material, as, for example, Pisces or Aquarius can do.

Typical Taurus are faithful in marriage. Wild jealousy and heartbreaking family scenes are not for them. They can endure for a long time, but when their patience runs out, it is better to run away! An angry Taurus can be compared to a bull who was shown a red cloak.

If we compare Taurus with other signs of the earthly elements, then he looks more powerful and strong-willed. He is devoid of excessive criticality, which is so characteristic of Virgos, and also does not hide behind a mask of innocence, like Capricorn.

But all earth signs are united by conservatism and respect for traditions. They do not immediately accept everything new and unusual. It takes them time to analyze and evaluate everything.

Taurus – celebrities

  • Vladimir Lenin (Ulyanov);
  • Karl Marx;
  • Catherine II the Great;
  • Pyotr Tchaikovsky;
  • Al Pacino;
  • William Shakespeare;
  • Immanuel Kant;
  • Vladimir Zhirinovsky;
  • Mikhail Prokhorov;
  • Maxim Fadeev;
  • Philip Kirkorov;
  • Audrey Hepburn;
  • Sigmund Freud;
  • Donatas Banionis;
  • Marina Vladi;
  • Salvador Dali;
  • Mark Zuckerberg;
  • Omar Khayyam;
  • Penelope Cruz;
  • Ferruccio Lamborghini.

Taurus: characteristics of the zodiac sign → additional information ↓

Horoscope. General Characteristics of the Sign of Taurus. What Minotaur Dreams About

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