Changes in the parenchyma of the kidneys

Diffuse changes in the renal parenchyma

The kidney is covered with a connective capsule, which consists of a specific tissue, a system for excretion and accumulation of urine. Specific tissue is a group of cells consisting of the medulla and cortex. The kidney parenchyma is formed by this group of cells and has the ability to recover. To determine the state of the renal parenchyma, CT and ultrasound studies are used.

Diffuse changes in the renal parenchyma occur for several reasons. This may be the initial stage of the progression of urolithiasis, the formation of plaques in the area of ​​the pyramids, which are converted into kidney stones. Hyperechoic inclusions may represent these changes, and in some cases it is associated with renal vessels or adipose tissue. Only complex studies of the body can determine the disease.

The parenchyma of the kidney can be affected by numerous benign and malignant formations. Among benign tumors, adenoma, oncocyotma, angiomyolipoma are considered common. Malignant tumors include kidney cancer. Symptoms accompanying tumor processes separate renal and extrarenal, but they appear almost the same. Among the typical symptoms are the presence of blood in the urine, pain in the hypochondrium, palpable.

It should be noted that the same symptoms can be observed in other diseases that affect the kidney parenchyma. The disease is acute and chronic. Diffuse damage to the parenchyma is observed in the chronic form of pyelonephritis.

Detection of asymmetry in the size of the shadows of the kidneys, deformation of the pyelocaliceal system, uneven contours, uneven decrease in the thickness of the parenchyma of the kidneys indicates chronic pyelonephritis and means that the pathological process has gone too far. She has a history of acute pyelitis, cystitis, signs of an acute urinary tract infection.

Renal parenchyma cyst

With fluid retention in the nephrons, a solitary or simple kidney cyst occurs. A simple kidney cyst is represented by a single thin-walled formation that develops from the renal parenchyma. It has an oval or round shape, contains serous or hemorrhagic fluid. The size of a simple cyst is no more than 8-10 cm, huge cysts can contain up to 10 liters of fluid. Timely removal of the cyst or its emptying contributes to a quick recovery, saving the kidney is possible due to the high plastic properties of its parenchyma.

When diagnosing a multilocular cyst of the kidney, one can see that its parenchyma is subject to cystic-dysplastic changes. It has the appearance of a multi-chamber cyst, clear boundaries are expressed, this can lead to cystic forms of cancer. Diagnostic measures begin with X-ray, screening (ultrasound) research methods. Performed computed tomography and percutaneous puncture cystography. Surgical interventions are performed mainly in young and middle-aged patients.

Of the several methods of getting rid of cysts, the method of puncture of a kidney cyst under ultrasound control is practiced. This method of treatment consists in puncturing the cyst with a needle, removing the contents and introducing a special substance into its cavity that glues the walls of the cyst. Laparoscopic excision of the cyst walls is also used, i.e., removal of a cystic formation in any area of ​​the organ.

Symptoms of a simple kidney cyst are dull pain in the hypochondrium or lower back, palpation of a mass in the lumbar region, high blood pressure and total hematuria (the presence of blood in the urine). In congenital polycystic kidney disease, therapeutic symptomatic treatment is preferable, preventing further growth of the cyst, contributing to the preservation of kidney function for the longest possible time. The most cardinal way to get rid of polycystic disease is to postpone a kidney transplant.

Thinning of the kidney parenchyma

Thinning of the parenchyma of the kidneys can be caused by various anomalies, including past infections or improperly chosen methods of treatment. Therefore, all diseases related to the genitourinary system should be treated in a timely manner, carefully and it is advisable to constantly carry out preventive measures. The thickness of the renal parenchyma in young people is 1,5-2,5 cm. With age, it also becomes thinner; in people over 60 years old, its thickness does not exceed 1,1 cm.

As a result of thinning of the parenchyma of the kidneys, the size of the kidneys also decreases. The thickness of the parenchyma of the kidneys decreases in chronic kidney diseases accompanied by wrinkling of the organ.

[Video] Dr. Evdokimenko – hidden symptoms of kidney diseases that you did not know about … when they treat the wrong diseases:

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