Changes in traffic rules in 2022: what’s new in the rules of the road
Legislators regularly supplement, change and improve traffic rules in Our Country. We talk about the latest innovations of 2022

Changes in traffic rules and everything related to motor transport are of interest to a good half of citizens. First of all, because of the emergence of new fines and rethinking of the old sanctions. It is not for nothing that car owners so often have a question about the competence of the traffic police and the validity of the protocol.

2021 in Our Country was rich in changes in traffic rules. Together with lawyer Olga Vlasova  Healthy Food Near Me talks about the main amendments and innovations in the rules.

New fines

Automotive blinds and frame meshes are equated to tinting

“Deaf” tinting, which does not allow more than 75% for the windshield and 70% for the front side windows into the cabin, is prohibited in Our Country. But some drivers don’t want the sun to shine too bright, or they want to feel like Batman at the wheel. Therefore, they glue the “swallow” so that there is eternal twilight in the cabin. And in order not to receive fines from inspectors, they buy so-called curtains or removable tinting for side windows. From 2021, such accessories fall under the “change in the design of the car” clause. Penalty for lowered curtains while driving (if they limit the driver’s view) – 500 rubles. When re-checking and detecting the same violation, the amount grows tenfold. You can even lose your rights for up to three months.

Penalty for non-payment of travel on toll roads

There are currently 13 toll highways in Our Country. For most, entry through the checkpoint and slip through without paying will not work. But there are also those where access is free. Cameras charge. So, if you drive along a toll road with a zero balance on a special account, then a fine will arrive. Owners of cars – 1500 rubles, buses and trucks – 5000 rubles.

Tougher sanctions for persistent violators

It is also called the law against reckless bloggers. Those, for the sake of video and a sense of permissiveness, often perform dangerous maneuvers. Although not “star” car owners, the same applies. State Duma deputies made changes to the Criminal Code in 2021. Now, drivers who were previously deprived of their driver’s licenses and at the same time had administrative fines for similar violations at least twice can be punished under the Criminal Code. The sanction will be applied to those who deliberately exceeded the speed limit by 60 km / h or more, drove into the oncoming lane (including tram tracks). This is punishable by a fine of up to 300 thousand rubles, compulsory or forced labor for up to 480 hours, or imprisonment for up to two years. Repeated convictions for the same offense are punishable by up to three years in prison.

Penalty for incorrect railway crossing

Was 1000 rubles, and became 5000 rubles. If the crossing barrier closes or is already closed, but the car owner still drove, then they can be punished. If the crossing is unregulated, a train appeared within sight, but the car drove anyway, then it could lead to deprivation of a driver’s license for up to six months, for a repeated violation – up to a year.

Penalty for driving with damaged belts

If the seat belt has:

  • visible tears on the strap;
  • the strap does not extend / does not retract into the coil;
  • the lock does not fix the tongue of the belt;
  • the lock does not throw out the tongue after pressing the button,
  • or it is absent altogether – a fine of 500 rubles.

Increased punishment in the Criminal Code for repeated drunk driving

If you get a second conviction for driving while intoxicated, then the punishment may be a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles, corrective or forced labor, as well as up to three years in prison. They can also take away a driver’s license for six years.

Road changes

Signs “Photo-video fixation” were replaced by signs

Previously, drivers knew that sign 8.23 ​​reads that speed cameras and other violations were installed in this section. Now the sign 6.22 (looks the same as 8.23) only tells you that you have entered an area where stationary or mobile complexes can be located. Signs are installed at the entrance to the village. On the roads in the settlement itself, according to the current rules, the sign is not installed.

Cancellation of mandatory technical inspection

One of the big changes for 2021. In the spring, new rules were approved with a delay in passing the test until October. In autumn, the procedure was mandatory for those whose passport has expired, and the age of the car has exceeded 4 years. An important amendment is the mandatory photo of the car at the entrance and exit from the diagnostic center. At the same time, at the end of 2021, the technical inspection for cars and motorcycles that are used for personal purposes (not taxis and official vehicles) was canceled. So in 2022, an ordinary car owner can forget about the inspection.

The mandatory procedure will remain in two cases: if the vehicle is older than four years and needs to be registered, a change of owner must be registered (this happens when selling), as well as when changes are made to the design or replacement of the main units.

Traffic police officers allowed to open cars

In 2021, amendments to the law “On Police” were adopted, giving employees new powers and rights. Traffic police and ordinary employees will be able to open the car if they think that in doing so they will save someone’s life, ensure the safety of people during riots or emergencies, prevent a terrorist attack or apprehend suspects. You can open the car if there is reason to believe that the driver is drunk or carrying prohibited items.

Electronic appeal of fines

If you have an account on the State Services portal, then you can try to appeal the decision on the fine. Previously, this had to go to the traffic police unit.

Cancellation of the three-day delay in the start of the E-OSAGO

Insurers can decide for themselves what time period to set and even adjust it depending on the specific client.

STS can be shown electronically

To do this, you need to install the application “” on your smartphone. Auto. The STS is automatically converted into a QR code that can be read by the inspector. But the innovation is still in test mode, the original still needs to be driven. Also in the program it is possible to add a second driver who is allowed by the owner to drive this car.

The concept of “average speed” has disappeared

The traffic police stopped punishing drivers for exceeding the average speed – it was measured by cameras on two sections of the same road. The concept of “average speed” is very controversial. Therefore, now they are punished only on the fact of exceeding under a specific camera.

Popular questions and answers

Answered the most frequent questions of Healthy Food Near Me readers about changes in traffic rules lawyer Olga Vlasova:

How will changes be made to the traffic rules in 2022?
– The main, in my opinion, change in the SDA in 2022 will be a noticeable tightening of the majority of “driver’s” fines. This will especially affect the so-called relapses – repeated penalties for the same violations. Most repeat fines will increase from 500 rubles to 5. The secondary penalty for driving a car without a license will increase from 5 to 20 thousand rubles. There was an amendment about the use of rubber out of season. If your tires do not match the season, the inspector has the right to issue a fine of 500 rubles. Most of the innovations will come into force next spring. lawyer Olga Vlasova.
Will fines be automatically collected from non-payers?
In 2022, the Digital Enforcement Proceedings service will be launched in Our Country. It belongs to the bailiff service (FSSP). This department collects fines from those who do not pay them voluntarily. Here are just a lot of violators, but few bailiffs. Searching everyone’s bank accounts and property—especially if the intruder is diligently hiding property—is a labor-intensive business. Now a robot will appear in the ranks of the FSSP, which will automatically go through bank accounts of violators and write off the required amount for an unpaid fine.
Will ordinary citizens be able to complain about drivers using smartphones?
In 2022, by June 1, the application “People’s Inspector” should be launched. If a person has this installed on his mobile phone and he sees a violation of traffic rules, he can film and complain. For example, on a car dealer who parked a car on the sidewalk.
When will Our Country start fines for dangerous driving?
The concept of “dangerous driving” is already in the traffic rules. But there are no sanctions for him. It is used most often in the wording of the court. Like, such and such a violator not only broke the law, but also engaged in dangerous driving. They constantly want to introduce punishment – sometimes deputies, sometimes the Ministry of Justice. But so far, it has not reached the point of amending the Code of Administrative Offenses.

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