Cesare da Sesto (Cesare da Sesto)

The Italian company Perlino Optima has been producing fine wines well known to connoisseurs for more than a hundred years, but it has taken up the production of liqueurs relatively recently. Sambuca Cesare da Sesto is one of the first liqueurs created by the company’s specialists. The drink turned out so successful that it is currently exported to 40 countries, especially popular in Japan.

Sambuca Cesare da Sesto is a colorless transparent liquor with a strength of 40%. The aroma of the drink harmoniously combines notes of Chinese star anise and Piedmont mountain herbs. The taste of liqueur is rich, traditionally sweet. The senior oenologist of Perlino Optima, Signor Walter Facello, recommends drinking chilled sambuca and diluting it with freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.

Cesare da Sesto (Cesare da Sesto)

Historical reference. Piedmontese farmer Leone Facello came from a family that had been engaged in winemaking for many generations. In 1900 he founded his own company Perlino Optima. Perlino wines were in great demand throughout Italy.

The Cesare da Sesto series of vermouths, the production of which was launched in 1922, brought real fame to the company. Signor Leone named them in honor of the famous Renaissance artist, student of Leonardo da Vinci, Cesare da Sesto.

Leone Facello lived a long life. It is he who owns the words that later became the motto of the company: “Know how to do it, and learn to choose the best of what is done.” Descendants still remember their Grandfather Leone with respect and love, thanks to whose wisdom, diligence and perseverance, Perlino Optima remained in the family’s property.

Piedmont is a mountainous region that has long been famous for its vineyards. There are many small companies and just farms that make excellent wine. In the 70s, the Facello family acquired several well-known brands, due to which the Perlino Optima range expanded significantly.

But by the beginning of the 140st century, wine consumption in Italy had declined significantly. In the middle of the 50th century, it was 40 liters per capita, XNUMX years later it dropped to XNUMX liters. Small enterprises could not compete with international concerns and went bankrupt.

To save the Perlino Optima, a major upgrade was required. In 2004, the Facello family decided to turn the company into a joint stock company. And since 2006, the company began producing liqueurs, in particular, sambuca. To emphasize the high quality of the drink, he was given the name of the legendary vermouth – Cesare da Sesto.

The director of the company, signor Roberto Facello, managed to bring Perlino Optima to the international level. 75% of all products of the company are exported.

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