Change: 7 Lessons of Survival

The new and the unknown are always scary. Especially if it takes away from us what we are used to. Or change what we are used to. Is it possible to learn to accept change with optimism and hope? The psychologist explains.

We don’t like change. And the harder we try to put life on the shelves and plan everything, we get hung up on how it should be, the harder changes hit us and the harder it is to accept them. As well as the fact that not all of our plans, verified to the smallest detail, are destined to come true.

Whether it’s about health, personal life, work, income, where you live, having children, we need to have the strength, emotional maturity, and certain life skills to cope with the challenges. The Universe puts us in a situation where we must accept change, learn a lesson, and make a choice.

Everyone once found himself and more than once will find himself at the crossroads of life’s roads, having lost all reference points, being sure that there is no way out. But there is always a way, just not always like it. How can we learn to respond more calmly to change? How to be able to find a way out in a sea of ​​doubts and understand which choice will be right?

1. Look at change with curiosity. Pay attention to what you can learn in this situation, what lesson you can learn. Difficulties do not last forever, they also have a “shelf life”. The most difficult situations teach us compassion and love, to be humane and tolerant. Don’t hide from change by pretending it’s not happening to you. Don’t miss this lesson, immerse yourself in the process of change and accept all that it brings.

2. Forget about your plans. Get rid of a thoughtful life plan. Do not limit yourself and your life to frames in which there is no room for change. Life is full of unexpected twists and turns that cannot be predicted. By relying on a well-thought-out plan, you run the risk of disappointment, anxiety, and sadness as life takes its next turn to take you to the next level.

This does not mean that you should not set goals. Need to. But it is equally important to remember that we do not exist for purposes, but purposes exist for us. They help to move through life according to our “mission” and vision of ourselves in this world. But in the plans there should always be a place for the creativity of the Universe.

3. Listen to your intuition. It is the voice of the heart or the unconscious mind in terms of hypnotherapy. Be aware of this voice, make contact with yourself. The voice of the heart will never deceive. It will help you find the truth within yourself and the answers to all questions, it can become your guide, while an infinite number of opinions of others will only exacerbate your anxiety, preventing you from making a choice.

4. Remember that there is always a choice. Everything that happens to you today is the result of past actions. The future is the result of your choices today. Use this unique gift wisely. Make life the way you want it to be. You have every opportunity for this, and everything will definitely work out.

5. You have everything you need. The Universe does not always give what we want, but always gives what we need at this particular moment. The question is: to what extent are we able to realize the authenticity of our desires? Do we really want something? Have they become victims of consumerism, public opinion, stereotypes, advertising, an imposed lifestyle?

We do not always get what we want, but we always have what is necessary for further growth and development. Sometimes we gain something after losing something else before it. For example, you can be left without a stable job and perceive it as a disaster. And you can see this as an opportunity and do something else, for example, to realize an old dream.

6. Don’t let fear stand in your way. He will whisper convincingly to you about difficulties and failures. Sometimes it can disguise itself as an inner voice, just to return you to the place – where it was familiar, warm and safe. If you feel fear getting in the way, focus on your goal. Imagine her. Imagine yourself after achieving this goal. Imagine what your life will be like. Face your fear and move forward. He simply will not have any other choice but to step aside and give way to you.

7. Embrace change and say yes to it. Instead of resisting or refusing, let them into your life. They are necessary so that you can appreciate everything that you have now, to see your life path in perspective. Change seems to offer us other options from which to choose. Try something you’ve never tried, do something you’ve never done. Expand your boundaries. It may not be the best decision of your life, but the new experience will be priceless. After all, wisdom comes after the experience that we accumulate throughout life.

Change is a gift from the Universe, which must be accepted with readiness and gratitude. Listen to your heart and follow it. By meeting change without resistance or resentment, we teach loved ones to do the same. This means that we are following our highest goal – changing the world for the better.

About the Developer

Love Revenko – psychologist, hypnotherapist, co-founder of the School of Conscious Change. Specializes in working with traumatic experiences, anxiety, phobias, addictions and relationship problems with a partner.

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