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The coronavirus pandemic in Poland, as well as in other countries, seems to be dying out. This makes the need for COVID-19 vaccines fall. Therefore, Poland informed the Pfizer concert that it was refusing to receive the contracted vaccines. – We want deliveries, which were planned in such a large number in the coming quarters, to be spread out more in time – said the Minister of Health, Adam Niedzielski.

  1. Adam Niedzielski revealed in an interview with TVN24 that Poland refuses to receive contracted vaccines from Pfizer and pay for them
  2. The minister of health also explained that covid passports will be extended indefinitely, but only for those who took three doses of the vaccine
  3. In June, a decision will be made on a second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for people 18-80. People from the 80+ group can take it from April 20
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Vaccination with the fourth dose for seniors is starting

From April 20, people 80 years and older can receive a second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. The fourth dose of the vaccine could have been given to people over 12 years of age with reduced immunity earlier, including people on dialysis for kidney disease, people taking immunosuppressants, and people with transplants.

The spokesman of the Ministry of Health, Wojciech Andrusiewicz, emphasized on Polsat News that clinical studies show that in the case of people 80+, the second booster (booster dose) helps and protects, as does the next dose in people with immunodeficiency.

  1. Read also: Coronavirus in Poland – the latest data from the Ministry of Health. April 20 report

The fourth dose of the vaccine can be given to people who received a preparation from Pfizer or Moderna as the third dose (the first booster). People who received the third dose of the Novavax or Janssen vaccines will not benefit from the fourth dose at the moment.

The spokesman also explained when other people would be able to apply for the fourth dose. – The decision on the second booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for people 18-80 years old can probably be expected in June – said Wojciech Andrusiewicz.

Covid passports valid indefinitely. On one condition

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski on TVN24 spoke about the extension of the validity of EU covid certificates. At the moment, the so-called Covid passports expire after six months.

We will extend covid passports indefinitely to those who received the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccination – said Niedzielski.

– We in Poland have adopted such a solution, because here there is some kind of veil of silence in the European Union, ie we do not have clear declarations as to what will happen with passports. We have adopted a solution that if there is the first booster, because the majority of society had the right to access it, then after this booster we will extend the passport indefinitely – explained Niedzielski. – The regulations are designed that way. It will be so – added the minister.

  1. Read also: Niedzielski announces the end of the epidemic in Poland. The date has passed

The spokesman for the Ministry of Health also referred to the case. – There will be a decision at the end of April, we will definitely inform everyone. In Poland, everyone after the third dose of the vaccine, but also after the fourth dose, which is logical, will have a certificate valid indefinitely – said Andrusiewicz in Polsat News.

– Children already have a certificate valid indefinitely and this is the decision of the European Commission. We are introducing an indefinite certificate for everyone who has at least the third dose – he added.

Poland broke the contract with Pfizer

Adam Niedzielski also admitted on Tuesday that Poland used the force majeure clause and notified the European Commission and Pfizer that it refuses to accept contracted vaccines and make payments for them.

Currently, 25 million COVID-19 vaccines are stored in warehouses in Poland, another 67-70 million doses are ordered.

– This is indeed one of the main problems if we are talking about a certain covid situation. At the beginning, we began to provide these vaccines or resell them to those countries that, unfortunately, did not have access in the first place, as Poland was guaranteed. We managed to give away or sell nearly 30 million of these preparations – explained Niedzielski. At the same time, he added that the epidemic situation in the world has changed, it is so much better that there is no such need.

  1. Read also: Huge scale of complications after COVID-19 in convalescents. Even in 60 percent.

– We asked both the European Commission and the main companies of vaccine manufacturers to spread these deliveries, which were planned in such a large number in the coming quarters, more in time, to give ourselves more flexibility, freedom of the contracts that we have concluded – informed Niedzielski. – We want to spread these supplies over 10 years and – most importantly – pay when we receive vaccines – added the minister. He admitted that this situation would lead to a legal conflict.

The spokesman for the European Commission, Stefan De Keersmaecker, commented on the minister’s words. – EU countries are bound by obligations resulting from the contract for vaccines, but the European Commission obviously understands the difficult situation Poland has found itself in, he said.

Have you been infected with the coronavirus?

Make a test package for convalescents and check the condition of your body after the disease

Government spokesman Piotr Müller commented on the matter on Wednesday. – What we did to ensure the functioning of the Polish health care system is largely a matter of financing. That is why we have recently invoked the state of necessity clause in the context of payment for subsequent rounds of vaccines. They are no longer needed at the moment, our warehouses are full. We are pressing the European Commission to renegotiate this contract – he said on TVP.

– Vaccine procurement was made at the level of the entire EU. We are a big partner, close to 500 million in the EU. Therefore, we hope that the European Commission will be more assertive and that it will start these negotiations stronger, added Müller.

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  1. Thrombosis after coronavirus. New arrangements. The risk increases dramatically
  2. How does COVID-19 affect the brain? Scientists surprised by the discoveries
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