cervical cystitis

cervical cystitis – this is one of the varieties of diseases of the urinary system, a feature of which is the localization of inflammation in the area of ​​​​the neck of the affected organ.

Such a phenomenon is rare, but it makes a woman experience pronounced anxiety. The place where the bladder ends and the urethra begins, and those muscles (internal and external sphincters) that are responsible for opening and closing the exit, also become inflamed. This is what causes urinary incontinence and involuntary emptying of the diseased organ.

In the literature you can find the name trigonite. So doctors characterize the inflammation of the lower part of the triangle of the bladder. Cervical cystitis is a type of trigonitis.

Symptoms of cervical cystitis

cervical cystitis

Among the signs of the disease are the following:

  • Severe urinary incontinence. When a person is healthy, he is able to control this process, his sphincter opens with an effort of will. If inflammation begins, then the arbitrariness of actions is lost. As a result, the muscles open on their own, even with slight fluid pressure.

  • A person constantly experiences the urge to empty the diseased organ. Sometimes the break time is no more than 10 minutes. This symptom is especially enhanced at night, which causes sleep disturbance. The urge often ends with the fact that urine is either absent altogether, or a few drops are released. This is due to the fact that she does not have time to gain due to frequent trips to the toilet.

  • There are painful sensations localized in the pubic region with irradiation to the perineum. During emptying, the patient experiences burning and itching, especially at the end of the act. The intensity of pain varies, sometimes they are so excruciating that they force a person to seek immediate medical help.

  • The nature of the released liquid varies in composition. The analysis can show the presence of bacteria, white blood cells, red blood cells. Sometimes pus and blood are found in the urine. 

Causes of cervical cystitis

The causes of the development of the disease are the penetration of pathological microorganisms into the body. These can be viruses, bacteria, fungi and protozoa. They enter the bladder in various ways: from the kidneys, from the genitals, through the blood, or during an organ injury (during an endoscopic examination or after surgery).

There are also additional triggers, including:

  • Subcooling the body.

  • Decreased immune forces against the background of various diseases.

  • Anal intercourse and oral sex. Infection occurs due to the high concentration of bacteria in these areas.

  • The onset of sexual activity, frequent changes of partners.

  • Beginning of menstruation.

  • Pyelonephritis.

  • Infectious diseases: genital tuberculosis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, etc.

  • Colpitis, vulvitis, urethritis.

  • Diabetes.

  • Menopause, which is accompanied by insufficient production of estrogens, which causes changes in the bladder.

  • Violations of personal hygiene rules: improper washing, use of other people’s intimate hygiene products, etc.

Treatment of cervical cystitis

To be able to carry out a full-fledged treatment of the disease, it is necessary to establish its nature.

When it is proved that the inflammatory process is caused by bacteria, the patient is prescribed antibiotics:

  • Monural

  • Фурагин

  • Cefixime

  • Nolicin

Treatment with the help of installations can also be indicated, when a certain medicinal substance is introduced into the organ. Such procedures are carried out only by a doctor, in a clinic setting.

cervical cystitis

Among the most popular means:

  • Miramistine

  • Uro-hyal

  • Collargol

To get rid of urinary incontinence, the patient is prescribed Detrusitol. It has the effect of reducing the tone of the muscles of the urinary tract, affects the receptors of the bladder. It should be taken for at least a month, only in this case the effect will be achieved.

An immunostimulating effect can be obtained from taking the drug Urovaxone. It is an excellent means of preventing diseases of the urogenital area. Therefore, it is often prescribed to avoid relapses of the disease. The course of treatment can not be less than 10 days. May be used in childhood.

Antispasmodics, for example, No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine, help reduce severe pain. As auxiliary methods, it is recommended to take warm baths, undergo electrophoresis and perform therapeutic gymnastics complexes.

Diet and prevention

The patient is recommended bed rest and diet. It is necessary to abandon spicy, fatty, fried and salty foods. All spices are excluded. This is due to the fact that such food contributes to additional irritation of the bladder, causing an exacerbation of the disease. From drinks, alcohol, soda, strong tea and coffee are banned.

The patient needs to increase the amount of fluid he drinks (up to 2000 ml). This will help flush out pathological organisms from the bladder cavity. Cranberry juice has a proven therapeutic effect. This drink has a diuretic and uroseptic effect. Mineral waters without gases, alkaline drinks should be present on the table. (Learn more about the cystitis diet – what can and can not be eaten?

After diagnosis, you should stop wearing synthetic underwear, as it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Preference should be given to cotton fabrics, loosely fitting the body.

Do not practice self-treatment of inflammation, as this can lead to pyelonephritis and vesicoureteral reflux. These are serious complications that are difficult to treat.

The main measure for the prevention of the disease is the prevention of infection of the organ, which in women most often occurs in an ascending way. The prognosis for recovery is favorable, subject to timely treatment to the doctor. It is worth knowing that getting rid of the chronic form of cervical cystitis is extremely difficult. Therefore, treatment must be timely. 

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