Chalcedony onions: description
Chalcedony onions are prized primarily for their high yield and long-term storage. It is a mid-season variety with a spicy but pleasant taste.
Chalcedony: onion variety description
Onions are stored for a long time without losing their taste and useful properties. This Moldovan variety is very attractive for summer residents and is widely grown in Russian gardens, and the reason for this is the following qualities:
- fruits are even and beautiful, round or oval, have bronze-colored scales and white flesh;
- they are quite large, their average weight is 120 g. Some specimens can grow up to 15 cm in diameter. From one square meter, you can collect 5-7 kg of fruit;
- is resistant to disease, frost and drought, unpretentious in care;
- the pulp is juicy and dense, with a sharp, harmonious taste, not pungent;
- the feather of the onion grows up to 16 cm in length, it is hollow, juicy, moderately bitter.
During ripening, the bulb is on the surface by a third, which increases the supply of oxygen and accelerates the formation of the fruit.
How to grow the chalcedony onion variety
The plant is unpretentious to growing conditions and does not require special care. But there are some recommendations, the implementation of which will help to increase the volume and quality of the crop:
- you need to prepare the soil in advance before planting onions. Add humus with compost to it and dig it up. Fresh manure does not need to be applied, it will promote the growth of the feather, but not the bulb;
- seeds can be sown from March to May;
- good predecessors in the onion bed are cucumbers, pumpkin and zucchini. They do not deplete the soil after themselves, and the onions will be able to receive everything they need to grow.
Landing is carried out as follows:
- We level the dug up earth with a rake.
- We make grooves with the corner of the hoe and pour them with plenty of water.
- We plant seeds or sets close to each other.
When planting with seeds, you need to prepare them:
- Calibrate by removing damaged seeds.
- Pour the remaining high-quality specimens with a solution of potassium permanganate for 2 days.
- Then dry and fold into a paper bag.
For planting onions as seedlings, they take special soil with the necessary fertilizers. We plant in grooves, in the same way as in open ground. Cover with foil and water regularly. In April-May, we plant sprouts in the beds. For a good harvest, do not forget to weed and loosen the ground, as well as thin out so that the growing fruits do not interfere with each other.