Change in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland

Change in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland

Thyroid parenchyma is an epithelial functional tissue of an organ containing actively dividing cells. Composed of vesicles of different sizes called follicles, these are structural and functional units. The average size of each follicle is 40-50 microns, they are all braided with blood vessels and lymphatic capillaries. Follicle cells produce a hormone involved in the regulation of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.

The state of the cardiovascular system is directly envy of the health of the thyroid gland. Violation of the functions of this important organ, the phenomenon of stagnation and accumulation of colloid in its parenchyma leads to heart failure and atherosclerosis. The number of patients who have diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma has recently been growing, this is due to dietary habits and environmental conditions.

Modern ultrasound diagnostic equipment makes it possible to make a correct diagnosis when scanning the anterior part of the neck (location of the thyroid gland) of patients. Changes in the parenchyma of the thyroid gland can be detected by palpation of the larynx, often you can notice an increase in the volume of the organ.

This pathology causes an increase or decrease in hormone levels, which can lead to problems in other organs and systems. Because it is the three hormones secreted by the gland into the blood that affect the nutrition of tissues with oxygen and are involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The growth and development of the organism depends on their activity. Diffuse-focal changes in the thyroid gland can become a prerequisite for the formation of benign and malignant tumors.

If you feel unreasonable irritation, drowsiness, lethargy, weakness, you must immediately undergo an examination by an endocrinologist. With an increase in the size of the gland, potassium iodide or the use of iodized foods help. Prevention of thyroid diseases is recommended to be carried out constantly, the course and dose of drugs will be prescribed by the attending physician.

Only the fine-mesh structure of the glandular tissue is considered normal or homogeneous, in which the dotted hypoechoic granularity does not exceed 1 mm in diameter. If, during imaging, the heterogeneous nature of the echographic structure is ascertained and there are areas differing in echogenicity corresponding to diffuse or focal pathology of the thyroid gland, then the doctor may prescribe subsequent more accurate studies.

The detection of nodular formations in the thyroid gland is a serious reason for performing a puncture biopsy and, accordingly, the treatment will be completely different. If the nodes of the goiter grow rapidly and become large, in order to avoid squeezing other nearby organs, surgical intervention is necessary. After the operation, the use of thyroid hormones is prescribed. To prevent the recurrence of goiter.

In the case of diffuse changes in the thyroid parenchyma and the presence of a heterogeneous structure, signs of inflammatory processes can be suspected. Inflammation of the perenchyma may be normal for people living in large cities where the state of the environment is not always up to par. In addition, this change is often triggered by stress, viral infections, during which the immune system suffers. The norm of the volume of the thyroid gland in women should be 18 cm3, in men up to 25 cm3.

A very important period – the bearing of a child requires careful, constant monitoring by an endocrinologist. It is necessary to monitor the hormone-producing function of the thyroid gland, to donate blood for TSH, T4 free and AT-TPO in order to know how the thyroid gland works and whether it has enough strength to provide mother and child with hormones. Diffuse changes in the mother’s thyroid parenchyma do not affect the fetus, the main thing is that its main function is not disturbed. During pregnancy and lactation, it is mandatory to take potassium iodide preparations for prophylactic purposes, the number and timing of the intake should be indicated by the doctor under whose supervision the patient is.

Most diseases of the thyroid gland in children are associated with its increase, which is the result of various pathological processes occurring in the parenchyma of the organ. Hyperplasia or hypertrophy of thyrocytes, infiltration of gland tissue with lymphocytes, accumulation of cystic fluid, and much more are caused by a lack of iodine in food, a defect in hormone genesis, genetic predisposition, radiation damage, viral and infectious diseases, nervous disorders, etc. Examination of children includes: taking an anamnesis, hormonal, immunological and cytological study.

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