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There are educational organizations, the importance of which, despite its small history by historical standards, is indisputable for their region, its education system, the formation of a new generation of graduates interested in a sustainable future of our country. One such institution in the Stavropol Territory is the Poisk Center for Gifted Children, which is celebrating its 25th anniversary.
Center “Search” not only one of the best and efficiently working institutions in the system of additional education in Russia, but also the main strategic investor of educational technologies in working with gifted children of the region, truly universal, high-tech and mobile. With its help, large educational projects are being implemented, work with gifted children is actively developing.
Contingent of students Center “Search” growing from year to year. This is evidence of the relevance and success of the institution, strengthening its position in the educational services market. Currently, over 23 students, representatives of all districts of the region, study at the full-time, part-time and part-time departments of the Center on 7300 additional general education programs.
25 years of history of the Center contains hundreds of large and small matters, the past and present are rich in wonderful events, traditions and people. Since 1991 Center “Search” went the way of formation and development. At the beginning of the new millennium – takeoff and rise, in subsequent years – stability. Today, the adoption of all key decisions of the Center is aimed at the main priority – the quality of education, which is not inferior to the capital.
Salient feature Center “Search” – the ability to meet the challenges of the time. And now the Center is working on the implementation of a number of high-tech projects.
“Cooking Olympic Champions!” Under this motto, the Center implements two projects for gifted students – the Summer Computer School and the Summer Mathematical School. In these schools, for three weeks, high school students from all over the region are engaged in solving competitive problems of increased complexity. High qualification of teachers, advanced educational technologies, the level of the tasks under consideration allow the students of summer schools to win at the All-Russian Olympiads of the first level.
The center brings together gifted children, teachers and employers in the framework of the unique project “Career Matrix”. The activities held within the framework of the Career Matrix are an effective tool for planning, building and regulating life strategies, helping the student to influence his professional future today.
The Center has already learned to bring the future closer. And the future is already taking place in the new project “Children’s Technological School”, where children from 6 to 13 years old are jammed with robotics.
“Summing up the results of 25 years of work, leafing through the pages of the past, we want to better understand what has been lived and what has been done, to take the most valuable things into the future, which means preserving the moral foundations of the Center, its corporate spirit and the best traditions: solidarity, high professionalism, creative approach to business, the ability to achieve the set goals, despite the circumstances “, – says the director of the Center Anatoly Vasilyevich Zhigailov.
Pride Center “Search”, his golden fund is a unique team – talented, purposeful, creative people for whom the profession has become a real vocation and a lifelong cause! Every year, the activities of the Center’s teachers are marked with prestigious awards from Russia and the Stavropol Territory. This year alone, the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Government and the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory noted the high merits in the field of education of 26 teachers Center “Search”.
One of these days is a great occasion – 25th anniversary of the Center “Poisk” – brought together a large team of the Center for the celebration, which opened a series of festive events dedicated to the glorious anniversary! Beautiful congratulations and awards were replaced by memories of the past, pride in real victories and plans for the future. Yevgeny Yuryevich Kruglov, a computer science methodologist, under whose leadership the Stavropol schoolchildren have won prestigious medals at the XNUMXst level programming Olympiads, Igor Vladimirovich Fabrikantov, the head of the foreign languages department, holder of seven Cambridge certificates, Yulia Vladimirovna Korotych, the head of the Budyonnovsky branch, was greeted with thunderous applause. , winner of the municipal competition “Person of the Year”, Lyudmila Vladimirovna Garmash, mathematics teacher, nominee for the National Literary Prize “Poet of the Year”, Svetlana Ivanovna Kovaleva, chief accountant of the Center, winner of the competition “The best accountant of budgetary institutions of Russia” and many others. Thanks to their professionalism, the taste of initial victories and small achievements gives the students of the Center “wings of luck” that help them “take off”.
Our editors congratulate Center “Search” with a wonderful holiday. We can say with confidence that students Center “Search” the most modern and effective educational technologies are available. And the dynamics of the institution’s internal development gives grounds to assert that the Center’s contribution to the educational life of the region will continue to grow.
State autonomous
educational institution
additional education “Center for Gifted Children” Search “
355029, Stavropol, st. Peace, 460.
Tel .: (8652) 35-70-55
Fax: (8652) 35-24-48
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License: Series 26 L 01 No. 000707, reg. No. 4462 dated 25.12.2015 of the Ministry of Education and Youth Policy of the Stavropol Territory