Cellulite how to get rid of cellulite

Who, if not Hollywood stars, know a lot about cosmetic procedures? After all, it is they who have their own proven means in the fight against the eternal female ailment – cellulite. The most popular and effective methods against this insidious enemy are in Woman’s Day.

Charlize Theron Coffee and Honey Scrub

The recipe for this effective remedy is very simple and accessible to every woman. It is necessary to mix the coffee grounds with honey and olive oil to a thick paste, the proportions depend on the amount of grounds. Before applying the paste to the body, problem areas need to be steamed in the shower, then rubbed with a regular washcloth. After the paste is applied to the buttocks, for greater effect, you need to wrap them with cling film and sit for half an hour. Then, after the allotted time, the paste must be washed off and an anti-cellulite cream applied to the skin.

Anti-cellulite massage by Eva Longoria

Despite the painfulness of the procedure, it has been proven that regular anti-cellulite massage courses make the skin of the buttocks firm and smooth, and also reduce fat deposits in this area. In addition, massage helps to improve blood circulation and metabolism, cleanses the body of toxins.

Jennifer Aniston wraps

Anti-cellulite wraps really help get rid of cellulite in a fairly short time. But even after that, it is necessary to repeat the procedures as a preventive measure. This cosmetic procedure promotes the breakdown of fats, and also visibly reduces the volume in problem areas.

Preparing the algae-based wrap mixture is quite simple, and the procedure itself is easy to do at home. You just need to buy kelp or ficus algae at the pharmacy. Pour two tablespoons of seaweed with warm water and let it brew for 15 minutes. Then add egg yolk, ten drops of citrus oil and twenty camphor to them. After mixing the mixture, you can safely apply to problem areas. Then wrap them in cling film and lie under the covers for about twenty minutes. After this time, take a warm shower and apply an anti-cellulite cream to your skin.

For an anti-cellulite wrap with clay, it is best to use blue, as it contains a large amount of useful substances. In addition, a mixture of clay – not only acts against cellulite, but in general is a stimulant for the skin.

To prepare the mixture, it is necessary to dilute the clay in warm water in the same way. Then you can add a few drops of essential oils. The mixture is applied according to the same principle as the algal mixture.

Teri Hatcher Healing Mud Wraps

Sea mud is rich in minerals and nutrients. In order to prepare a mixture for an anti-cellulite wrap, it is enough to buy sea mud in powder and dilute it with cold water.

The very procedure of anti-cellulite wraps is simple – the resulting mixture should be applied to problem areas of the skin, wrapped with cling film and washed off after 20-30 minutes. After that, you need to take a contrast shower with a very strong pressure of water, and then it is the turn of the moisturizer.

Thanks to the wrapping, beneficial substances penetrate the body, toxins are removed, and the skin becomes smooth.

The effective method is assisted by Teri Hatcher, the star of Desperate Housewives.

Halle Berry Honey Massage

The simplest but most effective method for cellulite treatment is a self-contained honey massage. To do this, you only need honey, your own hands and patience.

Apply honey to problem areas of the body and simply slap your palms on them. As soon as the honey dries up, the palms begin to stick to it. Despite some pain, many women fell in love with this effective method.

Jennifer Lopez Diamond Scrub

The scrub itself, penetrating deeply into the skin, helps to remove dead particles. And the anti-cellulite substances included in its composition are algae and essential oils, remove toxins and break down fats. As a result, after applying such a scrub, the skin becomes noticeably smoother, less bumpy. There are various anti-cellulite scrubs, for example, coffee and sea salt are often used for their preparation.

Jennifer Lopez is an avid lover of anti-cellulite scrubs. Her personal secret is a scrub with the addition of diamond chips. The cost of one such procedure is $ 250. Expensive, but what kind of sacrifices you will not make for the sake of a beautiful and well-groomed body.

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