The nails may be pale, pink, blue, their color tells us about the blood supply to the peripheral parts of the body. Nail changes may be a symptom of systemic diseases and local diseases.
Nail changes – types
We distinguish:
• watch glass nails – occurring in some defects or chronic diseases of the heart and lungs,
• spoon-shaped nails – with cup-shaped depressions of the nail plate, occurring in nutritional deficiencies,
• dysplastic nailswhich can be found in chronic eating disorders of internal and external origin, malabsorption syndromes, liver cirrhosis,
• nails with transverse grooves – after severe infectious diseases or poisoning, treatment with cytostatics,
• nails with round dotted cavities (as a result of point disturbances in the nutrition of the nail plate with the accompanying dark discoloration of the plate, the so-called oil stain – occur in psoriasis),
• small short nails – as a result of biting them, most often in children with behavioral disorders,
• the nails are clawed up – as a result of congenital predispositions,
• thickening of individual nails – in onychomycosis, in subungual tumors, after frostbite, trauma, chronic eczema, as a result of pressure (e.g. by too small shoes).
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