Celine Dion: biography, personal life, facts and video

Celine Dion: biography, personal life, facts and video

😉 Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Celine Dion: biography, personal life, video” about the popular Canadian singer. If this is a new name for you, I’m sure you heard her voice. It is difficult to find a modern person in the world who has not heard the song from the movie “Titanic”. This is Celine Dion’s voice.

Celine Dion: biography

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is the singer’s full name. She came to this world in the spring of 1968. Celine is from a large family, besides her there were 13 more children.

Mother and father were musicians and ran a small piano bar in the province of Quebec. At the age of 5, Celine decided to become a singer. When she turned 12, she wrote a French song with her mother and brother that changed her life forever.

Rene Angelil

The tape of the song was sent to producer Rene Angelil. They say that when Rene heard her singing, he could not hold back his tears. A year later, this producer set himself a goal: to make Celine a famous singer in the world. Rene mortgaged his own house to sponsor the young singer’s debut album!

With the support of Rene, she embarks on a musical career. In 1982, 14-year-old Dion won the Composers’ Competition in Japan. Studying at an English school helped her polish her English.

It was a necessary pass to the big world. Soon, from a teenager, Dion turned into a young singer, ready for all the difficulties.

Celine Dion: biography, personal life, facts and video

After winning Eurovision, the 20-year-old singer has already enjoyed superstar status in her native Quebec.

Soon, the relationship between the producer and the singer grew from business to something more. 26 years of age difference forced lovers to hide their relationship. After several years of conspiracy in 1994, the happy couple got married. Rene Angelil became the closest person in the world after his parents. They will live in marriage for 22 years.

A diary

The pop star keeps a diary, entries in which he does not forget to do daily. Recently, she has often entered there quotes from her late husband. Celine believes that he was a very wise man, and is afraid to forget some of his sayings, which seem especially valuable to her. The pop star started this tradition during his lifetime.

Rene Angelil died in January 2016 from cancer (at the same time her brother died from the same disease). She still takes this loss hard. And when she misses her beloved, she tries to communicate with him using a diary.

Celine Dion: biography, personal life, facts and video

“The constant travel around the world with tours is a huge and difficult task,” says the 49-year-old widow. – This is especially so when you have three children. Traveling becomes problematic, sometimes it scares me. And now everything has become even more difficult, my grief has not yet passed.

She took a long vacation in order to be with her husband in the last hours of his life.

“He suffered for three years,” the widow complains. – It’s long. I took a vacation for a year and told him: “I can live well only next to you, I do not live for the sake of a career, you are my life, my work.”

Any wife will do this, any mother will do this. And any artist will do the same. I took care of him in the best possible way, did the best I could. We talked a lot, took notes together. I still have a notebook and a pencil. All his questions, comments, thoughts I write down there.

Today Dion is learning to live anew in a world in which there is no longer a loved one. Dion’s height is 1,71 m, the zodiac sign is Aries.


In this video additional and detailed information “Celine Dion: biography, personal life”. Photos of parents, husband, children, home, interior, etc.

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