Film «Chairman»

We will build everything. We will do it!

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In the summer of 1944, this man wrote a statement with a request, sending it personally to Stalin — the lower authorities did not even want to listen to him, answering not at all from callousness : “You did everything you could. Rest.» Why they refused, you can understand from the text of the statement.

This Man, Hero of the Soviet Union, wrote to Stalin that he was morally ill and asked to help him. Than?

Be sure to read this statement, a copy of which was kept in the archives of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus, it was declassified and published quite recently. These days, it doesn’t just seem incredible, it’s amazing.

Moscow, the Kremlin, Comrade Stalin.

From the Hero of the Soviet Union

lieutenant colonel of state security

Orlovsky Kirill Prokofievich.


Dear Comrade Stalin!

Allow me to hold your attention for a few minutes, to express to you your thoughts, feelings and aspirations.

I was born in 1895 in the village. Myshkovichi of the Kirov region of the Mogilev region in the family of a middle peasant.

Until 1915, he worked and studied in his agriculture, in the village of Myshkovichi.

From 1915 — 1918 he served in the tsarist army as commander of a sapper platoon.

From 1918 to 1925 he worked in the rear of the German invaders, White Poles and White Lithuanians as commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups. At the same time, he fought four months on the Western Front against the White Poles, two months against the troops of General Yudenich, and studied for eight months in Moscow at the 1st Moscow infantry training courses for command personnel.

From 1925 to 1930 he studied in Moscow at the Komvuz of the peoples of the West.

From 1930 to 1936, he worked in a special group of the NKVD of the USSR for the selection and training of sabotage and partisan personnel in case of war with the Nazi invaders in Belarus.

1936 worked on the construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal as the head of the construction site.

The whole of 1937 was on a business trip to Spain, where he fought in the rear of the Nazi troops as commander of a sabotage and partisan group.

1939 — 1940 he worked and studied at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute.

1941 was on a special mission in Western China, from where, at the personal request, he was recalled and sent to the rear of the German invaders as commander of an intelligence and sabotage group.

Thus, from 1918 to 1943, I was lucky enough to work for 8 years in the rear of the enemies of the USSR as a commander of partisan detachments and sabotage groups, illegally cross the front line and the state border more than 70 times, carry out government tasks, kill hundreds of notorious enemies of the Soviet Union as in military , and in peacetime, for which the Government of the USSR awarded me two Orders of Lenin, the Gold Star medal and the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1918. I don’t have party memberships.

On the night of February 17, 1943, undercover intelligence brought me information that on February 17, 43, Wilhelm Kube (General Commissar of Belarus), Friedrich Fens (Commissar of three regions of Belarus), Obergruppenführer Zacharius, 10 officers and 40 — 50 of their guards. At that time, I had only 12 of my fighters with me, armed with one light machine gun, seven machine guns and three rifles. In the daytime, in an open area, on the road, it was quite risky to attack the enemy, but it was not in my nature to let a big fascist reptile pass, and therefore, even before dawn, I brought my fighters in white camouflage coats to the road itself, put it in a chain and disguised them in snow pits 20 meters from the road along which the enemy was supposed to pass.

Twelve hours in the snow pits, my comrades and I had to lie and patiently wait …

At six o’clock in the evening, an enemy transport appeared from behind the hillock, and when the carts caught up with our chain, at my signal, our machine-gun fire was opened, as a result of which Friedrich Fens, 8 officers, Zacharius and more than 30 guards were killed. My comrades calmly took away all the fascist weapons, documents, took off their best clothes and in an organized manner went into the forest, to their base. There were no casualties on our side. In this battle, I was seriously wounded and shell-shocked, as a result of which my right arm was amputated to the shoulder, 4 fingers on the left, and the auditory nerve was damaged by 50-60%. In the same place, in the forests of the Baranovichi region, I physically got stronger and in August 1943 I was summoned to Moscow by radiogram.

Thanks to Comrade Merkulov, People’s Commissar of State Security, and Comrade Sudoplatov, Head of the 4th Directorate, I live very well financially. Morally, bad. The Lenin-Stalin Party brought me up to work hard for the benefit of my beloved Motherland; my physical disabilities (loss of arms and deafness) do not allow me to work at my previous job, but the question arises: did I give everything for the Motherland and the Lenin-Stalin party? To moral satisfaction, I am deeply convinced that I have enough physical strength, experience and knowledge in order to still be useful in peaceful labor.

Simultaneously with reconnaissance, sabotage and partisan work, I devoted all possible time to work on agricultural literature. From 1930 to 1936, by the nature of my main job, I visited the collective farms of Belarus every day, thoroughly looked at this business and fell in love with it. I used my stay at the Chkalovsky Agricultural Institute, as well as the Moscow Agricultural Exhibition, to the fullest in obtaining such an amount of knowledge that the organization of an exemplary collective farm can provide.

If the Government of the USSR released a loan in the amount of 2.175 thousand cu in merchandise terms and 125 thousand cu in monetary terms, then I would be in my homeland, in the village of Myshkovichi, Kirov District, Mogilev Region, on a collective farm » Red partisan «until 1950 would have achieved the following indicators:

1. From one hundred forage cows (in 1950) I can achieve a milk yield of at least eight thousand kilograms for each forage cow, at the same time I can increase the live weight of the dairy breeding farm every year, improve the exterior, and also increase the% fat content of milk.

2. Sow at least seventy hectares of flax and in 1950 get at least 20 centners of flax fiber from each hectare.

3. Sow 160 hectares of grain crops (rye, oats, barley) and in 1950 get at least 60 centners per hectare, provided that even in June-July of this year there will be no rain. If it rains, then the harvest will not be 60 centners per hectare, but 70-80 centners.

4. In 1950, collective farm forces will plant a fruit garden on a hundred hectares in accordance with all agrotechnical rules that agrotechnical science has developed.

5. By 1948, three snow-retaining strips will be organized on the territory of the collective farm, on which at least 30.000 ornamental trees will be planted.

6. By 1950 there will be at least one hundred families of bee farms.

7. Until 1950, the following buildings will be built:

1) barn for M-P farm No. 1 — 810 sq. m;

2) barn for M-P farm No. 2 — 810 sq. m;

3) shed for young cattle No. 1 — 620 sq. m;

4) shed for young cattle No. 2 — 620 sq. m;

5) barn-stable for 40 horses — 800 sq. m;

6) granary for 950 tons of grain;

7) shed for storage of agricultural machinery, inventory and mineral fertilizers — 950 sq. m;

8) a power station, with a mill and a sawmill — 300 sq. m;

9) mechanical and carpentry workshops — 320 sq. m;

10) garage on 7 vehicles;

11) fuel storage for 100 tons of fuel and lubricant;

12) bakery — 75 sq. m;

13) bath — 98 sq. m;

14) a club with a radio installation for 400 people;

15) a house for a kindergarten — 180 sq. m;

16) barn for storing sheaves and straw, chaff — 750 sq. m;

17) Riga No. 2 — 750 sq. m;

18) storage for root crops — 180 sq. m;

19) storage for root crops No. 2 — 180 sq. m;

20) silo pits with brick walls and bottom facing with a capacity of 450 cubic meters of silage;

21) storage for wintering bees — 130 sq. m;

22) by the efforts of the collective farmers and at the expense of the collective farmers, a village with 200 apartments will be built, each apartment will consist of 2 rooms, a kitchen, a latrine and a small shed for the collective farmer’s livestock and poultry. The settlement will be a type of a well-organized, cultural settlement, surrounded by fruit and ornamental trees;

23) artesian wells — 6 pieces.

I must say that the gross income of the collective farm «Red Partizan» in the Kirov district of the Mogilev region in 1940 was only 167 thousand USD. According to my calculations, the same collective farm in 1950 can achieve a gross income of at least three million cu. Simultaneously with organizational and economic work, I will find time and leisure for such a rise in the ideological and political level of my members of the collective farm, which will make it possible to create strong party and Komsomol organizations on the collective farm from the most politically literate, cultured and devoted to the party of Lenin-Stalin people.

Before writing this statement to you and assuming these obligations, I thought it over many times, carefully weighing every step, every detail of this work, I came to the deep conviction that I would do the above work for the glory of our beloved Motherland and that this economy would be indicative economy for the collective farmers of Belarus. Therefore, I ask for your instructions, Comrade Stalin, on sending me to this work and granting me the loan I requested.

If you have any questions regarding this application, please call me for an explanation.


1. Description of the collective farm «Red Partisan» of the Kirovsky district of the Mogilev region.

2. Topographic map indicating the location of the collective farm.

3. Estimate of the redeemed loan.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Lieutenant Colonel of State Security Orlovsky.

July 6 1944 city

Moscow, Frunzenskaya Embankment,

house number 10a, apt. 46, tel. G–6–60–46”.

Stalin gave the order to satisfy the request of Kirill Orlovsky — he understood him perfectly, because he himself was the same. He handed over to the state the apartment he received in Moscow and left for a Belarusian village that was destroyed to the ground. The collective farm began with the fact that almost all the peasants lived in dugouts. Kirill Prokofievich fulfilled his obligations — his collective farm «Rassvet» was the first collective farm in the USSR, which received millions of profits after the war. Eyewitnesses describe as follows: “The bins in the yards of collective farmers were bursting with good. He rebuilt the village, paved the road to the district center and the village street, built a club, a ten-year school. There was not enough money — he took all his savings from the book — 200 thousand — and invested in the school. He paid scholarships to students, preparing a reserve of personnel.

After 10 years, the name of the Chairman became known throughout Belarus, and then the USSR. In 1958, Kirill Prokofievich Orlovsky was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor with the Order of Lenin. For military and labor merits he was awarded 5 Orders of Lenin, the Order of the Red Banner, and many medals. He was elected a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the third to seventh convocations. In 1956-61 he was a candidate member of the Central Committee of the CPSU. «Twice Cavalier» Kirill Orlovsky — the prototype of the Chairman in the film of the same name. Several books have been written about him: «The Rebellious Heart,» «The Tale of Kirill Orlovsky» and others.

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