Cereal coffee – properties, advantages, disadvantages

Many people associate cereal coffee with the taste of childhood. It is still served in kindergartens. Despite the fact that with age we change our preferences towards caffeinated coffee due to its stimulating effect, grain coffee still has a group of its amateurs.

Grain coffee it is the essence of roasted grains such as barley, rye, spelled or wheat. Often its taste is varied with various additives. There are grain coffees on the market with an admixture of chicory, sugar beet or spices. Natural grain coffee does not contain preservatives or dyes. Grain coffee differs significantly from classic brewed coffee. Since it does not contain caffeine, it does not affect the pressure change, so it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension and because it does not stimulate, it can be eaten before going to bed. Due to this the difference between regular and grain coffee, it can also be given to children, pregnant women and people with digestive system diseases who should not drink caffeinated coffee. Grain coffee Due to the fact that it can be roasted from various mixtures of cereals, it also has its own palette of flavors and aromas. Additionally, it can also be sweetened or served with milk or cream. It is tasty both hot on winter evenings and as an iced coffee washed down on hot days.

You can now buy Herbal-Grain Coffee on Medonet Market.

Grain coffee – properties

Grain coffeein addition to being a low-calorie drink, it is also a source of dietary fiber, which supports intestinal peristalsis and reduces the feeling of hunger. In grain coffee contains such nutrients as phosphorus, potassium, zinc, iron, and also B vitamins. Due to the content of polyphenols, it has an antioxidant effect. Its other properties include: supporting the nervous system, alleviating irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa, supporting the secretion of bile and reducing the level of bad cholesterol. Additionally cereal coffees with the addition of chicory, thanks to the content of inulin, they have a probiotic effect.

Disadvantages of grain coffee

Despite the many listed advantages of grain coffeeits shortcomings should not be ignored. As it is a product derived from heat-treated cereals, it has a high glycemic index. For this reason, it is not recommended in the diet of people suffering from diabetes. You should also not forget that grain coffee it contains gluten, so people who are intolerant and suffering from celiac disease cannot drink it. However, there is a kind coffee gluten-free, the so-called acorn coffeethat people with celiac disease can also include in their diet. You can buy acorn coffee at Medonet Market.

If you want to find out if your body can tolerate caffeine, do a genetic test for food intolerance to gluten, caffeine and alcohol. If the result is positive, it could mean a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. The test will show if you should take better care of yourself.

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