Chamomile – Infusion of chamomile from prostatitis

Chamomile is the most famous traditional medicine. Chamomile has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic (antibacterial), analgesic and a number of other properties. For the treatment of prostatitis and chronic prostatitis in the acute stage, an infusion of chamomile must (it is advisable) be used both inside (half a cup 30 minutes before meals 3 times a day) and in the form of microclysters at night before going to bed.

How to prepare chamomile tea

Chamomile tea is very easy to prepare. It is always available in any pharmacy. Sold either in filter bags or crushed. To prepare 100 ml. decoction requires 1 filter bag or 1 tablespoon of crushed chamomile flowers. Pour boiling water over and leave for 30 minutes. If possible, insist 15 minutes in a water bath, but this is not necessary, the pharmacy recipe does not insist on this. After that, the infusion must be squeezed out – the infusion is ready. The prepared infusion of chamomile is good for a day. Therefore, it does not make sense to cook it for the future, cooked it in the evening, drank it during the day.

For microclysters, the infusion is prepared in the same way. Before going to bed, it is necessary to empty the intestines, enter 50-100 ml. infusion into the rectum. After that, it is advisable to lie on your stomach for 20 minutes. The use of microclysters achieves the best effect in acute inflammatory prostatitis and in exacerbation of chronic prostatitis.

Pharmacies also sell ready-made alcohol infusions of chamomile – Rotokan or Romazulan. They are convenient to use for the preparation of microclysters. 1 tablespoon of Rotokan or Romazulan per 100 ml. boiled water and the infusion is ready.

Important! Ready infusion for microclysters should be similar in temperature to body temperature and slightly higher than it: 38-40 degrees. This achieves the best therapeutic effect.

For prevention, it is enough to take half a glass of a machine of chamomile infusion in the morning before meals. This is achieved by preventing not only prostatitis, but also many other diseases.

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