Flat cap mushroom (Latin name Agaricus placomyces) is a peculiar representative of the Agaricaceae family, genus Agaricus. It differs from most of its kind not only in appearance, but also in that it is poisonous.

Champignon flat-hat: description and photo

What does flat cap champignon look like?

The young mushroom has an ovoid cap, which straightens and becomes flat as it grows. The limit of its size in a mature specimen reaches up to 10 cm in diameter, a small tubercle is visible in the center. The surface is dry, scaly, heterogeneous white-gray color. The scales themselves are gray-brown in color, merging in the center, forming a dark spot on the tubercle.

Under the hat, the plates are freely located close to each other. In a young mushroom, they are pink, darken as they mature, becoming gray-brown.

Important! The flat cap mushroom belongs to the Xanthodermatel section, the distinguishing feature of which is the yellowing of the pulp when the fruiting body is damaged, as well as an unpleasant odor and a rather large ring.

The pulp is thin, white, at the break at the base of the leg very quickly acquires a yellow tint, and then turns brown. The smell is unpleasant, pharmacy, reminiscent of iodine, ink or carbolic acid.

The leg is thin, 6-15 cm high and 1-2 cm in diameter. At the base, it has a rounded thickening. The structure is fibrous. The cap of a young mushroom is connected to a ring located just above the middle of the stem, which subsequently separates.

The spore powder is purple-brown in color, the spores themselves under the microscope have an elliptical shape.

Champignon flat-hat: description and photo

Where does mushroom mushroom grow

Champignon flat cap grows everywhere. You can meet him in deciduous and mixed forests. Prefers moist enriched soil with a high content of compost. Sometimes this species can be found near settlements.

Fruiting bodies grow in groups, often forming the so-called witch’s ring. Fruiting in late summer, most often found in autumn.

Is it possible to eat flat cap champignon

Despite the fact that most mushrooms of the Agaricaceae family are edible and have excellent gastronomic qualities, the flat cap mushroom is a poisonous representative.

Important! When using champignon flat cap, poisoning is possible, so it is better to avoid collecting this species for food purposes.

Symptoms of poisoning

If poisoning was provoked when eating champignons flat caps, then after 1-2 hours the following symptoms may appear:

  • disruption of the digestive tract;
  • heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

At the same time, it should be understood that intoxication will increase as how much mushrooms were consumed, namely, how much toxins the body received. In addition to the general symptoms of poisoning, the following signs are also added:

  • stomach ache;
  • general weakness;
  • cold sweat.
Important! The intensity of the manifestation of poisoning with champignons also depends on individual intolerance, therefore, with the slightest symptoms, you should definitely call an ambulance.

First aid for poisoning

First aid for poisoning with mushrooms flat caps consists of the following actions:

  1. An ambulance needs to be called immediately.
  2. Before the arrival of doctors, the victim must be given 2 tbsp. lightly salted water, and then provoke vomiting. This action should be repeated several times so that the stomach is completely cleared of food debris.
  3. After washing the stomach, the victim must be given a sorbent to drink in order to avoid dehydration.

Timely first aid for poisoning allows you to fully recover soon. But after suffering intoxication, it is important to adhere to the prescribed diet.


Flat cap champignon is a poisonous mushroom, its gastronomic qualities are rather low. Taste and smell directly indicate that it is better to bypass it than risk your health.

Agaricus placomyces?

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