Chances of pregnancy after IVF
The procedure of in vitro fertilization is financially expensive, even under the MHI policy. It takes a lot of resources: both physical and financial. At the same time, IVF is not always successful the first time. But there are real ways to increase your chances of getting pregnant.

In vitro fertilization has been helping babies to be born for over 40 years. However, the chances of a successful procedure on the first try are low. Together with an expert, we will figure out how to increase them – and see the treasured two stripes on the test.

Percent chances

The probability of seeing two strips on the test after the IVF procedure is on average 30-40%. And to get into these percentages, it is worth trying as much as possible.

Clinic selection

The most important thing is the choice of a medical center, it is he who can affect the outcome of IVF (1). Despite the fact that all clinics work according to a similar scheme, the skills of doctors and the conditions of the laboratory in which the embryos are cultivated are of great importance. When choosing a medical center, we recommend paying attention to the following points:

  • rate of successful cycles;
  • the frequency of pregnancy in patients your age with a similar cause of infertility;
  • accreditation of the medical center and certification of doctors;
  • the cost of the IVF procedure;
  • the possibility of using additional technologies that increase the likelihood of pregnancy (for example, pre-implantation genetic testing of embryos);
  • terms of storage of embryos and the cost of the service;
  • how many couples go to the clinic in order to become parents again.

Avoid ejaculation before donating sperm

This is advice for men. Before donating sperm, you must avoid sex or masturbation for 3-4 days. Abstinence increases the number of spermatozoa and, accordingly, the chances of successful IVF. The quality of the ejaculate may vary depending on the season, for example. Therefore, it is necessary to take a spermogram several times.

High temperatures adversely affect spermatogenesis. We’ll have to give up hot baths, saunas, heated seats in the car for a while.

Eat More Healthy Fats

Studies by scientists from the Harvard School have shown that if you eat more foods containing unsaturated fats, the chances of pregnancy increase. Healthy fats protect the heart, reduce inflammation in the body, and increase fertility.

Foods rich in unsaturated fats include avocados, various nuts, olive oil, and seafood.

Other studies have shown that eating large amounts of red meat, dishes cooked with butter, reduced the number of quality eggs suitable for fertilization and pregnancy.

Relieve stress

Stress and anxiety have a negative impact on a woman’s reproductive system. Of course, all patients experience excitement during the IVF procedure. It is important to be able to deal with stress. To do this, you can meditate, listen to pleasant and soothing music, walk in the fresh air, do what relaxes you, gives you pleasure, and distracts you from obsessive thoughts.

Give up bad habits

Alcohol causes significant damage to the reproductive system of a woman and the intrauterine development of a child.

Tobacco is also among the factors that have a negative effect on the body. Smoking mothers significantly increase the risk of having children with developmental anomalies, and the chances of pregnancy are halved. Caffeine also has a negative effect on fetal development. When planning a child, doctors recommend drinking no more than one cup of strong coffee a day.

Limit physical activity

Maintaining health through regular exercise is important. However, excessive exercise significantly reduces the chances of pregnancy and can lead to miscarriage. In many medical centers, women are given a sick leave after embryo transfer. But bed rest will not increase the chances of pregnancy and can cause blood stasis in the pelvis. Therefore, it is necessary to move, but in moderation, do yoga, gymnastics or swimming.

Take a multivitamin

Daily intake of multivitamin preparations effectively helps to prepare for pregnancy. Folic acid, for example, is not only important in preventing birth defects in the fetus, but also promotes pregnancy, primarily by restoring ovulation and improving egg quality. Some vitamins may reduce the risk of miscarriage.

It is important to start taking multivitamin preparations as early as possible – at least three months before trying to get pregnant. We recommend looking at complexes containing vitamins A, B, E and C, zinc, magnesium, selenium, iron and coenzyme Q10. These substances are very important in the process of fertilization and implantation.

Folic acid prevents defects in the brain and spinal cord of the fetus, contributes to their proper formation.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) important for the functioning of the nervous system. Pyridoxine improves its functioning, participates in the formation of red blood cells and antibodies, which is important for intrauterine development.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) also takes part in the development of the fetal nervous system. Together with folic acid, it ensures cell division. Vitamin deficiency can contribute to the development of anemia, which is very harmful for both the health of the mother and the development of the fetus. To prevent such conditions, the vitamin is prescribed together with iron.

Vitamin E (tocopherol). Normal development of the fetus without the participation of this vitamin is impossible. Vitamin E is necessary for the formation of the placenta, prevents its detachment, promotes the formation of prolactin, which is responsible for the appearance of milk after childbirth.

Vitamin A (retinol). Activates the immune system, participates in the formation of the bone skeleton and teeth in the fetus. In the postpartum period, the vitamin is needed to restore the mother’s body.

Vitamin D. There are two types of this vitamin. D2 is ergocalciferol and D3 is cholecalciferol. Only vitamin D3 has a direct effect on fertility. According to studies, this vitamin promotes embryo implantation. It is also needed for the formation of teeth and bone skeleton.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Improves the absorption of other vitamins. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, which prevents the development of bleeding and premature detachment of the placenta.

Since two people are involved in the process of preparing for pregnancy, a man should also start taking vitamins. The course should start 70 days before conception. During this period, there is a complete renewal of spermatozoa in the body of the future dad. Men are prescribed vitamin E, folic acid, vitamin B11, zinc, selenium.

Chemical substances

To maximize your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby, you need to reduce your exposure to toxic substances as much as possible. What do they include?

  • Bisphenol A – This chemical compound is widely used in the production of plastic containers, bottles, bags and even paper checks. It negatively affects the quality of eggs.
  • Phthalates widely used in plastic and vinyl products and cleaning products, nail polish and fragrances. These substances negatively affect the reproductive system and the activity of hormones.

Expert Commentary

“The chances of success of the procedure depend on a large number of factors,” notes reproductive medicine doctor Svetlana Murashko. – Some of them the couple can influence on their own. For example, it is important to devote enough time to the selection of an IVF clinic and a fertility specialist. To do this, it is worth going to the first consultation at the same time in several clinics. Some offer it for free. You should find out the frequency of successful protocols, as well as ask the doctor questions that concern you. A trusting relationship with a doctor is an important success factor, therefore, when choosing a specialist, it is necessary to pay attention to how the doctor answers questions, whether he inspires confidence. During the protocol, you must strictly follow the doctor’s advice. It is important not to overload yourself with work, learn to relieve stress.

Popular questions and answers

IVF after 40 years. What are the chances of getting pregnant?

Every year more and more patients over 40 come to me, – says the KP expert. Postponing motherhood to a later date is the trend of our time. First career, housing, travel. Then the children.

I do not presume to judge whether this is good or bad. Just natural social processes. But you need to understand that at this age the chances of getting pregnant, especially with your own egg, are rapidly declining.

The IVF program for women 40+ has its own characteristics and difficulties (2). First, the preparation is always more thorough. In addition to standard tests, you need to get advice from a therapist, endocrinologist, neurologist according to indications. By this age, women develop various diseases: diabetes, obesity, hypertension. They can prevent pregnancy and childbearing.

Secondly, by the age of 40 there are few eggs left, and the ovaries do not respond well to stimulation. Despite all our attempts and efforts, age takes its toll. The chances of a successful pregnancy after IVF in 40+, unfortunately, are small. On average, at the age of 43, the pregnancy rate in the protocols decreases to 10%, and the percentage of births of children and full-term pregnancies to 5%. But this does not mean that the idea of ​​​​becoming a mother at 40 should be abandoned! There is always a chance, and happiness comes to those who believe in it and make efforts to make their dreams come true.

What are the chances of pregnancy with IVF in the natural cycle?

Increasingly, patients are asked to carry out the protocol in the natural cycle – the general trend for naturalness and naturalness in everything affects. EC means no injections, no stimulation. We monitor the growth of the dominant follicle and fix the peak of luteinizing hormone (LH) – and after 32-34 hours we perform a puncture. Then everything is the same as in the stimulated cycle – fertilization and transfer or cryopreservation. This scheme has a very low efficiency. Only 5% of programs at the EC end in pregnancy! And here’s why: we have one egg, there is nothing to choose from. There is a risk of not getting an egg at all. IVF in the natural cycle is prescribed according to indications.

How to further increase the chances of pregnancy after IVF?

Choose a clinic with an experienced doctor and modern equipment.

Trust your doctor and don’t be nervous.

Lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. This increases the chances of pregnancy. The response of the ovaries to stimulation is reduced if you eat improperly and are overweight.

Women can go to the sauna and bath, but men cannot during the program.

We quit smoking. Smoking significantly affects the possibility of conception. It negatively affects the ovarian reserve of a woman and the quality of a man’s sperm.

When can I do a second IVF?

Repeat IVF is recommended to be done no earlier than 2-3 months after the first attempt. It is believed that for such a period the woman’s body has time to recover. However, it is necessary to analyze the possible reasons for the failure and choose the time for the next procedure individually (3).

Sources of

  1. In vitro fertilization and its new directions in the treatment of female and male infertility / Kulakov V. I., Leonov B. V. // 2000
  2. Treatment of female and male infertility. Assisted reproductive technologies / Kulakov V. I., Leonov B. V., Kuzmichev L. I. // 2008
  3. In vitro fertilization / Kuzmichev L. N., Kalinina E. A. // 2014

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