Change of status: is it possible to transfer apartments to housing

Do I need to do this at all, and if so, why.

1 2020 June

The fact is that apartments cost on average about a third cheaper than a regular apartment. Therefore, many people prefer to buy just such a property. At the same time, they, in fact, are in many ways similar to her. Some do not even think why the developer calls the apartment an apartment – you never know, maybe it just sounds beautiful. But it’s not about beauty. And often only after the purchase it turns out that the apartments are non-residential real estate and it is rather problematic to transfer them to residential status. But you can still do this if you wish and comply with a number of conditions. We will tell you in more detail exactly how.

First of all, there is no direct prohibition on the transfer of apartments to housing in our legislation. However, in order to do this, the apartments must meet the requirements that are put forward for apartments. And this is not always possible. Moreover, in most cases, the owner simply does not have the physical ability to change something on his own, solely based on the nature of the apartment as such.

How apartments differ from apartments

Unlike an ordinary apartment or residential building, apartments were originally intended only for temporary residence of people. No, you can, of course, live in them permanently. Moreover, the buildings in which apartments are usually located are usually equipped with a sufficiently developed infrastructure, ranging from all kinds of cleaning offices to shops and cafes right on the territory; looking good and built in nice areas.

However, many elements social infrastructure here are most often absent. So, there may not be a parking lot, a playground, the necessary landscaping of the territory. As a rule, the owner of the apartment cannot influence all this. As well as the decision of the owner of the building to open a bar with XNUMX-hour karaoke right below you or rent a floor for a massage parlor.

And inside the apartment there may not be such obligatory premises for an apartment as a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, a corridor, or a storage room.

In addition, in the apartments impossible to register, register on a permanent basis, since this is a non-residential premises intended for temporary stay.

In the apartment expensive utilities (if the premises are considered non-residential, then the tariffs for utilities are increased, as for commercial premises). But you also have to pay for the total area – it costs a pretty penny.

Property tax for apartment owners are calculated at the maximum rate. For an ordinary apartment, recall, this is 0,1%, and for apartments – from 0,5% to 2%.

It is not possible to purchase an apartment issue a tax deduction, and this is a very serious loss. When buying an apartment, you can return about 650 thousand rubles.

In order for an apartment to turn into a living space, they must meet several conditions. Not all of them can be influenced by the owner.

At first, the premises must be owned, without any encumbrances in the form of mortgages and pledges. Ownership is formalized separately, usually developers ask for an additional (and considerable) amount.

Secondly, not far from the building, there should be a social infrastructure obligatory for residential buildings. Let us remind you that the developer who builds the apartments is not obliged to provide playgrounds, recreation areas and parking.

Thirdly, apartments must meet the parameters of normal housing in terms of area and sanitary and hygienic requirements. That is, the footage of a one-room apartment is at least 28 square meters, a two-room apartment – 44 squares. There must be a main room and utility rooms: kitchen, bathroom, toilet. There are requirements for natural light: the apartment must have a window, basement or basement floors will not work. Central heating, of course.

Fourthly, the house must comply with fire safety requirements, sanitary standards applicable to the housing stock. Even sound insulation parameters are taken into account.

If all this is not there, then it will not be possible to transfer the apartments to the status of a housing stock. Well, if the apartment still meets all the requirements, and a special examination confirms this, then you can collect documents and apply for renewal.

What documents are needed

  • Extract from the USRN, which confirms the ownership of the apartment;

  • copy of the owner’s passport;

  • technical passport of the apartment from the BTI;

  • receipt of payment of the duty – 20 thousand rubles.

After that, a special commission will check whether the information on paper really corresponds to the facts, then the status of the premises can be changed.

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