Cervical spine – ailments and treatment. Cervical spine and headaches

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The cervical spine connects the skull with the thoracic spine. It is made of seven vertebrae with a much more delicate structure than the vertebrae of the remaining sections of the spine, which in the lateral projection form a curvature known as cervical lordosis (the s-shaped curves of the spine give it better shock absorption properties while walking).

Characteristics of the cervical spine

The vertebrae, which we call the cervical spine or the cervical spine, support our head. The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae. The first two vertebrae, the gable and the rotating one, are additionally characterized by a different anatomical structure. This makes the cervical spine the most mobile section of the entire spine. In the atico-occipital joint, movements of bending and straightening the neck are possible, and in the at-occipital joint, rotational movements of the head. In addition, it is also possible to tilt the head sideways and, by combining all the others, rotate movements.

Cervical spine injuries

In many people, the cervical spine is a source of serious ailments, sometimes hindering work and normal life activity. It develops diseases typical of the entire spine, such as degenerative disease or discopathy. They cause stiffening of the neck, disturbance of its mobility, pressure on the nerve roots, which is manifested by neck pains radiating also to the shoulder, shoulder blades and arm. The treatment includes painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs, rehabilitation, and in the case of symptoms of pressure on the nerve structures, also neurosurgical procedures.

Find out what radiculopathy is

The cervical spine is vulnerable. Within it, the following may occur:

  1. sliding of one of the vertebrae in relation to the other (anterior or posterior spondylolisthesis),
  2. fractures of vertebral elements, in the worst case combined with damage or even a rupture of the spinal cord (this results in tetraplegia or death).

One of the more common injuries is whip lash type damage. It most often occurs as a traffic injury in situations where the vehicle speed suddenly changes. Hitting an obstacle causes the head to suddenly bend forward and straighten quickly (bending back and then bending occurs when another vehicle collides with a standing car). This results in damage (stretching or tearing) of the ligaments of the cervical spine and the muscles of the neck. In therapy, rest, temporary limitation of neck movements (also using an orthopedic collar) and rehabilitation are important.

The cervical spine is also sometimes “busy” in the course of some rheumatic diseases, mainly in rheumatoid arthritis.

Joint inflammation may have various causes. Perform an HLA-B27 antigen test by selecting a shipping spine and limb arthritis test package to check your risk of spondyloarthritis.

Cervical spine ailments causes

With age, the cervical spine degenerates, symptoms can include problems with the eyes, heart, brain, and even paralysis. This is because the most important nerves are found in the narrow openings of the cervical vertebrae. The pressure on them by the deformed vertebrae makes us feel unpleasant ailments. The degenerative changes most often include the vertebrae: 3, 4, 5, and 6. The third vertebra is most often damaged by sitting with the head tilted. The first symptom of degeneration is low neck flexibility, which over time begins to be accompanied by severe pain. The pressure on the nerves also causes temporary paresis of the hand, and on the blood vessels – cerebral ischemia.

Cervical spine and headaches

Pains in the back of the head (in the occipital part) are not always the result of high blood pressure. It is often the result of changes in the cervical spine. Pain occurs when we tilt our head forward or backward. It is often difficult to find the cause of the pain, especially when the ailment only covers half of the head and moves from the forehead towards the back. Then the pain is often confused with migraine. It is equally difficult to make a diagnosis when the pain covers the face and there is a feeling of numbness in the throat. For this reason, you should carefully monitor your body and any symptoms to describe them to your doctor. Do not overdo the amount of painkillers as this may distort the symptom picture.

How to deal with a sick cervical spine?

The recommended treatment methods include:

  1. taking care of a regular rhythm of sleep, which also reduces the feeling of stress;
  2. treatment with cold and heat – you can apply cold ice compresses to the sore area for a few minutes, and then replace them with hot compresses (e.g. a hot water bottle). In case of problems with the cervical spine, we recommend compresses using Visiomed KINECARE VM-GB6 compresses for the neck, neck and shoulder. However, you should remember to avoid sleeping with your head on a thermal pillow, as it is not beneficial for our skin;
  3. limiting physical exertion, which may put even more strain on the cervical spine – it is best to ask a physiotherapist or doctor to indicate the form of exercise that will relieve this section of the spine, e.g. swimming;
  4. specialized physiotherapeutic procedures, e.g. aerobic exercises that improve well-being and provide our nervous system with the necessary movement;
  5. treatment of the causes of ailments,
  6. baths in water with the addition of lavender or rosemary, which have anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties.

To reduce the pain associated with the cervical spine, reach for the Neck, Back, Shoulder, Neck Electrostimulator or Neck and Back Shiatsu Massager.

In turn, in the treatment of unpleasant vertigo, natural methods in the form of certain plants are used. Chamomile and mint infusion, like ginger, relieves dizziness and nausea. Ginkgo extract also has a beneficial effect, thanks to the improvement of circulation in the cerebral arteries, it soothes dizziness and headaches. Ginkgo can be taken in the form of tablets (available at pharmacies and herbalists) or in the form of tea. In addition, there are studies that show vitamin B6 to have a major impact on reducing vertigo. It improves metabolism, muscle performance and adds energy. It can be taken in the form of tablets available in herbal stores, pharmacies and health food points.

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