
One of the most famous Ukrainian vodkas appeared on the market in 2005. In the manufacture, modern “triple” technology is used: each of the stages is repeated three times – triple softening, filtration, blending. The trademark belongs to the strongest distributor in Ukraine Bayadera Group, the exclusive partner of world alcohol leaders – French Diageo, LVMH and Remy Cointreau, German Mast – Jägermeister, American Proximo Spirits.

About the manufacturer. Celsius vodka is produced by the National Vodka Company, which is located in the Cherkasy region and since 2005 has been part of the largest holding in Eastern Europe – Bayadera Group. The plant is equipped with French and Italian equipment, has its own laboratory, whose specialists have created 120 strong alcohol recipes and registered 18 patents for innovative beverage developments.

Bayadera Group was founded in 1991, but at first it was only a distributor, it did not produce its own drinks. But already in 2000, the company’s export map was 20 countries of the world, and the number of employees exceeded 6 thousand. Since the company is Ukrainian, the representative office in this country is the largest – 30 distribution branches in different regions. Today it is the main taxpayer of the alcohol industry in Ukraine.


The company’s first own brand appeared in 2001 – the Khlebny Dar trade mark, which today is the hallmark of the Bayadera Group. A year later, Kozatska Rada, First Guild and Celsius joined the brand case. And in 2005, Bayadera Group signed a contract with the global alcohol giant Diageo.

In Ukraine, Bayadera Group has been the market leader for 10 years, moreover, in all major categories of alcohol:

  • vodka No. 1 in Ukraine – Khlebny Dar, it is also the third in the world according to Drinks International;
  • vermouth No. 1 in Ukraine – owned by “Bayadera Group” trademark Marengo;
  • the undisputed leader of the Ukrainian wine market is the trademark Koblevo, the property of the holding.

The company’s export map covers 35 countries, and partnership agreements have been signed with world alcohol market leaders Remy Cointreau and LVMH (Louis Vuitton Moët Hennessy). The Bayadera Group today has three production sites, in addition to the company producing Celsius – a winery in Koblevo and a cognac factory in Nikolaev, and two distribution companies, one of which deals with domestic drinks, and the second distributes and popularizes elite alcohol from Europe and America.

Types of vodka Celsius

Celsius Classic (40%). Classic vodka made from luxury alcohol, with the addition of softened and carefully purified artesian water and oatmeal infusion. The velvety taste of the drink is associated with triple filtration and softening, which are the stages of a unique technology. The aroma is delicate and light, pleasant taste with barely noticeable grain notes. It is served chilled to +10-12 °С. It is combined with cold and hot appetizers of meat and vegetables, with dishes of Russian, Ukrainian and European cuisine. Due to its neutral taste and aroma, it can be used in alcoholic cocktails.

Celsius Light (40%). Crystal-clear drink made from luxury alcohol, with the addition of infusions of lemon balm, sweet clover and black elderberry flowers. Light is not a characteristic of the strength of vodka, which is traditional, but of ease of use, pleasant taste, softened by triple filtration and delicate shades of herbs. Vodka has a light aroma with subtle floral notes. Serve chilled to +10-12 °C. Emphasizes the taste of meat and fish dishes, the aroma of vegetable snacks. It is combined with hot and cold dishes of European and Russian cuisine.


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