Cellulite exercises

To get rid of cellulite, physical activity is indispensable. However, keep in mind that not all exercises will be equally useful. So, tennis and aerobics can not only help in the fight against lipodystrophy, but also lead to the fact that veins swell on the legs. Swimming and strength training help to fight cellulite much more effectively.

Упражнения от целлюлита следует выполнять в комплексе. Он должен быть составлен таким образом, чтобы тренирующийся мог решать одновременно несколько задач: подтягивать мышцы, избавляться от подкожных жировых отложений, предупреждать развитие целлюлита. Чем выше расход энергии, тем быстрее идёт процесс расщепления и вывода жировых клеток. Кожа будет приобретать упругость, кровоснабжение усилится.

Комплекс упражнений позволит забыть о проблеме целлюлита и остановит его прогрессирование:

Cellulite exercises

  • Необходимо лечь на спину, руки положить за голову, а ноги согнуть в коленном суставе. Туловище медленно отрывается от пола, этот процесс должен происходить таким образом, чтобы занимающийся почувствовал напряжение мышц ягодиц и живота. При этом, тонуса в затылочной части и в плечевом поясе быть не должно. В приподнятом состоянии нужно сосчитать до 10 и снова лечь на спину. Количество повторов – 20.

  • From the back, you need to roll over on your side and put the hand that was at the bottom behind your head. The emphasis on the floor is carried out by the free upper hand, the legs are bent at the knee joint. It is necessary from this position to raise one leg 20 times to a height of up to 20 cm. Then turn over and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

  • Remaining lying on your side, you need to put your head on your hand. The second hand also continues to rest on the floor. Now the leg should be raised 45 cm from the floor and you need to repeat such lifts 40 times. A similar action is performed with the second leg.

  • It is necessary to take the starting position, as in the first exercise. The left shin is placed on the right knee and the body is lifted with tension in the abdomen and buttocks. In this case, the body during fixation at the upper point should be slightly moved to the left. From this position, counting up to 10 is kept. The number of repetitions is 25. The exercise is performed with a change of legs.

  • Now you need to rise and kneel with your arms outstretched forward. The arms are retracted to the right side, and the torso falls on the right thigh, then again you need to return to the starting position. Such lifts need to be done 10 times for each thigh.

  • You need to lie on your right side with your elbows on the floor. Extended legs rise and stretch to the left. The number of repetitions is 10 times. Then you should do this exercise for the other side.

  • The next exercise is performed from a sitting position. You need to rest on your elbows, bend your legs at the knees and try to reach them to your forehead. Return to starting position. This exercise is performed 15 times.

  • You need to continue to sit, but now with emphasis on the palms. One leg is bent at the knee and taken to the side, and the other is left straight and lifted up. In this case, the foot of the bent leg should become the fulcrum. Perform the exercise 10 times and change legs.

  • Anti-cellulite bike.

The more often a woman will walk in the fresh air, while pedaling a bicycle, the faster she will get rid of cellulite. In addition, it will be possible to noticeably pump up the muscles. A lot of time for such a workout is not required. At the very beginning of the ride, you need to pedal slowly (about 3 minutes), after which the pace should increase. At the maximum capacity, you should hold out for 4 minutes. After that, the speed decreases, the person rests and the exercise is performed again. This will allow not only to get rid of excess fat, but also to train the cardiovascular system.

  • Скакалка в борьбе с целлюлитом. Just by jumping rope, you can spend a lot of calories and, in addition to losing weight, get rid of cellulite. However, you should not stop jumping, as the orange peel will return again.

  • Hoop in the fight against cellulite. С помощью обруча можно избавиться от подкожного жира и укрепить мышечный каркас спины. Лучше всего крутить его в утренние часы по 15 минут каждый день. Уже спустя 14 дней таких занятий можно будет увидеть первый результат.

  • Бежим от целлюлита прочь. Morning running can be extremely beneficial, because thanks to it, blood circulation normalizes, extra pounds go away, cellulite is eliminated and the level of health in general increases.

Лучше, если занятия будут проходить в ранние часы, до первого принятия пищи, либо спустя час после завтрака. Однако, нагрузка в этом случае должна быть незначительной. Не следует изнурять свой организм, начиная с первой пробежки. Увеличение нагрузки и времени, отводимого на бег должно увеличиваться постепенно.

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