Divorce, dismissal from work, an unexpected epidemic — it would seem, what do these events have in common? However, they are all preconditions for our growth. But the path to a new level always passes through an internal crisis.
Crises in our life begin for various reasons. Therefore, they can be divided into managed and unmanaged.
Managed Crisis — the one that we organized for ourselves (moving, divorce, job change). It is easier to deal with it, because the new situation in which we find ourselves is the result of our choice and thoughtful steps. We can prepare and plan in advance — “lay straws”. But it is impossible to think over everything, in any case, the process of transition to a new one will not be easy (if it is simple, then the goal was not too high).
Unmanaged Crisis — this is the one that we did not plan, which we did not expect, and therefore did not prepare for it in any way (reduction, betrayal of a partner, epidemic). For example, a pandemic can be classified as an unmanageable crisis. After all, we did not expect that it would happen, and what is happening has affected all of us.
We faced difficult emotions: anxiety, anger, irritation, fear, helplessness, loneliness. We exaggerate the catastrophic nature of the situation, lose orientation and perspective, and cannot make plans for the future. This is how any crisis manifests itself, including a controlled one.
Help yourself to calm down. Return to what the crisis has not changed: communicate with the same people, live with the same husband, work at the same job. Perhaps you will start thinking about the future: “Now everything is fine, but what will happen tomorrow …” Do such thoughts help you? More likely no than yes. Because they feed your anxiety.
So stop. Take a deep breath for four counts, then hold your breath, count to four and exhale also for one-two-three-four, then hold your breath again. And so continue for several minutes. Then return to the present — look around the room, return the sensation of the body, lightly touching yourself with your fingers. Breathe. And remember that much remains the same. This will give you back your footing.
In addition, to stay calm, you can:
1. Do not dramatize the future
Try to stop yourself when your brain is trying to anticipate the possible outcomes of a situation, look into the future.
Uncertainty excites the imagination: we want to “get to the bottom of the matter”, understand and predict what will happen — to give the situation certainty. We need the situation to end somehow so we can move on. But if in fact there is no certainty, we will not create it by the power of thought.
Waiting for the «end of the world» makes it difficult to perceive reality
In this case, it is important to remain responsible and do what we can: follow the advice of experts and health authorities. Reasonable caution is useful. But being overly cautious not only harms you, but can directly or indirectly harm others.
2. Rely on reality
In emergency situations, we worry about the safety and health of loved ones, which is quite natural. But often the concern turns into an obsession: we start replaying negative scenarios in our heads over and over again: “What if I or someone from my family…”
Keep such thoughts under control. Stick to reality and avoid frightening fantasies that only feed your anxiety and are far from the truth.
3. Observe information hygiene
It is important to be aware of what is happening in the country and in the world, but do not overload the brain with information. She doesn’t protect you. On the contrary, it makes them more vulnerable. So avoid talking to negative people. Use social media responsibly: do not share unverified or scary information.
Even if the topic is relevant, do not talk about it all the time. We all watch TV enough, regularly check social networks, read news on the Internet. It is not necessary to discuss indefinitely each article or post.
4. Stay positive
This does not mean that you should deny what is happening or assure everyone and yourself that the crisis will not affect you. Lack of fear is just as dangerous as too much fear. Accept the situation as it is and look for the positive in every day.
Your attitude will help both you and others to resist panic.
Joke. A sense of humor always helps reduce anxiety. Stay at home, do pleasant things, read something light, watch entertaining programs or interesting films.
5. Follow your emotions
Pay attention to your emotions and try to name them: fear, annoyance, anger, sadness, or several at once. Give yourself permission to feel, to feel where emotions are displayed in the body, do not deny them.
Write down what you are experiencing, talk about your feelings with other people. Or seek help from professionals. Sometimes it’s the best thing you can do to help yourself.