Changes in drug reimbursement await us in May. What will become, what will happen?

From May 1, a new list of reimbursed drugs will apply. 120 products or new indications have been added, in the case of 319 items the patient will pay less (even by PLN 683). You will have to pay extra for 306 items. In the case of one drug, the increase will be over 2. zloty. What exactly will change on the list of reimbursed drugs from May 1?

  1. In the reimbursement list valid from May 1, 120 products or new indications were added. 80 products / indications from the previous list have been removed
  2.  Patients will pay less for 319 items. The differences range from PLN 0,01 to PLN 683,05
  3. For 306 items, you will have to pay extra. In the case of one drug, the increase amounts to PLN 2164,55
  4. More information can be found on the Onet homepage

A new reimbursement list applies from May 1. The Minister of Health gives notice

The list of reimbursed drugs is updated every two months. This enables the efficient introduction of new products with proven effectiveness and generic drugs (equivalents of original drugs containing the same active substance).

Thanks to the reimbursement itself, patients can buy medicines, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices cheaper. It is worth remembering that the reimbursed products can be purchased in pharmacies that have signed an agreement with the National Health Fund.

The rest of the text below the video.

The announcement of the Minister of Health on the list of reimbursed drugs, foodstuffs for particular nutritional uses and medical devices was published on April 20. The document will come into force on May 1, 2022.

Who is eligible for the refund?

You can buy reimbursed drugs if you are entitled to publicly funded healthcare services. This means that you can take advantage of the refund if:

  1. you are insured
  2. you are entitled to benefits under additional entitlements,
  3. without being an insured person, you are entitled to benefits under the exceptions set out in applicable laws and international agreements.


New reimbursement list. What will change from May 1?

Due to the positive decisions on reimbursement, 120 products or new indications will be added to the list. 80 will be removed (e.g. due to the expiry of the reimbursement decisions or refusal of reimbursement for the next period).

Regarding price developments:

  1. For 189 products, official selling prices were reduced (from PLN 0,01 to PLN 650,52).
  2. For 33 products, official selling prices were increased (from PLN 0,32 to PLN 1950,89).
  3. For 319 items, the patient’s surcharge will drop (from PLN 0,01 to PLN 683,05) in the announcement.
  4. For 306 items in the announcement, the patient’s surcharge will increase (from PLN 0,01 to PLN 2164,55).
  5. Gross retail prices for 419 products will decrease (from PLN 0,01 to PLN 683,05).
  6. Gross retail prices for 148 products will increase (from PLN 0,01 to PLN 147,54).

May reimbursement list. For which drugs will we pay less?

Patients will pay less for 319 items. In the case of 16 of them, the reduction amounts to more than PLN 10.

Subsidies for the drug containing octreotide used, inter alia, in in the treatment of acromegaly and in the prevention of complications following pancreatic surgery. In the case of the 30 mg dose, the subsidy reduction is PLN 683,05. The amount of the additional payment itself will be PLN 4,57. For a dose of 20 mg, the surcharge is reduced by PLN 455,35 (the patient will pay an additional PLN 11,44). In the case of 10 mg, the reduction will be PLN 227,67 (the patient will pay an additional PLN 13,57).

Another drug with the lowest surcharge is a preparation for controlled ovarian stimulation, used in women undergoing assisted reproductive techniques (active ingredient follitropin delta). The amount of the additional payment will drop by PLN 58,16 (the patient’s cost will be PLN 288,77).

May reimbursement list. For which drugs will we pay more?

In the case of 306 items, patients will pay more. For 12 of them, the increase will be more than PLN 10.

The surcharge for the icatibantum preparation, which is used in the symptomatic treatment of life-threatening acute attacks of hereditary angioedema (HAE), will increase the most. In this case, the amount of the additional payment increases from PLN 3,2 to PLN 2167,75.

We will also pay more for a preparation with house dust mite allergen extracts (the amount increases here from PLN 33,6 to PLN 486,30).

The third on the list with the highest increases in subsidies is a prolonged-release preparation containing oxycodoni hydrochloridum and naloxoni hydrochloridum 40 + 20 mg (it is used in pain in the course of neoplastic diseases). Currently, patients do not pay extra for this preparation, from May 1 they will cost PLN 37,42.

The full list of the new reimbursement list is available at

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