Chamomile: benefits, preparation and contraindications

Chamomile: benefits, preparation and contraindications

Chamomile is a medicinal plant that is known to everyone. Although most often we get to know her not for the purpose of treatment – lovers guess on daisies, and girls from their lovers gladly accept lush bouquets. At this time, mankind has long noticed the beneficial effects of chamomile on the human body. Therefore, healers and healers used it to help the patient regain strength after a serious illness or to calm a person with nervous disorders.

Useful properties of chamomile

Chamomile: benefits, preparation and contraindications

First of all, chamomile is useful during the treatment of colds viral diseases. More often these include tonsillitis, SARS and acute respiratory infections, influenza. It can also be used when there is gas formation in the intestines or with muscle spasms. This flower, no doubt, is useful for improving digestion. By stimulating the secretion of gastric juice through a gentle effect on the digestive tract and intestinal mucosa, chamomile increases appetite. It is a good adsorbent, because due to its useful qualities, it absorbs toxins.

Experts also recommend chamomile with severe pain in the intestines, as it is able to reduce sensitivity and quickly relieve inflammation. Modern medicine uses the beneficial qualities of chamomile to help patients with gastritis (with low acidity), diarrhea, flatulence, colitis and intestinal cramps. Thanks to this flower, the functions of the gallbladder and its ducts are properly stimulated. Its beneficial effect also affects the kidneys and liver. In a word, chamomile helps everyone – whether it is problems with the endocrine system or with the upper respiratory tract.

Many medications to treat seizures or stop bleeding are made from chamomile. However, one should not assume that chamomile is shown only to sick people – it also helps healthy people sleep soundly and calmly. Each of us experiences stress and nervous tension at certain times in our lives. Chamomile helps to calm down and relax, which also has a beneficial effect on our sleep. Please note that only pharmacy chamomile is used inside.

Chamomile is used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. A large number of cosmetic companies use the beneficial properties of this flower to make creams that specialize in sensitive skin. It is quite clear now why a good baby cream is also made on the basis of chamomile. We can also see it in the composition of toothpaste or soap, shower gel or shampoo.

The chemical composition of chamomile

Chamomile: benefits, preparation and contraindications

Chamomile contains a large group of therapeutically active compounds. Sesquiterpenes, flavonoids, coumarins and polyacetylenes are considered the most important constituents. Coumarins are represented by herniarin, umbelliferone and other minor ones.

11 bioactive phenolic compounds such as: herniarin and umbelliferone (coumarin), chlorogenic acid and caffeic acid (phenylpropanoids), apigenin, apigenin-7-O-glucoside, luteolin and luteolin-7-O-glucoside (flavones), quercetin and rutin (flavonols) and naringenin (flavanone).

More than 120 chemical compounds have been identified in chamomile flowers as secondary metabolites, including 28 terpenoids, 36 flavonoids, and 52 additional compounds with potential pharmacological activity. Components such as α-bisabolol and cyclic esters have antimicrobial properties, umbelliferone has a fungistatic effect, while chamazulene and α-bisabolol have antiseptic properties. Chamomile has been found to have the most effective anti-leishmanial activity.

It turned out that the therapeutic effect of chamomile is a consequence of its amazing composition, which includes a large complex of chemical elements. Its composition is unique, and makes it a miraculous flower. Bisabolol oxide and essential oil, cadinene, farnesene, coumarin, choline, polysaccharides, phytosterol, and fatty acid glyceride are combined here in ideal proportions. Among the biological acids in its composition, noyl and isovaleric acid are distinguished. This flower also has antibacterial properties due to the presence of flavonoids in its composition. These include quercetin, luteolin. Only due to the presence in the composition of all these elements, chamomile has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.

Bisabolol has been found to reduce the amount of the proteolytic enzyme pepsin secreted by the stomach without any change in the amount of gastric acid, and therefore it is recommended for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and upper intestines.

5 Health Benefits of Chamomile

Chamomile: benefits, preparation and contraindications

1 Helps fight insomnia

Due to the high content of apigenin, chamomile can improve the quality of sleep. Apigenin is an antioxidant that reacts with specific receptors in the brain and causes drowsiness. Chamomile is indicated for insomnia or chronic sleep disorders.

One of the studies on the properties of chamomile took place with the participation of women in the early postpartum period. The participants were given chamomile tea daily for 14 weeks. The control group received regular tea without chamomile. Two weeks later, in the experimental sample, women noted an improvement in sleep, a decrease in symptoms of depression [1].

Another independent study followed the well-being of participants who took 270 mg of chamomile twice a day for 28 days. At the end of the experiment, they had a faster falling asleep – by an average of 15 minutes, a decrease in awakenings – by 1/3 compared with the data recorded before the experiment. [2].

The data obtained during the studies give hope that a natural chamomile-based preparation will soon be created that will help solve sleep problems. While doctors recommend drinking chamomile tea before bed.

2 Heals the digestive system

Normal digestion is the key to good health, well-being and immunity. The use of chamomile to improve the functioning of the stomach and intestines has been practiced for a long time. The active substances of the plant inhibit the development of certain diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Several studies confirm that chamomile extract prevents diarrhea in young children. Experts attribute this effect to the pronounced anti-inflammatory properties of the flower. [3],  [4].

The study of the properties of chamomile was carried out on laboratory animals. For example, in rats treated with chamomile extract, there was a decrease in the acidity of gastric juice, a decrease in the spread of bacteria that cause ulcerative processes. In addition, animals have been shown to have a reduced risk of developing stomach ulcers. [5].

Research into the effects of chamomile on the gastrointestinal tract in adults is ongoing. It is safe to say that it relieves nausea, prevents gas formation.

3 Protects some types of cancer

Chamomile tea is rich in antioxidants, which counteract the appearance of certain cancers. Chamomile is high in the antioxidant apigenin, which has shown anticancer activity in test-tube studies. It turned out that apigenin is able to inhibit the growth and spread of altered cells in cancer of the breast, skin, prostate, uterus and digestive organs. [6],  [7],  [8].

Another independent study included 537 adults who were offered chamomile tea 2 to 6 times per week. The analysis showed that the risk of developing thyroid cancer in these participants is several times lower than in those who did not drink chamomile tea at all. [9].

4 Helps control blood sugar

Chamomile flower tea has hypoglycemic properties – it lowers blood glucose. Due to its anti-inflammatory qualities, regular consumption of the drink prevents damage to the structural cells of the pancreas responsible for the synthesis of insulin. The destruction of pancreatic tissue occurs against the background of prolonged, constant hyperglycemia.

For the normal functioning of the whole organism, the health of the pancreas is important. After all, only she is able to synthesize the hormone insulin, which is responsible for the level of glucose in the blood and the removal of its excess.

A group of 64 patients diagnosed with diabetes mellitus was followed up for eight weeks. Throughout the study, the experimental sample of participants received chamomile tea, while the control sample received a placebo. The final measurement of blood glucose in the first group showed a significant decrease in performance. In the second group, the blood sugar concentration did not change. [10].

The study of the hypoglycemic properties of chamomile in animals on an empty stomach showed a decrease in blood sugar in all individuals. Several studies indicate that chamomile tea can protect the body from postprandial sugar spikes.  [11].

Promising results from animal studies of chamomile tea have prompted a larger human study. [12].

5 Can heal the heart

Chamomile contains a large amount of flavonoids – a special type of antioxidants that have the ability to lower blood pressure and the level of “bad” cholesterol. As you know, it is hypertension and high cholesterol that are markers of the risk of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In one experiment, 64 diabetic participants were divided into two groups. The first drank chamomile tea daily during meals, the second – water. It turned out that in the experimental group, all subjects had a decrease in total cholesterol, triglycerides, and low-density lipoproteins. [10].

[Video] Chamomile is a universal healer:

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