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St Petersburg dentists from the Veronika clinic network have mastered new 3D technologies. And now you can go to the doctor for a smile that you will definitely like, because the result of the treatment can be seen in advance – on the computer screen.
Digital technologies in medicine do not stand still, covering all new areas. We talked with the chief doctor about how the latest equipment and software help dentists’ patients to find a beautiful smile.
Larisa ZATONOVA, Chief Physician of the Veronika Dental Clinic Network
Boris FRIDZON, leading expert in the field of orthopedic rehabilitation
Boris FRIDZON: “Quite recently, we could only roughly assume what we would receive as a result of treatment. All manipulations – from the location of the implant to the manufacture of a model of the structure itself – were done based on the experience and professionalism of a specialist, and sometimes the work went on the level of intuition. Today, our patient, even before the start of treatment, with the help of innovative technologies, gets a complete understanding of how he will look after the work performed. Thus, the main innovations in prosthetics and aesthetic and functional recovery of the patient took place in the very approach, the goal of which is to achieve a successful end result. “
Boris FRIDZON: “Most of all, the patient is worried about the fear of the dentist and procedures. But today, thanks to the appearance of 3D diagnostics in “Veronica”, misunderstandings have become much less, and visits to the doctor are now more comfortable. And fewer meetings are needed. For example, when a patient comes to us with partial loss of teeth, we perform a CT scan and for the first time for our patients we take a three-dimensional image using an intraoral scanner. All data is processed in a specialized program that allows you to get a complete picture of the treatment, and the future result is instantly visible on the computer screen to both the patient and the doctor. That is, the whole process is significantly accelerated. “
Intraoral scanner allows you to get 3D-impressions of the “dental” arch in just 2 minutes – with the highest degree of detail
Larisa ZATONOVA: “We are faced with such cases. There are patients who need to try on the future result. We make a temporary structure for them. But not as it was yesterday – from wax, by hand. And with the help of robotics, which allows a plane picture to be converted into three-dimensional with maximum accuracy, excluding the slightest errors. This fitting provides the patient with clarity and psychological comfort. “
Boris FRIDZON: “Now all the difficulties and any mistakes in achieving the result are minimized. The software calculates everything from the exact placement of the implant to the shape and color of the finished tooth. The virtual simulation technique facilitates the analysis of diagnostic data. Such planning increases the efficiency of communication between our specialists who take part in the treatment process, and there are many of them: an orthopedist, surgeon, dental technician, periodontist, orthodontist … And this is especially important to obtain an optimally predictable result. “
Larisa ZATONOVA: “Of course, yes. Now, knowing in advance the best position of the implant in the bone, we perform point, minimally traumatic manipulations. Therefore, the procedure itself became less time-consuming, and rehabilitation accelerated. This is very much appreciated by our patients, who value their time and cannot afford to spend it on numerous visits to the clinic, as well as on long-term recovery after treatment. “
The software calculates everything from the exact placement of the implant to the shape and color of the finished tooth.
Boris FRIDZON: “Exactly so: in the implementation of this technology in Russia, Veronica is an unconditional pioneer. This was also facilitated by one of the key principles of the company – a systematic approach and solving the problems of each patient in a complex. All the techniques that we have worked out today in the smallest detail are an absolute precedent. Without exaggeration, we are number one in the context of this technology ”.
Larisa ZATONOVA: “The main thing for us is to make a smile that the patient will be happy with. We talk about his future smile, his individual ability to look harmonious and effective. According to our observations, since everything went digital, the level of satisfaction of our patients has increased significantly from the very first steps of treatment. “
Boris FRIDZON: “In the very near future, the placement of color solutions on the tooth will also be decided by a computer and a technology called XNUMXD printing in color. A highly professional technician, who used to individually select colors and make a large number of samples, will be able to apply optical properties with the printer and create an exact individual color scheme of the teeth. Today we are already a leader in this area and are starting to implement this technology in our clinics. “
Doctors of “Veronica” remind: a smile is very important for the harmonious integration of a person into society. It is no coincidence that psychologists consider the smile to be the queen of communication.
Clinics for adults:
- st. Savushkina, 8, bldg. 2 (metro station “Chernaya Rechka”);
- Sredny Ave VO, 48/27 (metro station “Vasileostrovskaya”).
Clinics for children:
- st. Savushkina, 12a (metro station “Chernaya Rechka”);
- st. O. Dundycha, 17, building 1 (metro station “Kupchino”);
- 7th line VO, 62 (metro station “Vasileostrovskaya”);
- Savushkina, 14 (metro station “Black River”).
Phone: (812) 777-77-09