Spring is a tricky time of the year. And people who are prone to allergies, which they may not even suspect for a long time, are at greatest risk.
Lack of vitamins, unbalanced food, general fatigue, colds … When the flowering of various plants begins to superimpose on this background, the body has a hard time. He begins to react to what he previously perceived quite peacefully. Moreover, a banal cold can end in a more serious illness. They begin to torment a lingering runny nose and cough – a complication, but with a very specific reason: allergy. Experts note that the number of patients, especially children, with obstructive bronchitis (when there is a spasm of the bronchi, wheezing) increases precisely in the spring, when the body is additionally affected by allergens of herbs and trees beginning to bloom. As a rule, doctors send patients with obstruction to the hospital, where they prescribe special treatment, antibiotics. But here it is important to find out the cause of this condition, which may well be associated with allergies. Unfortunately, often the allergic background is detected late, when another formidable disease is already developing – bronchial asthma. And it is better not to bring it to this state.
It is important to prevent dire consequences for the body in advance. Therefore, it is worth visiting an allergist-immunologist in the spring, to undergo an examination for the possible presence of allergies and a tendency to allergic reactions. Qualified specialists of the “Center for Immunology and Allergology” will prescribe the necessary tests, and based on the results – supportive therapy in the most gentle way. Since 2009, the Center has been successfully helping patients cope with allergies, concomitant diseases and immunodeficiency conditions, improving the quality of life of Volgograd residents.
Doctors with many years of experience and experience in the field of allergology and immunology conduct reception and consult patients:
Sadchikova Tatiana Leontievna, doctor allergist-immunologist, pediatrician, candidate of medical sciences, director of the Center for Allergology and Immunology, as well as
Antonova Lyudmila Dmitrievna, allergist-immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, honored doctor of Russia.
With the onset of spring, it’s time to contact an allergist. They are waiting for you in
“Center for Allergology and Immunology”.
Volgograd, Chistoozernaya street, 4
Phone / Fax: 8 (8442) 27-27-45
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There are contraindications. Consultation of a specialist is required.