Cellulite how to get rid of anti-cellulite wraps

What can really help fight cellulite, and what procedures will you just waste your time and money on?

Myth 1. A course of wraps will get rid of cellulite forever

What kind of cellulite wraps are not offered in beauty salons now: coffee and algae, chocolate and mud, with essential oils and honey, hot and cold … Cosmetologists promise that after the course of these procedures, centimeters in problem areas will disappear, and subcutaneous cellulite fat evaporate. But to what extent do the wraps help to achieve the main goal: the disappearance of the hated “orange peel”?

All wraps are good only to smooth the surface of the skin. Improve its tone, make it smoother and more silky. But deeper, in those layers where fat has accumulated, wraps do not work. By the way, any anti-cellulite wrap cannot be used if you are allergic to one of the components of the composition.

To understand the essence of the problem, you need to have an idea of ​​what cellulite is. Cellulite is a cosmetic defect in the form of localized fatty deposits in the form of nodules and bumps. Problem areas where such deposits accumulate are thighs, legs, buttocks, abdomen. Cellulite occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle and poor nutrition against the background of hormonal surges that occur in the female body. As a result, the fat is encapsulated. Therefore, such fatty deposits are difficult to remove. If cellulite is pronounced and visible even without grasping a skin area with your fingers, then there is also a violation of blood circulation. This skin defect does not depend on the amount of fat reserves; both overweight and thin women can have ugly bumps.

Just wraps, without massage, will not get rid of cellulite. With the help of massage, the specialist breaks down the dense fat capsules. The massage is carried out with a special warming gel or anti-cellulite cream. Then the abdomen, thighs and buttocks are tightly wrapped with ordinary cling film, under which the effect of a sauna is created. You sweat, and with the sweat the excess fluid comes out, and with the fluid – part of the “broken” fat. From massage, as well as from wraps, the skin is also smoothed and toned.

Breaking fat and its subsequent release – this is how the anti-cellulite effect is achieved. Only manual massage can help with this, and anti-cellulite massagers, in turn, can consolidate the result. Fats are broken down, the volume of water in the tissues decreases, and everything unnecessary with liquid is excreted through sweat, through the urinary tract. Massage also helps to improve lymphatic drainage, which is also very important. And the best method of fighting cellulite is massage.

Myth 2. Cold helps to keep the skin toned

Cold wraps have a temporary effect. Cold pores and blood vessels contract for a while, thereby increasing skin tone. But once you get into the heat again, the skin returns to its normal state. There is a wrapping called “pebbled skin”: a composition-film is applied to the body, which is then removed. The benefits are also temporary. All wraps are good only to smooth the surface of the skin, improve its tone, make it smoother and more silky. But deeper, in those layers where fat has accumulated, wraps do not work. By the way, any anti-cellulite wrap cannot be used if you are allergic to one of the components of the composition.

Myth 3. Miracle creams remove the “orange” peel

If you just smear your body with some wonderful cream or composition, only self-hypnosis can work. Yes, there are excipients like caffeine or citrus extract. But creams and wraps work only at that stage of cellulite, when there is almost no cellulite. At the same time, do not forget about manual massagers, which must be used to develop problem areas of the body. In the fight against cellulite, only algae wraps make sense. It also draws out all toxins, gives out liquid and fat. But it does not work as deeply as massage.

To achieve a stable and long-term effect, it is necessary to carry out 10-12 sessions of anti-cellulite massage. Exercise and diet are also needed to achieve better results and remove cellulite faster. Regular trips to the bathhouse and sauna are also only beneficial. And do not forget to drink more – at least 1,5 liters of fluid per day.

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