Change the Soviet interior, budget apartment renovation

Change the Soviet interior, budget apartment renovation

You can live in a rented apartment with poor repair! Woman’s Day, together with the chief designer of A-partmentdesign Diana Lobodyuk, tells how easy and simple it is to remake a Soviet interior into a modern one.

Often, when renting an apartment, especially inexpensive by the standards of large cities, we have to deal with the issue of transforming the interior with the renovation of the Soviet Union with a bunch of sideboards, a Romanian wall, yellow wallpaper and carpets on them from time to time, not to mention wooden window frames and doorways with the obligatory presence of mezzanines above them. And worst of all, when the owner of the apartment (some grandmother) stubbornly refuses to throw away the furniture that she loves. What to do?

Do not despair! Turn on the charm and convince the old lady to at least transform her beloved apartment and promise that she will look no worse. After all, even a Soviet sideboard can look beautiful with a little effort and imagination. The same may apply to other furniture.

Start with new wallpaper and parquet

White walls will increase the space

First of all, pay attention to the condition of the walls and floor. More often than not, they are the ones who betray the Council of Deputies in an unimaginable way. Now, don’t panic! Poklet new wallpaper or paint the walls is not as expensive as you think, but the look of the room will change right there! The main thing is to choose not too bright colors and not to paint skulls on the walls, so as not to frighten the hostess or those who will live after you.

If possible, paint the floors as well. Here you can get by with a simple floor varnish. Another, no less effective option is to lay a soft rug on the parquet floor.

When painting wallpaper and floors, give preference to light colors, which are known to increase the space of the apartment. Here, get inspired by photographs of the now trendy organic interior.

What to do with the carpet on the wall?

Hang a big picture on the carpet

Suppose you are not allowed to remove the carpet from the wall. Then your imagination should come into play. You can think of a ton of ways to decorate them.

Option one: turn the carpet into a painting. Take paper the size of a carpet (in extreme cases, glue several sheets of Whatman paper together), paints and brushes. And … draw! Anything your heart desires! Then, as you might guess, glue your creation to the carpet with tape.

If you have not been able to draw since childhood and even abstraction is difficult for you, then make a picture to order. It is not necessary to use the expensive services of Nikos Safronov, do not be lazy and contact the drawing school. There, her students will help you for symbolic money, or maybe for free.

Option two: turn the carpet into a collage of paintings. This method is even easier than the first one. Paste the carpet over with pieces of paper with various beautiful pictures, wish-list, drawing-leaves. Alternatively, try turning to the feng shui tradition by putting together a collage of desires. Hang your photo in the center, your dreams around it. See how gradually everything will start to come true!

Option Three: to turn a Soviet carpet into a modern one. Buy fabric in your favorite color and texture and cover this hideous piece of furniture with it by hanging it from ceiling to floor, slightly receding from the carpet. You can tell your friends that this is your design idea! By the way, a similar method (fabric on the wall) is actually used by many designers.

Cover the rug with a cupboard

Option four: hang a blackboard (like a school one) on the carpet, on which you can draw with chalk. These are sold in children’s departments. Draw the sun on it every day and write joyful wishes.

Option five: cover the carpet with another piece of furniture (for example, if possible, a wardrobe). Here you just outwit the hostess. You didn’t remove the carpet, you just covered it up.

Option six: leave this carpet. This is, as they say, do not strain. If we consider the carpet as an exhibit of art, then it will become so. Switch your attention to the interior itself and the decor. Surrounded by stylish chairs, cheerful paintings on other walls, grandma’s rug can look very stylish.

An old wooden door surrounded by modern pieces can look stylish!

There is also a solution with old furniture. For example, if you buy a vase, painting or any other piece of decor in a modern style, then wooden old furniture against this background can look very stylish. Cover it with varnish – and you’re done! Many designers now specially order pieces of furniture with a worn, as if old wooden surface!

If there are too many wooden objects, then glue them with a special film for furniture or drape them with a beautiful cloth.

An old wooden door surrounded by modern pieces can look stylish!

Pay special attention to the decor. Cover the old sofa with a modern blanket, put bright pillows on it, and put books, magazines and vases on the tables.

Avoid arranging furniture against the wall, push the table into the middle of the room, or make a bedside table out of books; rearrange the furniture in a way that your grandmother-hostess would never have put it … Sometimes, just replacing the chairs, you can completely transform the interior. In general, experiment and turn on your imagination, you will see – there will be no trace of the Soviet interior!

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