Cellulite is a problem familiar to many women, even those who are not overweight. In the fight against orange peel, you can resort not only to salon procedures, but also to cellulite massage at home, the technique of which is quite accessible to independent development.
Cupping massage for cellulite
Cupping massage from cellulite at home can be done at any time when it is convenient for a woman. By purchasing vacuum cans, you will be able to significantly save on salon procedures.
It is convenient to prepare for a massage session at home. You can make a massage oil that meets individual preferences. A body scrub will also be familiar and will not cause allergic reactions. In addition, the woman independently decides which areas she needs to put in order right now.
However, before deciding to perform the procedure, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to it:
Hypersensitive skin prone to allergic reactions;
Large nevi located in the treatment area;
Oncological diseases;
The period of bearing a child;
Vacuum massage should not be performed on the chest, along the spine, on the lower back and on the inner thighs.
Massage cups can be made from silicone or rubber. Silicone products do not lose their shape over time, do not stain and do not absorb oil residues.
Since the size of the cans varies, you can create your own optimal set, which is perfect for massaging various parts of the body. It is convenient if a special pump is included with the jars, which allows you to adjust the force of the vacuum effect.
Cellulite massage technique at home
The body must first be prepared. The skin at the treatment site is steamed. At home, for this purpose, you can use a warm bath with sea salt. After steaming, the skin should be rubbed with a hard washcloth using a gel with essential oils. The washcloth should be acted on until the skin turns slightly red and there is a slight tingling sensation. This sensation indicates the activation of metabolic processes in the subcutaneous layer.
If a hard washcloth is not available, then you can use a self-made scrub from honey, ground coffee, essential oils and sea salt.
Foot massage is carried out from the bottom up, movements are performed strictly along a vertical line, starting from the knee. The duration of the procedure should be at least 40 minutes.
Buttocks massage is performed in a circle for 10 minutes, then in vertical lines for 5 minutes.
Massage of the abdomen is performed in a circle, clockwise for 15 minutes. After that, the bank is attached to the navel and is led to one, and then to the other side. Run time – 5 minutes.
Hand massage is performed from the hand towards the shoulder, the movements are straight, the exposure time is up to 10 minutes.

The effect of the procedure can be enhanced by using anti-cellulite essential oils. They can be prepared independently, taking 100 ml of olive or grape oil as a basis and adding no more than 20 drops of the selected essential oil to it. Do not mix more than 6 types of oils at the same time.
Have an anti-cellulite effect:
Geranium oil;
Juniper oil;
cypress oil;
Cedar oil;
grapefruit oil;
Orange oil.
Essential oils are added to base oils. To prepare the composition, use clean dishes.
To enhance the effect, you should review your diet, increase physical activity, observe the drinking regimen and do not skip cupping vacuum massage sessions, despite the fact that it is performed at home.
Cellulite honey massage
Honey has medicinal properties that have been known since ancient times. To get rid of cellulite, it was first used in ancient Tibet.
When interacting with the skin, the substances contained in honey have a warming effect. There is a saturation of the dermis with microelements, the adsorption of toxins and their removal from the body in a natural way. Seals located under the skin are gradually smoothed out, and the skin itself acquires firmness and elasticity.
Honey massage from cellulite has the effect of reflexology, as the skin either rises up, sticking to the masseur’s palms, or sharply breaks away from it. Due to this, deep muscle layers are worked out, and lymphatic outflow is increased. The skin is cleansed, cellulite cells are dissolved and excreted by the body. In addition, honey massage helps to get rid of extra pounds.
To feel the effect of massage, it is necessary to perform it in courses. One course is 30 days. The interval between massage sessions can be 1-2 days. Cosmetologists warn women that it is better to refuse daily anti-cellulite massage with honey. Each such procedure is stressful for the dermis, after which it needs to rest.
For honey massage from cellulite, natural honey is required. It can be linden, floral or any other. The main thing is that there are no extraneous additives in it. Old honey is not suitable for massage, and you should not use candied honey either. Its amount per session depends on the area of the treated surface. So, for the hips, just 2 teaspoons of honey is enough.
If you wish, you can add a few drops of essential oil to honey, which has an anti-cellulite effect (orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, eucalyptus, juniper, lavender). Proportions: 1 teaspoon of honey to 5 drops of oil.
The oil must be added before the procedure itself, otherwise it will evaporate and the effect will not be achieved. If you intend to use several types of oils, then they are first mixed, and only then poured into honey.
The following combinations have the maximum effect:
Lemon, eucalyptus, lavender;
Lemon, juniper, orange, lavender;
Mint, lavender lemon;
Lemon, orange.
The course of the honey massage procedure for cellulite is as follows:
Honey is applied to the palms.
With patting movements, problem areas are processed.
Massage is performed on a small area of the body with a gradual expansion of the treatment area.
The movements of the palm should be consistent: it is firmly pressed to the body, and then sharply torn off. If at first the movement procedures are softer, then they should become more and more intense.
The correctness of the procedure is indicated by a white mass that appears on the skin. This is honey that has soaked it and comes out along with excess liquid.
One area of the skin is treated for 10 minutes.
After completing the massage, you need to take a shower and rub the body with a soft washcloth.
The final step is the application of a moisturizer.
Most often, women note some soreness during the first massage sessions. There may even be bruising on the skin. However, as it acquires elasticity and elasticity, such a negative effect will be eliminated.
So that the bruises are not too large and noticeable, you can prepare the skin in advance. To do this, she is massaged after a shower a week before the start of the honey massage course. You can also use creams, nourishing lotions, aromatic oils. A complex of vitamins – E, C, A helps to strengthen the skin.
Автор статьи: Гордиевская Валерия Сергеевна, врач-косметолог, специально для сайта ayzdorov.ru